Anyone here going to NAMM?

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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2013
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Phoenix, AZ
Just wanted to know if any of y'all are planning on going to NAMM later this week? I'm chomping at the bit to know what Bruce unveils (if anything) that is related to MTS (Synergy?).

If one or some of you are going, please post what you find asap!
suphuckers said:
I thought you said you were going Bruce. ;)

I'm thinking about Nashville in July. I think it would be a lot of fun.

Not me man, I'm in AZ. And, have a 4mo old baby... I ain't going anywhere, lol.
I agree, this has been a maddening wait for me. I haven't bought a module since summer!!!! Come on Jace, you're our Cali guy we need to know!!! :D
This was posted on Facebook-

"Rene Martinez Ok so they hope this is out in 6 months. All USA made. There's a couple of Friedman modules and a couple of Marshalls and hopefully much more to come and it's all backwards compatible with the old stuff. Hope this helps"
Wow, what a complete and utter let down. Sounds like you guys been through this before... chalk me up to lesson learned. Well at least I can stop wasting my time frantically searching for Namm updates now.
lintycreep said:
Wow, what a complete and utter let down. Sounds like you guys been through this before... chalk me up to lesson learned. Well at least I can stop wasting my time frantically searching for Namm updates now.

I'm not sure I share your disappointment... I read the above quote as there are some new amps (or amp of some kind), and that they will be backwards compatible with existing mods. And, that there are some freidman mods and some from marshall (like from marshall, not just marshall models). So, if I'm reading into that correctly we may see exactly what we were all hoping for - a whole new mts line...
I kind of agree. I would love to buy the M1 or E1 or whatever it will be called. A one unit table top is just what I need. However the E2/M2 has been 6 months away since first rumours in 2008. Bruce mentioned that products would be announced in Namm 2015 and released in March, but from the quote it's more like June, providing that date holds.

I will probabbly jump at the first chance of preorder but I'll belive it the second it's on my table.
I guess I'm just happy that SOMETHING new in the modular line showed up at NAMM. I'm sure some online blog will have a video of the new line at some point.
I don't have the scratch to hit something right now, but if there is no M4 reissue/alternative in the works, I'm looking at an E2 and an amp with an effects loop. (or if you can get two E2s and run them like an M4?)

Curious about pricing/manufacturing location.
My disappointment stems from nothing being announced/shown at NAMM. They didn't have to release anything, I just wanted to see something new. This week was my Christmas morning and all I got was socks. :?
From Rig-Talk (

bruce egnater said:
The three pedals are shipping now. Rebel 20 and 30 are shipping now. TOL60 will be finalized for NAMM. Detroit models on hold until sometime next year. The new modular line, named Synergy, will be unveiled at NAMM and should be shipping by March. More on that later.
Other stuff "in the works" but not ready to talk about.

Amp class in Detroit on Nov 8/9, 2014.
Other "non-building" classes being planned for the future but not confirmed yet.
Kit version of the amp class models being worked on right now. Probably cost around $1K complete with cabinet. Planning a pilot batch of 10 on a first come, first serve basis. Once confirmed, we will produce as a "standard" kit.

Email me at [email protected] if anyone wants to talk about anything.


There you go folks :D
"Rene Martinez Ok so they hope this is out in 6 months. All USA made. There's a couple of Friedman modules and a couple of Marshalls and hopefully much more to come and it's all backwards compatible with the old stuff. Hope this helps"

I read this as nothing at NAMM. Sorry folks, parks closed.
lintycreep said:
"Rene Martinez Ok so they hope this is out in 6 months. All USA made. There's a couple of Friedman modules and a couple of Marshalls and hopefully much more to come and it's all backwards compatible with the old stuff. Hope this helps"

I read this as nothing at NAMM. Sorry folks, parks closed.

There are other reports after this one that said prototype modules are there and being demoed.
yup that's the way I read it too. Sounds to me like they aren't really all that motivated.

I sent Bruce an email once and told him he should hold the amp school in the mid-atlantic. His response was basically that it's too much work.

I don't expect to see too much coming out of there. If this platform is going to survive, it's going to take someone like Rob (you reading this Rob? ..and you should have thought of this on your own btw, so when you do it I want a cut ;) LoL) ...but it's going to take Rob convincing Bruce to turn it over, and let Rob build the new MTS line. Otherwise, it's just probably never going to happen.

The End.
Here are some more quotes from FB:

Talked to Bruce Egnater at NAMM today. Possibly 8 new modules coming out in the next few months. Just some prototypes now being shown around.

He didn't even know what was brought or where they were exactly. He said someone has them taking them around to demo. It sounds like a collaborative effort with other amp makers also. Said Friedman did a couple, Soldano, and even Marshall. Not sure any of the details because it's just all prototype stuff. Sounds like just a small run of a few custom modules. Nothing crazy or an entire relaunch of a massive line or anything.

Heck of a nice guy also and said "they" tried to get him to change up the design so they wouldn't work in the MTS stuff but said no because he wasn't into forcing anyone to buy all new stuff. Sounds like a limited run licensed by some other amp guys under his platform. At least that was how it sounded.

When I talked to him he said there was also 2 units coming out. One rack style unit with 2 modules and one single module unit tabletop style, both of them could go into the fx loop of an amp to add one (or two) extra channels to said amp. Not sure that exactly constitutes a whole new expanded architecture but I think it is in a way another level of customization. Hopefully I got the concept right.
Ok, well, it sounds like there are some bigger plans here - licensing mts to other manufacturers, an E1 & E2 kinda deal, big players stepping in to modules, etc. So, it's nice to see that MTS is on all of their radars. But, I agree that I'll believe it when I see it, or at least once the marketing starts... Almost sounds like summer Namm is when the actual release may occur, if it all... In any case, it's said to be backward compatible, so all you folks can start buying, selling and flipping mods again, lol. Been painfully slow in the classifieds section as of late, and I hope this might free it up?