Can Plexi do clean?

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2008
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Pittsburgh, PA USA
Would the Plexi be able to handle the work of a clean module? I know it's no Blackface or deluxe, but could it work? I'm not lookin for an ac/dc, srv or bluesy clean, but rather a Metallica-esque clean.
My Plexi cleans up ok if you roll the gain back and dial back your guitar volume a bit.
I was actually playing the "day that never comes" last night and used the Plexi for the intro and the other clean part because I was to lazy to swap out for the clean or tweed modules. It was workable.
How do you like the clean mod? I actually prefer it to the blackface. SO the Plexi is workable? I was thinking about picking one up and switching out the clean mod for the plexi. That way essentially I would have four modules by dialing the plexi's gain up or down.
I really like my Plexi module..its great for me BUT..when I roll back my volume it doesnt sound as clean as I'd like. Its not a matter of distortion..its the fact that the Plexi's cool midrange that makes it so right for light distortion makes it so wrong for cleans. I go to a TopBoost or a Deluxe for my cleans. Both have a better handle on cleans.
Now granted, Im a mature player..and I am very very specific about my tones. But to let ya know how it sounds, hear Jimmy Page roll back his volume on "Song Remains the same"(the movie) , and that will give you the idea. Its still a bit crunchy.
Some people dont mind...but I do.
Hey Dude,
As I said, the Plexi is workable. If you are super picky and have a need for every tone to be spot on perfect, you may need to keep your clean module to ensure you can maintain that level of maturity.

Personally, I think it is a matter of taste and personal style. My style is a bit looser, and if I had to record a clean tone with my current set I would probably use my tweed module. If I was playing a song that required some cleaning up and I had the plexi in the rack instead of the Tweed, I would just roll back the gain and play.

I have never used the Deluxe or the Top Boost as of yet so I cannot speak to their tone. I personally did not care for the clean module. It was too Jazzy sounding no texture. I like texture in my music. I have a top boost coming, and am excited to hear it.

If it is a choice between the Plexi or Clean, which is what you asked, I choose the Plexi and live with it which you can.

If you have other choices, what about the JTM module? I just sold mine, but it cleaned up way better than the Plexi or the Tweed I have. I only sold because it was soo close to a cross between the Plexi and the tweed to my ears. Not exact of course, but close enough for me. I am also just getting to know the 1086 I just got, and it may actually replace the Plexi since it can bascally match the Plexi, but has a more diverse range of tones. May be a better option than the Plexi if you can only afford one.
Thaks for all the input everyone. How close is the Plexi mod to the actuall Marshall Plexi? Can it reach this clean tone from an actuall PLexi...
Plexi module is so versatile !!

I play alot of clean stuff with my Plexi with the gain knob set pretty low ... I use medium to low output passive pick-ups though, no EMG's

I think it sounds a lot like Hendrix's "The Wind Cries Mary" tone with my Strat+ and my RM100 with E34L's and V30's when dialed the gain knob is dialed low. I love it !

Regarding that tone on that youtube clip, i wthink you'll have no problem getting that tone with a Plexi module.

Awesome! I'm going have to do a bit of tweaking since I mainly use EMGs. Although my other guitar has Dimarzio Breed/Evos in it, so that may clean up a lil better.
mwalluk said:
Awesome! I'm going have to do a bit of tweaking since I mainly use EMGs. Although my other guitar has Dimarzio Breed/Evos in it, so that may clean up a lil better.
Those Evo's pretty hot too - as passives go. Id make sure you try before you buy.
I figured it would be a win-win for me. If it doesn't clean up and isn't workable for my standards, then I still have a very verisitile module that could handle a Collective Soul crunch, good distortion and killer lead. If it does work as a clean, I have another option for a clean and another od/dirty channel.
Speaking of pickups.... Right now I have EMG 81/60s in my ESP LTD EC1000, thinking about switching the 60 to an 85 eventually, but my main question is this; Would Dimarzio Breed (Neck) Steve's Special (middle) and Evolution (bridge) would be a good combination for an Epi Les Paul Black beauty? I already have two of the three pickups currently in my Sg (which I do not like the SG to begin with, got it from my Uncle sentimental value so not getting rid of it) and I could get the Steve Special form a friend for cheap.
I get a pretty good clean out of my Plexi with my EC-1000 with Duncan JB/59's, but find I still need to roll back the volume on the guitar a little to really clean it up.
I love the EC-1000's. I actually have 3 and love them all...besides the Amber burst I also have the Vintage Black and the Black Cherry (both of those with the 81/60s). Great guitars!
mwalluk said:
Would the Plexi be able to handle the work of a clean module? ... I'm not lookin for an ac/dc, srv or bluesy clean, but rather a Metallica-esque clean.

I don't think the Plexi is what you describe here, this sounds like a KH1 or Blackface
Just got the PLexi yesterday, relaly liking it. Works as a clean for what I want and need. Plus always nice to have three sep. distortion channels.
I run my Pete modded Plexi pretty clean and then hit it with a few boost pedals if I want to gain it up. It is the coolest module to boost that I have come across.