after the storm, here's my current rig

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I'm very impressed with some of the clips and capability of the axe fx...but in the end, it is a compu chip that will quickly devalue when the next generation arrives- unlike tube amps that will always deliver the tone

Plus, I love my modules/tones! I thought the axe fx might be a good headphone option with my new baby, but then I realized the Angel>rm20 di out isn't so bad, then reamp later.

But the line6 makes my skin crawl- I have a few horror stories of being in projects with another player who jams that hideous screetchy unit down my throat "I just have to spend some time with it to dial it in" whatever, those units put people into a hypnotic state when they're alone, makes you think it's wonderful, but then join a band and you can't find 1 decent tone- it totally sux

Now if you agree, put a 5751 tube above your doorway and I will pass over your house without cause- all others I will smite with raining frogs and locusts
I recently took the dive and bought an Axe-FX Ultra, based on the many many good reviews and my nearly instinctual desire to tweak (I work in technology). The Axe really satisfies on those lines. HOwever, it has a HUUUUUUGE learning curve to really master the thing - one which I am still grappling with. It's a very deep unit, for sure. I have heard whisperings of the new Line 6 HD series, and I'm curious, merely as a spectator, how they may have improved their notoriously digital modelling. I have tried a few Line 6 products, from the Guitarport and M13 to the POD XT Live, and really enjoyed the ease of use and the relative quickness in which you could get a decent tone out of them. I also just bought a LIne 6 G30 wireless system, which I must say is really quite good. So, I apologize mighty elders for desecrating the thread with questions of POD HD nature hehe
Sorry I "desecrated" the thread. It's not going to replace my Randall amp. It will supplement it. However this unit serves multiple purposes to me:

* amp backup -- never gig without one.
* after 10 pm playing at home -- I can't turn my amp up past 7:15 on the MV then so I've been using a POD 2.0.
* outboard amp modeler for recording to save processor power on my PC -- this is where it will shine.
* floor board multi-fx unit for the Lynch Box -- it does have an M13 in it and that alone makes it worth the entry price. You just turn off the amp models and use it as an effects unit. It does have a "line level" switch which makes it the only floor MFX/Modeler that can run with the MTS and Egnater amps without a line level shifter via the 4 cable method.
* and it does have models of amps for which there are no modules - and in this manner I can use it as a preamp. It does give the "amp in the room feel" this way. I've tried it.

The models aren't as good as the AXE, yet, but IMO they are better than the Eleven Rack. Unfortunately they don't have a SLO on it, but they do have the Uberschall. I think L6 didn't want another list of the same old same old. They've got an old Park model, a "garage" amp in the Gibson EH185 which sounds great, and some boutique amps like Divided by 13, Dr. Z Route 66, and went the Engl Fireball instead of everyone else's Powerball.

So I bought one yesterday. I got the HD400. I took a box of Boss pedals that I hadn't used in two years, and a bass I hadn't played since I got Reason 4 (okay hate me now -- I use a virtual instrument for bass) into Guitar Center. I got $1.53 in change after preordering the 400. No out of pocket cash. The 400 should be in the store today or in a couple days, depending upon if they went to the Kirkland store.

But the arguments that "it's a computer processor that will go out of date in 18 months" while true, if you carried that logic you 1) wait forever to buy a PC; 2) wouldn't buy any new televisions because the prices will drop in two years, but then they're obsolete because 3D will be out then.

You must also take into account that I'm not a pure guitarist. I'll 'fess up. I'm a keyboardist who plays guitar, not a guitarist who plays some keyboards.
It all has its place and Line 6 is very good at delivering reasonable modeling at a relatively inexpensive price...And they do a lot of research and put out products that can compete with higher priced gear....Is it as good? Hell no...Is it close? Not on its own, but you can get it there fast if you understand what you're doing...Fractal's Axe FX is probably amazing and I'll bet rhequiem gets some great tones outta it...But he'll be back...I kinda hope he never leaves as he's my first real MTS buddy... :cry:
Sorry I "desecrated" the thread.
apology not accepted

However this unit serves multiple purposes to me
Interesting points, but still goes with the 1,000 uses & tones, but can it do 1 thing well?

if you carried that logic you 1) wait forever to buy a PC
I need a PC; I don't need a line6

2) wouldn't buy any new televisions because the prices will drop in two years, but then they're obsolete because 3D will be out then.
Correct, I bought a TV in 2004 which is now a dinosaur, but chances are it won't be replaced till it dies, lol...that's $ that could turn into a few more modules

Truth is, I haven't heard the newer Line6 pruducts, so hopefully you're new piece will give you joy joy

Matt, quit looking at pics of hot Asian ladies and get us clips of your Erecto!


That sounded wrong...
crankyrayhanky said:
I fear there is Betrayal amongst our flock
We must purge the infidels, O-mighty one. :shock: :eek: :shock:
Yes...We must purge them with FIRE!!! :evil: :twisted: :evil:
Mattfig said:
What's worse than that is that my Erecto is all over youtube in the shootout...I think my Mom may have seen it 'cause she looks at me funny now...Or maybe it's just her glass eye...
Nice :D What power amp do you run it through? The 6550's or the EL34s?
Shinozoku said:
Mattfig said:
What's worse than that is that my Erecto is all over youtube in the shootout...I think my Mom may have seen it 'cause she looks at me funny now...Or maybe it's just her glass eye...
Nice :D What power amp do you run it through? The 6550's or the EL34s?

6550s....Quite frankly Rectos never have sounded good thru EL34s or others beyond a traditional 6L6 or 6550 to me...They need a power amp tube with late breakup and high headroom as it gives them their true preamp bite...Just my .02....
lol, I just heard some clips from the new line6 HD...not bad
Maybe I can un-smite? I'll try one in person first :?
crankyrayhanky said:
lol, I just heard some clips from the new line6 HD...not bad
Maybe I can un-smite? I'll try one in person first :?

You may unsmite.

I bought the HD 500 because the 500 is the only one with the "NO CABINET" option. It is designed to work with the Bogner designed DT50 which uses a regular guitar cabinet. One thing I plan to do is use it as a preamp into the Lynch Box. There are a ton of amp models for which there are no modules at this time like: Gibson EH135 (this one kills), Dr. Z "route 66" (this beats the Axe ATM), Divided by 13, Supro, Park (this model is stiff as hell, but I've heard the same about the original tube amp).

I can use the unit for recording and splitting my signal before the unit and running one to the LB and the other to the interface will allow me to record both simultaneously and given the slight "delay" and different tone shaping in the LB it will make the sonic texture wider for rhythm, not just louder (different amp model direct, tube module and tube amp DI with cab sim). Solos and stuff could be made to sound fuller this way too without having to re-record note for note -- yes I know there are VST plugins that can do this stuff, but the RTAS stuff costs $$$. I suppose I could always drop a chorus pedal in the loop of the POD set for very slight modulation and accomplish this.

So my unit arrives probably Thursday. No I'm not defecting. Just trying to make recording easier. I'll put up some clips of both the LB, PODHD, POD 2, and Eleven and you guys just tell me which sounds best. Rank them. I won't tell you which is what, but this is going to take a little time.
I have to admit... I have used the Line 6 Gearbox Gold software. It totally rocks. The models sound really good. Not just OK, but really good. The Gold package contains all of the Line 6 algorithms for effects, amps, and cabs. In fact, they are exactly the same as in the newer Amp Farm software. Reamping is extremely easy with the proprietary "tone direct monitoring". Gearbox already kills, so I'm really curious about what the HD series sounds like.
and just when I thought things were getting simpler, I figured out how to triple track a rhythm using the Lynch Box, and two POD amp sims simultaneously. :shock: Add a slight modulation effect to two (different on each) of them before the amp sim. Connect my M-Audio Black Box via SPDF so I have a third channel.

Grail + Engl + Uberschall. I should get separation. If I had a fourth input I could run a clean signal for reamping.
Julia said:
and just when I thought things were getting simpler, I figured out how to triple track a rhythm using the Lynch Box, and two POD amp sims simultaneously. :shock: Add a slight modulation effect to two (different on each) of them before the amp sim. Connect my M-Audio Black Box via SPDF so I have a third channel.

Grail + Engl + Uberschall. I should get separation. If I had a fourth input I could run a clean signal for reamping.
Dear Lord...
You are a mad scientist....
You have created a tonal Frankenstein.... :twisted:

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