after the storm, here's my current rig

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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
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In the good old days (6 months ago), I had a couple dozen, all modded out by every modder out there....people may be wondering if I jumped ship, but I am still stoked about mts tone- especially with the mods!
After my recent sell-a-thon, here is my current rig:

Gigmods: Blackface, Tweed, JTM, SL+, Recto
Salvation: Stonerverb, Mamba
Jaded Faith: Mr. Scary
stock: Rectified (soon to be Salvo-upgraded)

rm100KH, rm50, rm20, rt2/50

for sale: Gigmods Brown, Gigmods XTC
Can't believe you sold the Gigmods Mark...are you going to try a Markus?
I'm in stuck in indecision- which buys me time because I'm broke!

But I'm thinking of getting another Mamba, since that is currently my goto dropA rhythm, but I'd like to hear the new Punch switch. I may choose to keep the 2 Mambas, or maybe flip one (although nothing is being flipped right now looking at the classifieds)

I am interested in hearing Salvo's MashAll...the Gigmods SL+ has long been my #1 module, so I'm always up for hearing another Marshall module.

The MarkUS I am curious about, but I sort of came to the conclusion that the Mark tone is a great one, but may not be right for me for rhythms- it's so filled with quality tone it loses the angry edge, at that point I like the Marshall..... and for leads I really enjoy the GigmodRecto (orange engaged)

I've been kicking this around for a few months now....but in my current situation, I have a band starting on the ground level, we're doing some dropA stuff that really works well with PeteBFace, PeteRecto(Orange), and Mamba in my rm100KH

Have you owned a Dead Plate before? If so, your thoughts on that vs. Mamba.

I am new to MTS, but trying to not overlap too much on tones.

No, I never did play through a Deadplate...I imagine it has Salvation's signature brutality built in :D
crankyrayhanky said:
I am interested in hearing Salvo's MashAll...

here it is ;)
and soon will be more...
Here's my desert island 4:

Gigmods Mark
Salvo Deadplate
Egnater COD
Hilly XTC

..these are the four I gravitate too...I've considered selling everything but these...can't quite do it..LOL
ROcktober Update, with explanations of how the modules survived the storms:
Blackface: best clean I ever played period. Can get close to crystal, but even better is the charcter clean that has just a bit of edge. I love the warm organic nature of all of Gigmods clean mods

Tweed:picks up where Bface leaves off; absolutely awesome with a Strat (& a wah), SRV/Los Lonely Boys tones everywhere

JTM: I don't use this often, but it sounds so different from the others it would be hard to sell off. It gets Jimi jangly, but I really enjoy the cool jazzy tones this puppy delivers on a neck pickup with the guitar treble dialed down- huge low end like no other

SL+ : 800 on a switch, this mod was my #1 for years and remains in constant rotation. This mod delivered tones on recordings that ended up on a major Phila radio station and propelled my band onto the big stage of the Trocadero- and it killed live! Rhythms and Lead are inspiring. I love the Zakk-ness, and it also has a nice half driven Plexi-ish tone that enable me to sell off all 9 Plexis I owned (true story-lol)

Recto : beat out a Triple rec in an all day battle during a recording session. The Red sounds dead on- which means it also carries the limitations of the Mesa Red. The real magic is in the Orange channel- it has been my solo tone for years now, it's real special. It allowed me to give up my Mark when I was in a money crunch- the orange is in the Mark ballpark

Stonerverb: quite possibly the perfect module. It can do pop-rock to Slipknot. The cleans are surprisingly cool. The lead tone is phenomenal. Reminds me of Orange amps a whole lot which I love. I can't believe how low this mod flies under the radar- if I had only 1 mod it would be this one

Angel This is my 2nd Angel I had built, lol. This one has the works, including balls and edge switch. It is currently my most used module- it has a clarity and articulation on leads that is great, especially on sweep arpeggios (edge switch yes!). Rules with an SG. Killer beyond-Marshall setting, fantastic scooped setting, friendly and chimey clean capability too.

I have a stock tweed on the way from the bay, so tune in next month to see where we're at....
crankyrayhanky said:
Angel This is my 2nd Angel I had built, lol. This one has the works, including balls and edge switch. It is currently my most used module- it has a clarity and articulation on leads that is great, especially on sweep arpeggios (edge switch yes!). Rules with an SG. Killer beyond-Marshall setting, fantastic scooped setting, friendly and chimey clean capability too.
I'm sorry did you say friendly and chimey clean sound capabilities with the Angel? I thought that thing was just a gain machine. Is it a usable clean? What would you compare it to? BTW your rig is bad ***.
yes, there is a gain switch on my Angel (not available on the 6 pot model)
It certainly gets that dirty clean, but if I back the pre gain down low and crank the master, it yields a very likeable crystal clean tone.....I'll try to put a clip up if you're interested.
Very cool. It seems that people report that Salvation mods are capable of extreme versatility. I just saw a demo of a guy using the Loneclean to get a saturated gain tone.
WTF. And the Angel will do a clean? That's really cool. :twisted: :shock: :twisted:
I don't see why it wouldn't do a clean. I played a bleepin' Line 6 POD HD500 on Monday and got the Engl Fireball model to clean up just rolling off the volume knob on the guitar. At the bottom end of the volume knob it was almost a Fender clean with a little sizzle. That's a modeler. A tube amp should be able to do that too.
Hi, I'm Matt and I'm a POD lover....

*Hi Matt*

I started with a Johnson J Station and HATED it....Bought a POD and it was a love affair that lasted a long time....All the way thru the Spider Valve series... I still own a PODxt and Bass PODxt...The software is easy and great and the net access let's you download exact patches of what you need or seek....My last CD was almost all PODxt tones...Live drums and all, but mostly late night guitar tracks...My MTS rig sounds WAY better now and I can't wait to drop some new songs on you guys...But Line 6 will always get my attention when they release something...Most of the Line 6 haters couldn't even explain how or why they actually work...

I fear Axe FX very much as I know it may be a mind blowing experience...I've decided to watch that all play out and do MTS for now...In a few years, Axe FX will be great or not...Then I'll make my move...Until then, so long as Salvation, Pete, Hilly and company keep putting out great modules, I'm a happy camper....