Effects loop question

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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2012
Reaction score
West Palm Beach
I hope somebody could shed some light for me. I'm running my Wah and tuner through the front(working fine). I have a analog delay, chorus, phaser, verb and boost for leads in the loop. I bought a Ebtech line thing. I'm running from the amp send to -10 out +4 through the pedals in +4 then out -10 to amp return. I get a drastic volume drop when pedals engaged and no effects. Even with the amp loop level maxed. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong. I miss my Delay.
Thank you in advance
ebtech are hit or miss from what I understand. They didn't get overwhelming favourable reviews from the few people who bought them for use with these modular amps. I would say you have to go line level like a rack or a pedal that runs fine at line level (hardwire series, flashback delay) I had same issue.. so i'm installing a loop on my JCM800 combo for use with pedals and my G major 2 works fine in the loop of the lynch box.
Try flipping them around (+4/-10). I'm not sure what the deal is with mine but I think the jacks are switched or something. Hooked up "backwards" is the only way mine will work.
You are wired backwards. The loop send goes into the +4 of the Ebtech channel 1. The -10 on that channel feeds your pedals. The pedals feed the -10 on the other channel. The +4 on that channel feed the amp return.

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