dead rm100 HELP !!

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
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I need serious help, last night I jammed on my rm100, then at 3am (7 hours after I turned it off) me and my cat were awoken by a loud bang/pop from the amps direction. I didn't see anything so I went back to bed.
I got home earlier and turned the amp on....
No fan, no sound, nothing. The light cane on, then went out instantly. I know nothing about amps, I can't find my local amp tech (disappeared), I have practise in 3 days and 4 new modules arrived today (super v, plexi, mr. Scary, kh-2 !!!)

HELP !!!!
Unplug your amp from the wall and start checking fuses. Check the fuse that your power cord plugs into first. Use a multimeter. There are also some fuses inside. if you dont feel comfortable getting inside the amp then you may want to get someone to help you out. I think there are 7 in my amp (rm100 head) and two are hidden behind the midi board. hope this helps.
ok, I have another problem. I checked the fuses, they're fine, nothing wrong there.
I removed the power-cable connection plate, and found the 2 of the connections were disconnected, i reconnected them, but no joy.
Is there anyone with a wiring diagram of the RM100 head?

I have all these modules and no way of playing them..........AAAHHHHH!!
I know how you feel man, i just finished building my cabinet and when i plugged in my rm100..not a sound. Tried it on another cab...nothing. Course i just got mine so i've never even heard it yet.