Everyone MUST have one of these!

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Well-known member
May 14, 2010
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Newbury Park, CA
You may or may not be aware that Line6 put out a product called the "BackTrack" a year or two ago. They have dropped the street price to only $29.99!
The box is a very small little flash recorder with guitar input and output. It records everything you play at 24-bit 44.1kHz. You place it between your guitar and your amp. As you're playing and you come up with something good you press the MARK button. Then you put it in PLAY mode and it will loop what you just played. Which of course sounds like you're still playing through the amp!
The truly IMPORTANT use of this for me is while the recorder is playing back through my amp, I can make changes to the settings on my amp and move the mic around the speaker to capture the best sound for my REAL recording rig! As most of us are doing all of our recording by ourselves, this is a BIG help.
Same thing for live performance! When all of the band members aren't there for sound check, I can just play back a file I've recorded of them playing through their amp on stage. Then the sound guy can get the proper levels. I can do it for bass and acoustic too!
For $29 this is just too cool of a tool not to buy.
Wow, thanks Jace. I didnt pay too much attention to
these when I first seen them. Now that I understand
its use I think I may have to get one.
I know this was a while ago but was wondering what anyone who bought one thought of them. Mainly for using to dial in and hear differences in modules without all that stupid guitar playing getting in the way, lol:

audiomidijace said:
The truly IMPORTANT use of this for me is while the recorder is playing back through my amp, I can make changes to the settings on my amp and move the mic around the speaker to capture the best sound for my REAL recording rig! As most of us are doing all of our recording by ourselves, this is a BIG help.
It's awesome...I bought one on Jace's suggestion and it's great for testing mic positions in recording, play while you check cables for noise, or just play back an idea you just threw out there...You can leave it on for entire jam sessions and play everything back...It separates the files and you can even mark them "on the fly" if you know you want to specify coming back to that last riff...

Awesome little piece of gear!
Agree with Matt - bought one per Jace's suggestion as well and love it. Great little piece of gear to go between modules to dial in while track just loops itself.

Also great for those times in the past where I've said, "**** what was that riff I came up with the other day?" - that's all gone now because I can just pop this in line and hit record and it's there and I can tweak later :)
So are you saying that you can play a riff and then put it on loop and re-amp while it is playing? If I am reading it right, I could play the riff and switch between modules, right? That is cool! Looks like they are still fairly reasonable at $49.95.
ricky said:
So are you saying that you can play a riff and then put it on loop and re-amp while it is playing? If I am reading it right, I could play the riff and switch between modules, right? That is cool! Looks like they are still fairly reasonable at $49.95.

FWIW, in the JF EV3 mod video I did, I used the backtrack and a couple riffs from Jaymzrock while I tweaked knobs in that section...Works perfectly for that kinda thing...
I just happened across one in a pawnbrokers yesterday. It has already proven its worth.

Had a bit of an amp failure at last weekend's gig, halfway through the first set. Volume dropped out on the RM100. Couldn't work out just what the problem was and had to resort the backup combo amp. Disappointing - it was going to be the first proper hitout with the SL-OD100.

anyway, I wanted to give it a good play test and see if the problem was intermittent or if it only started once the amp got hot. Unfortunately I'm working from home and don't have time to play guitar for hours. So instead I've used the Backtrack today to feed a loop through the amp for about 4 hours. The amp came through with flying colours. I am sick of that 30 seconds of music though. :lol:

The breakdown must be somewhere else in my rig, but at least I can rule out the amp now. Thank $$$
If anyone is looking to get one of these, I googled it to see if I could find one available and as cheap as possible. Here's a link to the guitar center sale that came up for $19.99. Can't find on their site so I wonder if I'm getting one or not. But shows availability at stores as well. I ordered one. http://www.guitarcenter.com/Line-6-BackTrack-Portable-Digital-Recorder-105141758-i1424815.gc
Knew it. Got e-mail that they are backordered and more are on the way from manufacturer. But seems they are discontinued everywhere so I assume I'll be getting another "oops, sorry" one soon.
I was just going to ask where I might be able to find one of these. Let us know if you end up getting yours.
I wound up cancelling the order when I saw that my local store had them in stock. Went and got 2 of them. Use the link and put in your zip code and it'll tell you what stores have them. This thing is awesome!! Very cool tool to play with..