Can a BBE sonic maximizer function in the parallel efx loop?

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2012
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Bucksport Maine
Ive got a bbe sonic maximizer left over from my rack experiment and im wanting to try it out in the parallel efx loop on my rm100... anyone have any experience?
I have a sonic maximizer that works in the series loop of the rm4 but I use it in the parallel loop in my rm50.Seems to work in both
walshinator666 said:
I have a sonic maximizer that works in the series loop of the rm4 but I use it in the parallel loop in my rm50.Seems to work in both
It will work in both, but it's designed to run 100% wet, IIRC.
On mine,i'm input in channel b.Process button is set in,lo contour is at 10o'clock,process is at 5o'clock.The effects dial on my rm4 is set at 10o'clock(this is what he means by 100% wet,but I like mine at 10o'clock).100% wet refers to the effects dial of you amp(rm4,rm100,rm50 ect.)
zepplin490 said:
Can someone please define what 100% wet means? Where do i have to set the controls on the BBE?
A dry signal is one that is unaffected; a wet signal has been affected. Wet/dry rigs mix unaffected and affected tones. A parallel loop does that inside a single amp, often allowing you to control how much of the output signal is affected. 100% wet means there is no dry signal at all.

Some parallel loops, even when set to 100% wet, will still have some dry signal in there. These loops are often known for sucking tone, especially amp distorted tones. For this reason, many amps have a serial loop to ensure there is only one signal.

Then, the effect itself will often have some sort of level adjustment on it, to dial in how much effect you want. You can see how their could be some watering down of tone by splitting your signal in a parallel loop, and then using an effect that splits it again.
For what its worth, the BBE tech I spoke to will recommend the maximizer to be placed last in the chain unless a ISP Decimator Pro Rack G is used, then they will suggest putting the ISP last and the BBE right before that.