Best Multi-FX processor + FootController

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Well-known member
Jun 14, 2006
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Bonita, CA
I'm considering ditching my GT-8 from my current rig in favor for a more pro quality Rack mount FX processor + Foot controller; but I wanted to know which combinations where the best overall in features, quality, and value.

In terms of a processor, I'm looking specifically for something that maintains the best nature of my preamp (RM4) as much as possible. I will most likely be placing the FX processor between the Pre amp and the Poweramp with the FX being outputed in full stereo.

Multi FX Processors:
Rocktron Xpression- at $299 its pretty cheap, and appears to have good FX.
TC Electronic G-Major- A popular one on this site
TC Electronic G-Force- at nearly 1500, I don't see any reason getting this over the G-system.
TC Electronic G-System + Integrated footcontroller-Looks nice with a great interface, but is expensive. Wondering if its worth it.

I need a patch bank oriented foot controller, preferably with built in expression pedals (although they arn't nessesary). Nothing that is overly cumbersome or complicated.

Rocktron All Access- looks like one of the best
Voodoo Lab Ground Control Pro
Behringer FCB1010
Boss FC-200

Those are just some of the FX processor and foot controllers I came across; do you guys have any others to recommend personally? Which combination would be the best with balancing Quality Vrs Value?
im using the gmagor with a fcb 1010. the processor has some reliability issues so beware but sounds great and is a good match. the behringer controller is great especialy for the money.
Yeah, I think thats one of the combinations I'm considering since the G-major is fairly popular- and has a good price. However, I am slowly inching towards the G-System, as it offers what Is missing with my GT-8; an all in one integrated floorboard/FX package that works seamlessly with my Preamp. However, the only real thing keeping me from purchasing it at the moment is the price point. I also have a question about it...

To all those who have a G-system, can you place Pre-amps in the FX loops (rather than the Insert Loop) without any adverse affects? I ask this because I would still like to use my GT-8's digital modelling- and a few of its advanced effects with the RM4; but to do this, I would need to place the GT in the insert loop while the RM4 goes into the last FX loop.
The best foot controller is the Axess Electronics FX-1, it will run circles around the others lists. Of course it costs more too.
I recommend you the ROCKTRON All access! It have 3 programing options: 15 presets per bank or 10 presets + 5 CC messages per bank or 5 presets + 10 CC messages per bank!

I own at the moment DMC GroundControlPro and have only 2 programing options: 10 presets per bank or 4 presets + 8 CC messages per bank...that makes me angry!

My needs are: 10 presets + 4 or more CC messages per bank wich that GroundControlPro can?t handle! So, I?m forced to sell the GroundControlPro!

Metal regards from Slovenia, John.
For several months I have been using a FCB 1010 to do all my midi controlling but it is way to big. It was controlling a randall rm100 and a tce gmagor. I was set on selling my old gt6 since it seemed to take away alot of the tone of my amp. Until it occured to me that it makes a great midi contoller and is small and provides a solid backup if any of my other stuff breaks down.

Here how its set up: -
-4 channells Clean Crunch Metal and whammy.
- tap tempo is assighned to the control pedal.
- Tuner mute is accessed by pressing down on the expression switch
-The expression pedal is controling the modifiers on the gmagor

Modifiers are set to one sound with the toe up and a more effected sound with toe down. For example my metal tone is set dry with only a noise gate. As I nove the expresion pedal I smoothly mix in an eq boost, slight detune,a filter at about 10k, delay and a little reverb.

Well see how it works at practice next week.
I have both the xpression and the gmajor and I think the tone from the xpression is probally a little warmer, (and analog if you dont use the hush) than the g major, that being said the g major is extremely clean sounding and a great overall processor. This is why I own both haha.
A few thoughts...

I used the G-Major along with either an original Ground Control or Rocktron MIDI Mate in my MTS rig for a while, and was really happy with the results from a tone & versatility standpoint. I've owned several G-Majors over the years... every time I sell one, I totally regret it. Awesome value for the money.

Another idea is to look into the Lexicon MPX-G2/R1 pair... that's ultimately what I ended up with in my MTS rig (and also Triaxis rig) because it combines front-of-amp effects (wah, overdrive, compressor) with stereo in-loop effects (delay, reverb, etc) and a massive MIDI controller to boot. The G2's design, IMHO, should make it eligible for a spot on the "top 5 pieces of guitar gear of all time" list, but most people I've seen using the G2 never rig it up in a way that takes advantage of all it has to offer.

Finally, since a couple of my amps don't have FX loops and I'm stuck with running everything in front of the amp, I've been using a Vox Tonelab SE for effects and MIDI switching. Having owned the GT8, the Tonelab is far more transparent and easier to program. The downside is that it doesn't have the sheer number of effects or flexibility of the GT8. Doesn't really help if you want to run things in stereo between the preamp & power amp, I guess, but there's a lot to be said for having an all-in-one effects & MIDI switching rig.

Hey B, +1 on the Vox ToneLab. But I have to add that while it does not have the multitude of effects it covers the basics really well. Delay, chorus and a pretty darn good pitch transposer and by the way ... THE best rotating speaker I have found. I love DELAY and the Tone Lab has got EXCELLENT echo units. It models Korg, Echoplex, Anolog, Mutli, Sweep all kinds of really cool stuff. LOVE IT! I highly recomend this unit but I use mine in a slightly unconventional way. I come out of my M4 Pre into the input of the Vox TL and then out of the Vox (be sure to go to "global" and set it at line level, not amp) to the return of my Randall RM 50, or in your case the power amp. Absolutely the most transparent effects unit I have tried yet. I have tried many others, most recently the Rocktron Replifex, but this set up is the best. I use it like a rack processor but it's just a big floor unit. I usually hide it behind my amp, but you could set it up to be your midi contoller as well. It makes a great back up rig in a box too.

I love the new Tech 21 MidiMoose. Perfect, all the presets you need, and it's battery powered.
Ah, I've never tried using the Tonelab in an FX loop (or between pre & power amp), though the amps I'm using most right now (Deluxe Reverb & JTM45 clone) don't have FX loops, so I'm pretty much stuck using the Tonelab in front of the amps. My Vendetta has an FX loop, though, so I might try the Tonelab in its FX loop to see what its like.

I have been using a TC G-System for well over a year now. I can honestly say that it's worth every kr?na (I'm Icelandic you see ;) )
The main advantage to using it and what made me get one was the 4 FX loops + the insert. N.B. From what I gather the FX loops can well be used for Pre-amps as well as stompboxes. They have an adjustable Headroom so you can adjust the level going into the Loop ( to the stompbox).
All in all, it's a GREAT piece of equipment and it's probably the only thing in my rig that's never getting sold. Without it I would be doomed.

for best results, the GFX01 and the floorboard should be seperated into a rack holding the GFX01 and your pre-amps, stompboxes etc. and the Floorboard, that is built like a tank by the way, on the floor in front of you along with a pair of expression pedal which you can connect either to the module in the rack or straight into the floorboard.

Just to make a point, I've got over a hundred gigs a year with it and the amount of drinks and abuse the floorboard's gotten it should be ruined or really messed up at best. But hardly a scratch on it!

Good luck on your quest!
I've had mine for a over a year and love it. There is a learning curve for making it function like you want, but its well worth it.
I think the problem, for me, is versatality versus floor space.
I wish someone made something really versatile that took up the same space as 3 stomp boxes. I really need something with a good little display that you can see in the dark, with like 15 characters.
Nobody makes, last I knew.
And it needs to have midi, and battery power.

I can dream,right?
Allot of my friends Sold me on the TC Electronic G Major so I just picked up a G major from Guitar Center with an Extended 2 year transferable warranty on top of the Manufactures Warranty Giving me 3 Yrs of coverage! They gave me a good deal and all though I have allot to learn about it -Its performing way beyond my exspectations! The combanation of my Randall RM 100, TC Electronics G Major has improved my sessions to pure musical bliss! The Uncolored tone, luscious Effects and the convenience had made for hours of ease and injoyment! The TC G Major was worth it for my needs and paid off! My floor board is a DMC/Voodod Lab Ground Controll Pro, I cant wait to start using Them but I know knowthing of midi yet so I have to find the right cords and buy them now since I limmited to manul settings until then! Other then That I am pumped for the fun that is ahead of me!



I'm venturing into the G-System as well, I think...

I have a GT-8 (had a GT-6 before) some pedals that I can control in the G-System's loops (MXR EVH Phaser and Flanger, a Comp, and a OD).

For those who have tried the G-System with the MTS stuff (I am ordering a RM-4 and have a RT2-50 coming), how do you like it? Does it work well? Do you use it to change preamp channels as well?

John Rogers
Vavenby BC
johnodge said:
I'm venturing into the G-System as well, I think...

I have a GT-8 (had a GT-6 before) some pedals that I can control in the G-System's loops (MXR EVH Phaser and Flanger, a Comp, and a OD).

For those who have tried the G-System with the MTS stuff (I am ordering a RM-4 and have a RT2-50 coming), how do you like it? Does it work well? Do you use it to change preamp channels as well?

John Rogers
Vavenby BC
I really,really love the G.Sounds insane and just open the door to a real clean setup.I have it rackmounted and use a 30ft. cat 5 so it's a smooth hookup.I can plug my PC into the G.
Best multi effect processor I ever heard is the Axe-FX Ultra second is the old eventide harmonizer (amazing reverbs) take you pick on the voodoo or Rocktron for pedal board.
Just my .02