EMG Guys...18 Volt Mod?

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2010
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Hurtling through space on a wet rock.
OK, I just did the ever so simple and reversible 18 volt mod (wiring two 9V batteries in series) to power my EMGs...It's kinda subtle but cool...Worth doing for the 8 bucks it set me back at Radio Shack...

Have any of you guys done this? If so, what did you think?
Yep, I tried it one of my Schecter PTs. I don't notice a huge difference either. I was hoping for more of a boost. I thought it might be cool to put a toggle switch on the second battery but it really doesn't boost it any. I'm not real crazy about the cleans tones and will probably just go back to one battery. Fun, easy project though. :)
Agreed guitarzan...I don't use the guitar often enough to care one way or the other...It's a studio rat guitar that gets used mostly by metal heads...I will just leave a 9V in the holder and two in the cavity and can switch by a simple plug change for guys to try...

Agreed on the toggle switch but I don't care enough about it one way or the other to take this further...:) I sense you feel the same...
I never tried that mod...
at this point i like my emgs but wonderif he blackout do a better clean sound...the emg clean is so dead.
my brother in law made up a 24v mod that fits into your existing 9V cavity. It uses these two little cylindrical 12V batteries wired in parallel and tucked into a little battery pack the size of a 9V. I have found that it does increase the headroom and open up the definition by a decent amount, definately worth doing for the 20 bucks i think he sells them for. they dont last as long though but still a few months.

For info, go to ebay and click on your account name and then go up to the explorer bar and replace your name with the shop name thrifty_bid

if you took the time to do a 18V mod and dont like it then just rewire the batteries in series and double your capacity so less battery changes.
GtrGeorge! said:
I never tried that mod...
at this point i like my emgs but wonderif he blackout do a better clean sound...the emg clean is so dead.

LOVE my blackouts... 8)
GtrGeorge! I have a set of blackouts in my charvel and emg's in my LP ... the blackouts are much more articulate and have a ton more character than emg's espescially with clean tones.. they destry on high gain stuff too grab a set and you'll love em
I did the same in mine. Give you about 4-6db of headroom. Im thinking about selling my EMG 81/60 set for the new HetSet 81/60. Although they are the same, they sound totally different, like a passive set of actives.