Best Classic Rectifier modelling

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When I say "hands down" , I guess I'm being a bit dramatic....but I really do like the Snakebite that much better. It feels like a real amp, just less processed and a bit more "raw" to me. It's also dead quiet, which is something I surely can't say for the Mamba. I've been keeping it loaded up with my MarkX and D-Zilla in my Lynchbox with 6L6s lately...and I've never been more happy with my tone.
Hmm, I definitely don't like processessed sounds. That's why the fx and pedals are all sold. I am going to have to compare them for sure then since we seem to have similar tastes. The mamba is going on my 6L6 side of my dual rig and the other three slots will likely be the marx, afterlife, and trilogy. The marx demo way undersells it. I have actually heard that one and it kills Metallica and petrucci riffs. I do favor the dzilla over the benzin but then I like the Herbert more than the vh4. The dzilla will have a spot on the e34l side of my rig.
The Rossness said:
Nothing dude. If you want recto, look elsewhere (not mts). Without the recto tube in the PA, it just doesn't sound right.

I can't exactly disagree with the argument about mods vs. real amps,
but for high gain hard rock and metal, the silicon diode mode sounds better than the recto tube mode, so that argument doesn't really make sence to me personally.
I'm basing the diode setting on my own personal experience along with at least 4 other guys I know and play with that prefer that setting.

Besides, I have heard a couple recto modules against both a Triple rectifier and a Roadster. They definitely arent exactly the same,
but they are close and in some cases I liked the Mods better. The Mamba SE through an RM100 with Mercury transformer is pretty crushing. I'd take it over any Mesa Rectifier other than maybe an early rackmount dual.
Remember...I'm splitting hairs here, I'm in no way saying the Mamba sucks...I loved it for a long time. It's still a killer mod....
Greg, do you feel the mercury transformer upgrades are an important part of these modules ability to close the gap between themselves and the original amps? Is that an avenue that I should consider for my RM4s and RT2/50? This will be the Last Rig I Ever Own, after all.
Try the SnakeBite with a set of KT88's... Heavier than elephant tits :twisted:

Personally I can't compare it to the Mamba SE, because I owned the "standard" Mamba. What I do know is the SnakeBite is wicked and I don't regret for one minute selling my Mamba. As mentioned above, I'm not talking smack about the Mamba either. It's an awesome mod period. For me to upgrade to a SE didn't make any sense, when I could get a SnakeBite with a custom VENOM 1 plate cheaper and faster.
Totenkampf said:
Greg, do you feel the mercury transformer upgrades are an important part of these modules ability to close the gap between themselves and the original amps? Is that an avenue that I should consider for my RM4s and RT2/50? This will be the Last Rig I Ever Own, after all.

The MM tranny did make the difference and close the gap for me.
I'm not sure about the RT2/50 though.
I don't know if Mercury makes a transformer upgrade for that.
I havent been impressed with any of the Randall power sections and that's why people are upgrading transformers, presence boards and jumping the parallel loops to try and improve the tone.

Personally I hated the RT2/50. I think it will be the weak link in your rig if you want to be on par with Mesa, Engl, VHT etc.
If your running an RM4, you aren't limited to a Randall power section.
I suggest Mesa Simul 2:90, VHT 2:Ninety:2, or if you don't mind the size, my favotite, VHT 2150.
They all sound huge and clear and alive.
(and they wont need any transformer upgrades)
These were the best I tried when running an M4. I tried 5 power amps, including a Mesa 2:100 and the RT2/50 was way at the bottom. It sounded thin and lifeless compared to the others.
I really like the Mesa 2:90, but I was actually looking for a dual channel amp in the 50 watts per side range that could accept different types of tubes on either side, and could be easily and independently biased. the MIDI switching seems nice too while I am experimenting with tone. There arent many choices when you consider the above and since i am reworking an entire rig i also couldnt afford to put 1500 into a nice engl.

i havent cranked the randall yet, i admit that i want to wait until anthony releases the PDA mod for this amp before i take it over to the practice room and unveil it.
grbassist said:
Totenkampf said:
Greg, do you feel the mercury transformer upgrades are an important part of these modules ability to close the gap between themselves and the original amps? Is that an avenue that I should consider for my RM4s and RT2/50? This will be the Last Rig I Ever Own, after all.

The MM tranny did make the difference and close the gap for me.
I'm not sure about the RT2/50 though.
I don't know if Mercury makes a transformer upgrade for that.
I havent been impressed with any of the Randall power sections and that's why people are upgrading transformers, presence boards and jumping the parallel loops to try and improve the tone.

Personally I hated the RT2/50. I think it will be the weak link in your rig if you want to be on par with Mesa, Engl, VHT etc.
If your running an RM4, you aren't limited to a Randall power section.
I suggest Mesa Simul 2:90, VHT 2:Ninety:2, or if you don't mind the size, my favotite, VHT 2150.
They all sound huge and clear and alive.
(and they wont need any transformer upgrades)
These were the best I tried when running an M4. I tried 5 power amps, including a Mesa 2:100 and the RT2/50 was way at the bottom. It sounded thin and lifeless compared to the others.

That is quite a selection of power amps grbassist has tried and I can't argue with his findings. However, the RT2/50 is a fine amp and there have been a few in the history of MTS that preferred the RT2/50 to the VHT 2:Ninety:2, Two/Fifty/Two, Mesa*, etc . Although I do believe the VHT 2150 would be the **** but the size isn't an option for most. The RT2/50 is a great sounding power amp and I don't see it being a weak link in anyone's rig IMHO.
Also, on the subject of Mercury Magnetics transformers, when I was at Bruce's amp building seminar I asked him about his opinion of them as he had just built a one off MOD50 with MM trannies. His answer was something like: "Do they sound better? I don't know. Maybe... But do they sound $400 dollars better? That's up to you to decide." There was more about how you could accurately test what sounded better but in most cases, people swap out their trannies and plug it in and think it sounds better. But... do they remember exactly what it sounded like before? Is it like that new module honeymoon phase that lasts till your strings wear out or the humidity in the room changes?

FWIW, I put a MM OT, PT and choke in a Marshall TSL100 and the amp sounded much better (as I recall); it was tighter, punchier and....wait for it...more 3D. I paid close to $800 for all the MM stuff. Did it sound $800 better? No, maybe $200 better IDK. 2 months later I got a MOD50 and never looked back. I ended up selling the Marshall on ebay for... you guessed it... $800
I wonder if I'm alone in disliking the RT2/50.
The midi switching and different tubes are cool, but the end result is what matters.

It sounded so much worse to me than all the other amps I tried that I wanted to voice my opinion.
Especially on a cthread comparing MTS to the real amps.
If we're all spening top doallar on modules that are "as good or better" than the real amp then the power section needs to be "as good or better" than the real amp.

The RT2/50 sounds about as good as the RM100 power section.
I rest my case.
I could hear a serious difference and I know I can't be alone.
grbassist said:
I wonder if I'm alone in disliking the RT2/50.
The midi switching and different tubes are cool, but the end result is what matters.

It sounded so much worse to me than all the other amps I tried that I wanted to voice my opinion.
Especially on a cthread comparing MTS to the real amps.
If we're all spening top doallar on modules that are "as good or better" than the real amp then the power section needs to be "as good or better" than the real amp.

The RT2/50 sounds about as good as the RM100 power section.
I rest my case.
I could hear a serious difference and I know I can't be alone.

I believe you but I can't help wonder if there was something wrong with your amp? Bias, tubes? Can anyone confirm the RT2/50 uses the same OT and PT as the RM amps?
MarcoR said:
Also, on the subject of Mercury Magnetics transformers, when I was at Bruce's amp building seminar I asked him about his opinion of them as he had just built a one off MOD50 with MM trannies. His answer was something like: "Do they sound better? I don't know. Maybe... But do they sound $400 dollars better? That's up to you to decide."

Well that's the big question....Is it worth it?
I had an early 5150 head that I loved. I recorded an album with it and it sounded great. I picked it up used for $600

If I put that up against't my ENGL SE670 (cost me $2600 used) is it $2000 better? Hard to say. It's certainly more versatile, but for high gain tone they are both REALLY good at what they do.

Talk to Audiophile guys who spend $100,000 on a home audio system that is no better than a top rated $3000 system from Best Buy to most ears.
Is it $97,000 better ?!? :lol:
Interesting discussion guys! I personally enjoy finding the absolute sweet spot for best value : cash investment. Even so, gear is a poor investment. I have a 14 year old 7 string Epiphone Flying Vee that I rebuilt with the higher end fittings and electrics and I will still never get anywhere near what I spent on it. In my mind it plays better than an Gibson coming out of the regular factory these days.

What I am hearing is that if you have the cash and want the best then MM is the way to go, otherwise it will be okay for my non-professional ears. I dont bother to rip MP3s at 320bps anymore either lol.
MarcoR said:
Also, on the subject of Mercury Magnetics transformers, when I was at Bruce's amp building seminar I asked him about his opinion of them as he had just built a one off MOD50 with MM trannies. His answer was something like: "Do they sound better? I don't know. Maybe... But do they sound $400 dollars better?

I actually own the Mod50 in question, Bruce stuck them into the last Mod50 they built and while it sounds pretty fantastic I'd be hard pressed (hand on heart) to say it sounds better than other Mod50's. It's definitely brighter but whether that?s a good or bad thing is a pretty personal preference.

IMHO - speakers have more impact (and to an extent preamp and power valves) so if you really want to shake up your sound (and keep the same modules / amp / etc.) I'd try out some new speakers!

Does have me wondering about swapping my RM100's trannies for MM ones though :)
One of my Rm100s has MM trannies and they are great....A definite step up but not an earth shattering difference...Just smoother in overall tone...I know that description is not too deep but it's the best I can do...When I play it next to my other RM100s- I can tell the difference...Not for everyone and there's some WAY important other things to address first but it's a good change if you can spare the coin...
Having done the MM swap in other non MTS heads before. I would say finding speakers you REALLY like, or that suit your playing style, would be time better spent. But if you've already done that....I could see giving it a shot.