Egnater MOD50 setup vs SYN 2 w PowerStation or Carvin TS 100

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Oct 19, 2017
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Hello first post here. Long time Axe FX user and recently went back to 4 cable method setup with a Friedman Runt. Very interested in the synergy and MTS module setups to get some variety going. So as the title suggests, I'm debating between two setups.

Egnater MOD 50
SYN 2 with Fryette Power Station or Carvin TS 100. (The SYN 5050 is a bit to pricey at this time).
Went with a Syn 2 and DS and AC20 modules to start. The Randal RT2/50 is probably an awesome power amp but I just can't lug that to gigs and rehearsals. We shall see what power amp road I take.
keg8605 said:
I just can't lug that to gigs and rehearsals.

I know, right? That thing was a beast when I had one. Heavier than my Super Reverb head.
I run A RM4, RT2/50 with an Fractal FX8 in 4CM for switching and FX.
It makes a great set up.
Your Axe-FX will be a lot of fun with any MTS rig.
I actually have both set ups.....I have a live rig with a Carvin TS100 plus an RM4. I use two speaker cabs with it and run it stereo via a Digitech GSP1101. The sound is killer! However it takes up so much room that I have not used it in a couple of years. Other musicians would bitch about how much space I was taking up except on large outdoor stages.
I also have an MOD50 head and use the SYN2 into it. It was seamless and the midi switching works great (also with the Digitech GSP1101 FX midi'd into it.) However, just the MOD50 and SYN2 w/o the digitech is great. I also have an RM50 that I use with the SYN2 and Digitech. The very minor drawback to that is the RM50 is not midi. So in effect, the SN2 has the great bypass switch which then defaults it to the RM50 which I have to use the RM50 footswitch to go between it's two channels. The MOD50, as it is already midi I don't need the extra FS, which really is no big deal.
As Carvin Audio just went tits up, it may be hard to get a new TS100, but it is a really warm sounding power amp. I would buy another in a heart beat if I needed one.
One drawback I have with the carvin is the lack of Depth control. Plus I think its 10lbs heavier than the power station. There is a mod50 for sale though and I've been thinking about that as well. It would be nice to have everything in a 6u rack though for quick setup.
I have my SYN2 and FX in a rack that sits on top of either the RM50 or MOD50. It is nice to leave it all wired and then just have the two cables to the FX loop and I am done! Plus it sounds killer.
I agree - having everything racked up will be nice. Nothing to patch in except the speaker cable and my mfc for the Axe FX and midi switching the modules.
Received the Syn2 with AC and DS modules yesterday. Had a quick trial through the return of my Friedman Runt 20 head and sounded great that way. With the family sleeping I used the cab sim out for quite awhile. I was getting some decent tones and used some IRs as well as fx from my axe fx. Have to say though I think my Axe FX XL sounds much better direct. More time will confirm but I think with the preamps your missing some power amp tone for sure.
For sure, might be a few days. Picking up a Carvin TS100 today local for cheap. Which clip are you looking for? I guess I could do all quick.

Into Friedman Runt return
Carvin TS100
Cab Sim out

Check out Shawn Tubb's demo's too.
Congrats on that Carvin TS100! I love mine and hope you do too. It is a class act and one of those fairly unknown tube power amps.
ricky said:
Congrats on that Carvin TS100! I love mine and hope you do too. It is a class act and one of those fairly unknown tube power amps.

Thanks Ricky - local and low price $375 gave me no choice so may as well try it out!
TS100 is a great power amp but PLEASE be careful when biasing this one....I had one almost take me out from a jolt....Inside that thing it is really tight and biasing it requires more than basic skill IMHO....
I would never try and bias the amp as that is too far beyond my intelligence. I do like the Randall/Egnater MTS stuff as even I can bias that ****!
keg8605 said:
For sure, might be a few days. Picking up a Carvin TS100 today local for cheap. Which clip are you looking for? I guess I could do all quick.

Into Friedman Runt return
Carvin TS100
Cab Sim out

Check out Shawn Tubb's demo's too.

Yeah I've seen the other demo's. I'm trying to really gauge the range of the module... like just how clean does it go? is the volume lacking at serious cleans? how dirty does it get? etc.

Clip would be greatly appreciated.

I owned a carvin once upon a time. I still have the carvin 4x12 cab. Head is long gone. Loved the amp though.
More time playing the carvin tonight and tomorrow hopefully but my initial response is it might be too flat or missing something. Felt like I needed to pump the output more than I'd want. Like I said more time is needed but into the return of the friedman sounds much better to me.

Different beasts I'm aware but none the less. Might have to buy another power station to direct compare them. I think I miss having a depth control.
My experience is that the depth control is kind of irrelevant at higher volumes. it sounds great at home and really fills the sound out. However at a gig, I can't really hear any difference once I crank the volume up.
keg8605 said:
Received the Syn2 with AC and DS modules yesterday. Had a quick trial through the return of my Friedman Runt 20 head and sounded great that way. With the family sleeping I used the cab sim out for quite awhile. I was getting some decent tones and used some IRs as well as fx from my axe fx. Have to say though I think my Axe FX XL sounds much better direct. More time will confirm but I think with the preamps your missing some power amp tone for sure.

I tried to ask them a question about this on their website but no response. How should you be recording direct (without the cab sim that is), direct to IR's or should i go to a poweramp with a load on it and then out of that direct to IR's...I'm also a Kemper user, so i'm looking to possibly get back a few things i feel like i lost in tone with digital.

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