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Well-known member
May 31, 2007
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Hey, what do you guys think of this look. We just had a dealer order these custom for their store.


I like that ...lots like a Bogner a bit very cool .. do you have other coverings you can share ???
Guiness for Strength said:
Looks killer.
Pete's XTC Module would look quite at home in there:

(Sloppy Photoshop by Guiness for Strength)
That does look pretty sweet!
Sorry, but I don't like those Randall coverings. They look like someone cut up a burlap bag and used it for those amps and cabinets. The Mesa at least has a neat pattern.
I still prefer Randall's metal front grilles like on my RM100!
I dig it on the smaller head/cab combo in the first pic, and it looks great on the 4x12 but for some reason I don't like it so much on the RM100. I'm not sure why, I just prefer the metal grille. Actually, I like the white head/cab in the background of the last pic--which amp is that?
Love the black and tan look, very cool. Probably a little more practical than the palomino (which looks cool too) since it won't show dirt as much.
do you have other coverings you can share

We have a very small handfull of dealers that we have started working w/ so some more peices may be coming soon. I'll definatly let you guys know about any cool one-offs. Right now we do have some pretty killer fuzzy zebra from the 70's that is just waiting for some use. We also have some snakeskin that looks pretty awesome on heads and cabs too.

Actually, I like the white head/cab in the background of the last pic--which amp is that?

That is actually the prototype V2NH and RS412XLS100 for Mike Ammot from Arch Enemy. They are currently on tour w/ these and we will start shipping them very soon. It's actually silver, but it we do have white tolex as well if someone wants that option.
:D That Arch Enemy amp is what I think of when I hear the name RANDALL! That looks awesome.
PS - I saw Joey Belladonna recently and I had on my RANDALL AMP shirt, we instantly had something in common. RANDALL, please continue to feed the metal world new gear such as a WARHEAD module for my RM100.
Yeah! I LOVE the look of that RM20! That should be the standard look IMHO.
I suggest you guys at Randall go for...

what is simple to make (less costly)
Easy to maintain
Looks pretty good to everybody.
And improves FUNCTION
The classic Fender Black face amps STILL look good, so something along those lines should sell well and not alienate anybody. Just a reasonable update is called for. That Bogner look is essentially a Fender make-over...very conservative. But it fails to protect the speakers any better than what came before.
Hey Randall, hows about a black screen over the speakers, not cloth?
And why are we still living in a Tolex world, hasent something come along thats better? I wouldnt mind black paint,honestly. It never peels!
enuff of Tolex.
That spray on bed liner is a great idea!!

Its time we really made amps gig worthy. For example...I think very amp should ship with a 25 foot long AC cable. Ever play a place where the power was way far away? Happens all the time.
Yeah.... exten. cables could be done but, must we?
Can we get recessed knobs, on everything? Can we get screws that are in places where we can get at them? Can we get labels on the controls that would be visible when the amp is at knee level on a stage (ie dont put lables under knobs...over is usually better.
Little stuff that makes life easier and in general..idiot proof.
Remember: roadies work for Beer..and consume most of it before setting your gear up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!