Best Effects Unit?

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3 Mile Stone

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2006
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Tejas Y'all
Ya I know I seem to be asking this type of question a bunch lately with the Favorite Overdrive post and all, but bare with me folks. I was reading some posts about some of you using Rocktron stuff (Xpression, Replifex) and I also read that some of you good people like the T.C. Electronics stuff. What works for you and why? What do you like about your effects unit and how transparent is it? Which ones should be avoided because they engage in "Tone Suck" mode?

I ask because the other thread made me get out my Replifex again and run it through the loop on my RM 50 HB. With an Egnater B'man, EG3 and the Axess GRX4 routing several overdrive units, I am getting some excellent sounds. Not much suckage at all!
Theoretically, the design of the old Rocktron units (like the Replifex) has a hard bypass to reduce the amount of tone suck as much as possible, so it's probably one of the better options. And, of course, using the parallel loop instead of the series loop never hurt much either. :)

Personally, I've tried to get into the Rocktron FX units (Intellifex) and just found them cumbersome to use. So I'm a big fan of the TC G-Major, which I've found to be transparent enough for my tastes and much easier to dial in. I also have used the Lexicon MPX-G2 quite a bit, and it is slightly more transparent than the TC (at the downside of being considerably more complex).

My recent acquisition is a Vox Tonelab SE, which although it has modeling capabilities, I bypass the models and use it as a floor-based FX board (since a couple of my amps don't have FX loops). It's surprisingly transparent... I'm hesitant about putting anything between my guitar and the amp, but so far I've no complaints with the Vox. At first I was using a GRX4 to take the Tonelab out of the chain when not in use, but it didn't seem to make much difference. It doesn't have an amazing variety of effects, but the effects it does have are good quality. Great bonus is that it acts as a MIDI controller for MIDI enabled amps (like my Rocktron Vendetta).

Worst tone-sucker in my experience so far has been the Boss GT6 & GT8... I wanted to use it in the same manner as the Vox (floor-based FX + MIDI controller, bypass the amp models). It managed to suck the feel out of everything I played. I spent a ton of time reading up on and tweaking various settings, but despite all the time invested I could never get it transparent enough for my tastes.

I find my Rocktron Xpression to be very transparent.

My only complaint with it so far, is the delay on it. After using a DD-20 for several months, 2 seconds of delay speed doesn't seem to cut it ;) Plus the delay doesn't get "quite" as loud as the main signal (which in most cases is a good thing) but for those really wild effect moments, that doesn't cut it either (such as a spaced out introduction).

Looks as if nothing can replace a good ol' DD-20 for me.
I love the Eventide Eclipse. Transparent and powerful.

Now I'm in the waiting list to buy the Fractal Audio Axe-FX that will replace my Boss Gt-Pro (I use the Gt-Pro mainly as a speaker modeller)
I tried the G Major with an RM100 and I didn't like it at all. As much as people say it is transparent I felt that it really sucked tone pretty noticably so I ditched it. It works for some, but doesn't seem like it was for me. Could have been the settings maybe, but the difference in tone from when I had it plugged in to when it wasn't in the loop was quite audible and I didn't like it one bit! :?
I also had a G Major. It did major tone suck. Even took it back and got another as I thought maybe the unit I had was bad - same thing.
I tried it thru a Dual Rect, Peavey Triple XXX and JSX, TSL 100 and HR Deville. Seemed like a sight 'wah' / mid hump (or something) effect all the time.

I put my 20 year old MidiVerb II on all of the same amps - perfect. Seemed almost transparent. Go figure.

I did just order an Xpression, to go with my new M4 :D so I hope I'll have better luck with that....

Totally off topic, but I see you're in Florence and you've got an M4. I had a lot of MTS gear (RM4, RM100, RM20) for a while, sold it, somewhat regretted it, and have been thinking about getting back into the modular gear with the Egnater M4. Any chance I could come over and check out the M4 in action? I'll bring beer. :)

I believe I came and checked out your HK TriAmp awhile back. I had a blackish strat. Think we talked about being P&G'ers. Liked that amp! Just was still looking when I ran across this Egnater stuff. Best thing I've found!!

Sure, you are absolutely welcome to try it. I have a pretty busy schedule but I'm sure we can find time. PM me.

ImNoShredder said:
I put my 20 year old MidiVerb II on all of the same amps - perfect. Seemed almost transparent. Go figure.

I did just order an Xpression, to go with my new M4 :D so I hope I'll have better luck with that....


Going back to the fact that the Rocktron FX units give you the option to keep your dry signal completely analog...the 20-year old MidiVerb II actually has the same feature! That Mix knob on the front panel simply controls the balance between the analog dry signal and the digital wet signal. So that's why an old box can still sound pretty good, and yet a much more modern box like the G Major will suck your tone...because it is always doing A/D conversion of your entire signal, when connected in serial (if you run it in a parallel loop, then it's not as much of an issue).

I wish TC and some of these other companies would at least give you the option to keep your dry signal analog from input to output. Because otherwise, you end up having to use a Switchblade or some sort of mixing system to run the effect in parallel so that it doesn't suck your tone. I guess they figure guitarists don't care or don't notice, or maybe it's just too much of a PITA from the engineering and manufacturing standpoint. I suppose at some point, A/D converters and processing power will improve to the point where all FX boxes become 24-bit/96Khz from end to end, and then *maybe* tone suck will cease to be an issue.

I really wish Rocktron would step up and do a modern FX unit geared specifically towards the needs of guitarists. While I like the Replifex, Intellifex, Xpression, etc...those designs all date back to the early 90's...they keep re-packaging their same old technology. There is the Rocktron Prophesy, but I think that one is more of a digital modeler and does not have the analog dry path feature. The Lexicon MPX G2 is another one that seemed to have real potential, but they don't make it anymore and never came out with an updated version.
Yep, back before I got my Replifex I had a Boss SE-50. Pretty good unit but it did drag your siganl through the digital muckity muck. What I used to do there was run one out put of my preamp into it and then use the SE-50 in mono into the left side amp and cab for effects and then I would run the other output of my preamp into the amp and cab with no effects. Instant poor mans wet / dry rig. Always sounded better. My old Rockton unit with the mixer built into it is sounding so good I think I'm going back to it. Getting some squashiness out of my Vox Tone Lab, but only when I run it through the loop of my RM50HB. When I run my M4 into it and then send it to the return of the RM50 it sounds great. ???
I use a Digitech GNX300 w/ my RM through the effects loop and when I set all the eq's on the thing at all 0's there is no tonesuck at all. It sounds super. I just wish i can find something smaller, tried a Boss super chorus through the effects loop and it sucked thinking about just getting a Gigadelay and getting rid of everything else and calling it good...
I use a Gmajor and I dont like it. It sounds ok in the series loop untill you try it without it and you notice how much in-your-face punch you loose. I use it with a GCX switcher to remove it from the signal path when I'm not using it. Another beef I have with it is the pitch effects suck hard. It leaves you with a slight delayed processed sound. its almost like yo have a very very very short delay on. I dont care for the flangers either. Delays arent that great either. BUT, what matters is will the audience tell a difference live? probably not. recording with it might be frustarting. HOWEVER, I heard some recordings of a mark 4 and a gmajor on the boogie board a few weeks ago and it sounded great. maybe its just me.

I foung my g major was taking away some tone in the series loop so I moved it to the parallel loop. I cant use most of its functions now though I have better tone now. I just bought a carl martin Noise terminator for a noise gate. I still want the compresion and whammy that I used to have while the g major was in the series loop.
Yeah, the Gmajor sounds ok in the parallel loop. I only use the reverb and delays on it so I might as well do the same. Either way, I've been really dissapointed in the unit... chorus, flange, whammy, pitch... none of em sound good to me. :( My next unit will be an Eventide Eclipse.

Just giving a heads up for anyone who is like myself and has heard an Eventide (Eclipse I think it was?) in person and LOVED it but couldn't get one because of the $2,000 price tag, I went to the Eventide booth after speaking with Ned and it turns out they are putting their processors into STOMPBOXES this year!!!! WOO HOO!!! They are coming out with their delay and modulation in two pedals. They should be around $399 each I believe, and Ned said they should be coming out in March! I'm down for grabbing the delay, it sounded SO transparent and very high in quality just like their rack stuff! I think it's an awesome move on their part, to help out guys like myself that would love to use their effects but cannot afford the 2K version with all the bells and whistles. I can't wait for March!!! Need to start saving my pennies now! :lol:

i tried the POD XT Live (works but the effects are muddy and there is tone suck) and the POD XT Pro was awefull (unusable), I also tried the Vamp pro (just as bad). FED up I went to GC one day with my rig (RM100)and tried a few effects units in the pro audio room and hooked up to my stuff to see what would sound good. After trying a few T.C. and lexicon gear i ended up getting the Lexicon MX300 and it sounds so amazing and transparent, There is NO tone suckage at all as far as i can tell and i am very picky about that.

The only downside is you can only use 2 effects at a time Vs the Gmajor (7 at a time i think) but i dont really find myself needing more (and My band is very effects driven to). The clarity and depth of the effects are amazing. I am very happy with this unit after months of frustration with other gear that just never sounded right.

I place my lexicon in the series loop (the one on the far right side loofing at the back of the amp) so i can utilize some of the effects more. So i would def recommend the MX300, you can always take your amp to GC and plug one in and give it a try. At least then you will know if you like it before you buy. And the factory presets sound good to start and the unit is fairly easy to use.

Give it a shot, cant hurt
I have tried a Boss SE-50,SE-70 and a GX700.
they range from BAD tone suck to least tone-suck, the 50 being worst..the 700 being the least. At least thats what my ears tell me.
But hey, ...sometimes ya want the strangeness these circuits FORCE onto a signal. It's called creativity.
I reheased last night and although I liked my GX700 in the loop at sounded like DINGLE at a high volume. It was just wrong. Th level was fine, but the tone lost impact. I troubleshooted..its not the GX700.
Should we run stuff in Series? Parallel? What seem to work with an RM4 that isnt as pricey as a G-Force??????