Anyone heard any news on anything new coming out???

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I just got my first synergy module the other day and dug it so much I ended returning the syn 1 and getting a syn 2 now Im rocking the be-bb and the slo in my recording setup . I learned I could bypass the uad plug in preamp section on their amp sims so I’m using the power section from the buxom betty for some classic rock type stuff , and the be-100 power section for a little extra hair on the tone . What’s great is I’m able to change the cabs , mics and power section in the digital domain ,while getting the response and feel of running thru a real amp . I also own a friedman be-50 deluxe and so I don’t really need the be-bb mod honestly , but it was the first mod I purchased so I could compare it to my be-50 amp . My be-50 has more clarity and note definition then the synergy preamp , but I’m guessing its because the module is missing some of the global settings like response , thump , and presence . Maybe I’ll return the bb-be and try something else . I also picked up a slo so I’m wondering what would mix well with the slo . Any thoughts would be appreciated. Also I notice the sag knob doesn’t light up at all on my syn 2 , when I had the syn 1 I barely had it turned up and it would light up if I strummed hard , but on my syn 2 I don’t get anything , does anyone know why this is ?
OH god a Bogner Shiva please, I love that amp! I wonder if they will ever stop making modules "based on" amps and just create a unique module that just kills. And please the more switches and tweaks the better, separate EQs, and differing channels as well.
What’s great is I’m able to change the cabs , mics and power section in the digital domain ,while getting the response and feel of running thru a real amp .

My be-50 has more clarity and note definition then the synergy preamp , but I’m guessing its because the module is missing some of the global settings like response , thump , and presence . Maybe I’ll return the bb-be and try something else .
IMO, try a real power amp with a load box. To me, digital power amps always sound mushy and weird. Also, the "in the room" sound of an IR through FRFR speakers is not the same as a power amp into a cab.

I'm not familiar enough with the Friedman stuff, but with the SLO you could try an overdrive pedal to tighten it up as well. Most metal guys would do this if it seemed to muddy in the low end. Also, what guitar? To me, something like an Ibanez with a Tone Zone will sound muddy through most amps. I have no issues with many high gain mods being tight or clear (Uber, Savage, IICP) without a boost if using a "metal" guitar.
I notice the sag knob doesn’t light up at all on my syn 2 ,
Mine lights up (although I have it rolled off). If it is newer, see if the dealer can exchange it. I had a bum.module and they told me to exchange.kt with the dealer. Otherwise, email support. They take a few days to reply, but they seem to be trying to make sure customers are happy.
Also I notice the sag knob doesn’t light up at all on my syn 2 , when I had the syn 1 I barely had it turned up and it would light up if I strummed hard , but on my syn 2 I don’t get anything , does anyone know why this is ?

I have a syn 2 and the sag light works as expected, so your experience is indeed not normal.

Did you resolve this issue?
I hope there are more modules coming out besides the 6505. My wish list (probably dreaming):

EVH Stealth
Splawn Quickrod, Nitro
Fortin Cali, Natas
Suhr PT Module (would be awesome)
Framus Cobra
Driftwood Purple Nightmare
Mesa Recto, Triple Crown
15-19 weeks wow. I think Thomann goofed on saying this as they seemed to have removed it and it does not show up anywhere else.
I have noticed all modules have varying sensitivity to the sag lighting up might not be an issue w the dock.

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