Anyone have this happen to them with the MTS series?

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yigba said:
I'll check out the jacks.

I called US Sound - Stacy said to either ship it and pay the postage (which I think sucks as I just bought the amp 3 months ago) or bring it to a Service Center.

was stacy trying as best he could to get off the phone with you?
My first RM 100 head had a problem.
The channel footswitch wouldn't work and I was already wary of the "plug it up before powering up" issue, so I know it wasn't my fault.
After rebooting 4-5 times. I called the dealer (Music123) and asked the guy what my options were. He had me go through a few checks with it, then advised me to return it (my best option if I didn't mind the wait).
The second one was fine. (An unopened box this time :wink: )
I didn't get jacked for the shipping, but I did wait about 12 days to get another one.
Never had a problem with this one...
Well, other than wanting to mod my modules and getting urges to buy extra modules. (man, GAS sucks!) :roll:
I'm starting to wonder if the USA just has electrical gremlins in the power lines everywhere, lol. I have never heard of so many problems with such intermittent effects, if you would like you can all come to my place to jam, with no gremlins in Calgary, ;) I'm assuming you have heard of Dirty Power

Hope you get it fixed, it a shame to have something worth so much to you you can't use, might as well be a thousand miles away.
MegaGoo said:
was stacy trying as best he could to get off the phone with you?

No - he took his time with me, asking the usual questions.

I am now thinking it may indeed be the series jacks. When i plugged in a patch cable to simply connect them there were no problems. And when i had my effects hooked up thru it I don't remember having any problems.

Perhaps the gremlins were napping then?
I guess there are some people who just don't do well with electronics. There are people who have had problems with computers I'd service. I'd watch them make the problem happen so I'd know all the steps. They'd do it twice, three times in a row. It would fail at a different point each time.

I'd sit down and couldn't duplicate the problem. Then I'd notice little things like the user didn't wear a watch. I asked why? She said they all stop working in a couple months. Battery or wind up? I'd ask. Both. She'd tell me.

Solution? I'd get her a new keyboard and she'd be fine for another couple months.

I'd get yelled at by my boss for not diagnosing the problem with proper diagnostic procedure. I did diagnose the problem. It was the user. Not the computer. What did he teach me to do? He taught me to just check off stuff on the diagnostic sheet without actually doing them. When it comes to keeping your job honesty is not the best policy. I hated that boss. This was my boss:

he'll go very far. he can lie, he can cheat..and he can steal.
3 common traits in "succesful" climbers.
Julia said:
I guess there are some people who just don't do well with electronics. There are people who have had problems with computers I'd service. I'd watch them make the problem happen so I'd know all the steps. They'd do it twice, three times in a row. It would fail at a different point each time.

I'd sit down and couldn't duplicate the problem. Then I'd notice little things like the user didn't wear a watch. I asked why? She said they all stop working in a couple months. Battery or wind up? I'd ask. Both. She'd tell me.

Solution? I'd get her a new keyboard and she'd be fine for another couple months.
I recognise this, I've seen these people at work as well!

For instance there was a woman I installed a brand new computer at, everything worked like a dream, no glitches.
I came back two weeks later, the printer was not being recognised and she said she had a million other problems.
None of which I could reasonably reproduce.. but I did see that the pc was suddenly glitching and showing random errors and all that stuff.

I decided a major update might have gone wrong or something so I reinstalled the thing and made sure all the updates and drivers were correctly installed
.. 3 weeks later I got a call from the same woman and it was the whole same story again ..
She also had constant problems with her phone, tv, dvd player etc.

It's not that these people are stupid. It's just somehow it doesn't click between them and technology. :?

PS. yigba I'm not saying you're one of these people, I suspect there's just a bag of bad luck going on here.. ;)
Which is a good thing because that means good luck is on it's way!