Differences between Treadplate and Modern

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Jan 17, 2009
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Hey guys,

New to the forum. Been a Randall user for about 6 months now.

Was wondering how similar the Treadplate and Modern modules are.
All the sound clips I here of them sound alot alike.

welcome aboard!

I had both for a short time, but the Treadplate I sent out for a PeteMod and the Modern I had to sadly sell off during a money crunch.

from the stock experience:
They have similar NuMetal tones, but I think the Modern may have been better at lead-more mids, sustain, and wholeness to the notes, while the TPlate was a rhythm crunch machine. They may have had different bass caps stock, which may also be the main reason for this (tight/loose), and that's a mod many can do on their own.

Similar ballbark, probably why the Modern was discontinued. Dare I say the modern was a bit of a cross between the SL+ (not the 800 version) and Treadplate? I don't know, the modern's cool because it is getting to be a hard item to find, but the Treadplate is a better piece- especially when Grail modded or better yet fullPete moddded with the Orange switch.
skeeterbob said:

Thanks for the info Cranky....
The Modern module is also noticable softer than the Treadplate (when both are set to the same preamp volume level).

... and the attack on the Modern is somewhat looser IMO.

I just got my modern yesterday and did a short test between the two this morning. +1 on the modern being softer!! and it dose not have as much bottom end to it. With that being said sounds like it has less "balls" if you will.
I am modding mine to something completely different... so good luck and welcome to the board!
Thanks for the info guys.

I went ahead and pulled the trigger on a treadplate modded to grail specs with the bass switch.

I cant wait !!