Anyone here use a Hot Plate with their rig?

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Most of the tone in the MTS amps are in the preamps... I think the power section is as neutral as possible just so you can get a variety of tones in the preamp. You could get more power tube 'flavor' by using a hot plate, but in modern amps I prefer to just leave em alone.

Now, if you're talking about an old Marshall or an amp like a trainwreck or clone that has to have power tube distortion as part of the tone, then yeah, they need that to give up the goods at less than earth-shattering volumes. :)

Gracias Pete! :wink: ...more curious than anything....btw, I replaced the pre tubes on your 1086 with TSol's in v1 and the c8's in v2.....WOW...smooth, nice saturation, great combo for that kills! Thanks again! :D
The big benefit of the Hotplate is silent playing. You can put a load on the amp and not use a speaker.
I was at chicago guitar and amp testing out new high gain pre-amp tubes in my ultra module. I finally found a good combo and enough gain to stop using a boost pedal. We found that maxing out the module volume and treating it like it's not there is the key to getting a sick full tone. The more you turn the level on the module back, introduces more compression, and more of a scooped tone. Maxed out the mid's are very very usable. I'm going to keep it this way and just use my master as the volume setting.

Now this is just my opinion, this is my experience, and i was using the ultra module with higher gain tubes, and KT88's in v1/v4.

Finally im not going to sell the amp and going to stick with not boosting my amp to make it sound mean.

I think, the use of a hot plate would be a good idea, but you need to take into account that the speakers wont move like they would if you were pushing them without the hot plate. I noticed a difference using a hotlplate and not coming from that issue.

I think i high-jacked the thread.
I'm running my RM the way Tony describes above. It really brings the amp to life and like Tony said, it doesn't sound so compressed. I didn't think it was that compressed sounding until a ran the preamp maxed for a while then I went back to running the preamp at noon. There's a big difference :D
Can the 2 of you list what your setup looks like; ex: Gain @ 3, Bass @ 2, Mids @ 1, etc.

I just want to be able to take this to the rig for home work and do an evaluation, I only ask because this is not the first time i have heard this setup being done.
tonymustang302 said:
We found that maxing out the module volume and treating it like it's not there is the key to getting a sick full tone. The more you turn the level on the module back, introduces more compression, and more of a scooped tone. Maxed out the mid's are very very usable. I'm going to keep it this way and just use my master as the volume setting.

Now this is just my opinion, this is my experience, and i was using the ultra module with higher gain tubes, and KT88's in v1/v4.

Finally im not going to sell the amp and going to stick with not boosting my amp to make it sound mean.

I think, the use of a hot plate would be a good idea, but you need to take into account that the speakers wont move like they would if you were pushing them without the hot plate. I noticed a difference using a hotlplate and not coming from that issue.

I think i high-jacked the thread.

:lol: YOu did hijack this thread! ....and thanks! This is all good info. As Hunter stated, I'd like to compare settings...I know this has been reviewed before, but we're a bunch of hi-gain, peel the paint off the wall freaks that I THINK like the same type of tonal destruction! :wink:

At first, I ran my modules full crank and used my MASTER for over all volume. Then everyone was saying...turn it into a monster by turning up the MASTER and then using the module LEVEL for the over all volume...this made it sound better. Now it's back to diming out the mod level and controling overall volume with the master. To me, it makes logical sense to drive the pre tubes to get good I right about this? :?: ....then it also makes sense to drive the hell out of the power tubes by diming out the master. But shouldn't the pre's also be pushed? :?
Here are some clips.

Clip 1 is Mod50 EG3 with the CL80 in my combo (16ohms)

Clip 3 is Mod50 EG3 with THD Hotplate at 8ohms

Both are have a Gmajor in the loop and both are using a PDI-09 to my crappy Behringer mixer into the PC via Delta 66.

Basically just me noodling do the guys in the band could weigh in on the sound versus what I have been using (GSP1101). So no comments on the Jessie's Girl riff :)
I did not care for the Hot Plate.
I find that even on the first detent of attenuation (-3dB?) I can feel and hear a difference. As the volume of the amp is increased, the more apparent it becomes to me. I am not right in the head tho, so take that with a (large) grain of salt ;)

Personally, I have found that with a traditional amp head, having control over how hard the entire preamp section (tubes and tonestack) is being pushed, as well as the PI tube, and then also control over pushing the power tubes allows me to get decent results at almost any volume (most amps do not *allow* this by default; mods are typically required). Of course, speaker interactivity (speakers + guitar, speakers + amp; all together now!) and tone when pushed (or not) cannot be had without proximity and volume. Go in a control room with the amp slammin, and it is not the same as being in the same room. Use a Hot Plate and keep volume low, loss of that once again, plus the speaker's "tone" is different.. not being pushed.

With all of that diatribe, I have simply found that something like a Hot Plate could be enough to fuel a delusion; to alter the tone in a way that one either likes, or can be at peace with the compromise. I opted for the delusion that I simply accept the differences when playing at low volume, and do not mind the difference. Up the volume, and the smile grows while that delusion slowly recedes. :D Hot Plate = a nice modded module. (****, I am in a mood today... )
Hmmmm....thanks for the feedback all....and for the clips ned :wink: ...and no comments on the Jesse's girl riff! :lol: was all that was needed in order to spell it out for me.

Still though, would be nice to hear what others are doing in the way of who's maxing out what for whichever reason...curious minds 8) ...

I'll definitely be going back and forth with the options via tonymustang's descrip, as well as different tube combos, pre tube combos, etc...

BTW...the JAN PHI 12AX7??? SWEEEEEEET tube! :shock: ...made a HUGE difference in my SuperV....I'm thinking it might be slick in the PI :wink: ...speaking of PI, what are your thoughts on the tube type? hi gain? or not so much hi gain and better tone quality instead?
i used to run my modules volume pretty **** HOT and it sounded sick to me ... the mods were fuller and meaner in tone ...however !!! running it this way created a problem for me with my clean tone as the volume could not be as loud as the high gain mods which sucked !! so i found a good spot in between were everything sounds good when playing live

that being said
when i record ....... i crank those mods volumes up !!!!
It's cool that you can dial in different tones by balancing the masters tho'

For a *looong* time I cranked my amp Master to 1 or 2 o'clock and set my overall volume with the module Master....gave me very satisfying metal tones very quickly...more chug and more 'ss like.'

It wasn't until I really started experimenting with other stuff (and given statements made my RD/Man etc.) that I went the other way....most of the modules really start to thicken up the tone as teh channel master gets in the 9:30 - 10 o'clock I tend to have this as my mnimum these days...with most around 11 or 12 o'clock.

I also used to use a Hotplate at -8db .... at lower volumes it changed the tone in a way I liked...but as I changed my dialing strategy and went up in volume a bit...did not like it so much.
okstrat said:
Most of the tone in the MTS amps are in the preamps... I think the power section is as neutral as possible just so you can get a variety of tones in the preamp.

I don't have an MTS rig yet, but I was wondering if it is beneficial or detrimental to use power amp distortion in combination with something like the plexi module? Or is the plexi module voiced in such a way that it sounds like the combination of both preamp and poweramp distortion of a real Marshall plexi?

When going for low volume power amp distortion, one alternative to using attenuators is using low wattage power amps. But if you are not going for power amp distortion, is there really a benefit in using a lower powered amp with these MTS modules? How does the 15 or 20 watt MTS amps sound compared to the 100 watt? the ears! 8) ...they know best.. (most of the time :lol:) I'm pretty much decided not to go a la Hot Plate.....and I believe everyone answered the question re the logic of running your pre tubes hotter for that nice destructive tone! ...just need to find that sweet spot and DOCUMENT it for each mod.

Has anyone changed the PI tube on their head? ( I assume it's standard EH12AX7?)
Pedro said:
Has anyone changed the PI tube on their head? ( I assume it's standard EH12AX7?)

I put a JJ ecc83 balanced in mine and its just sick sounding. Some say the JJs are dark sounding but I actually really like there tone allot in these MTS amps.

Mine came stock with GT 12AX7 but they were really weak sounding and lacked that massive UMPH! the JJs offer.

Im not sure a balanced to un-balanced tube made a significant difference but the peace-of-mind is still nice.
Groove tubes?? :? ...maybe for a fender :lol: ...had then in my HRDeVile...sounded awesome!

Interesting...I'll try the JJ's in there also. I have the TSol's, a couple of c8's, and the JAN PHI :D :D .... which I'm itchin to try as well. I'll definitely be testing the EH as well if it isn't already there.
ok after reading this, it seems as though I should
  • max out the modules volume
    max out the master volume too
    do not get hot plate, that kills volume
:lol: ... I'm glad I started this chat! ...definitely learning alot! :wink: ...i'm so glad we can all get along! 8) :lol:

Tone Hunters...UNITE! :twisted:
crankyrayhanky said:
ok after reading this, it seems as though I should
  • max out the modules volume
    max out the master volume too
    do not get hot plate, that kills volume
