Can i broke my amp while i biasing it

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2008
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I just biasing my 6v6 again. My screwdriver was in the Biasing Adjustment point and then i turned to much so that there was for just a few seconds instead of 0,18 to 0,22 it was about 1,8.

After this mishap the amp have some self sound like "zisch" and it is much more undifferent while playing then before. The tone is not as before and and if i turn on the amp it makes a sound like "Plobb".

Do i broke the TUbes or maybe the amp.

Please can somebody help me.

Probably the amp will remain in one piece but it will be a strain on the valves and power transformer. In the event one of these should pop that could lead to more severe consequences and costy repairs. I would keep the powersection biased at somewhere around 50 - 80% dissipation or around that the manual recommends.

You should always listen to noise originating in valves as sounds of warning. It's noise that tells you a socket has oxide or a valve needs replacment.

The higher value you have the lower dissipation (power) and more heat you will have. You could risk an overheat with this setting.