EVH heads

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Well-known member
May 25, 2006
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I sometimes feel like I do too much reading about guitar gear but i've just noticed lately that I hear alot about EVH 5150 III heads. Seems like it's common amp of choice these days. Anybody played through one yet to see if it's the ultimate? I'm not giving up on my RM100 but it seems like the endorsees have. I doubt most of them care though what they plug into as long as it rocks.
For that specific sound I'm sure it kills, but mts offers such a wide pallette. I'm also concerned because I hear some like the original 5150s better than 5153, albeit not as many channels in the original.

I'm tempted to get an FJA modded version of one of these bad boys one day, but Salvation has cured my hi gain GAS
I am in the camp of preferring the original 5150 or even the 5152. The 3 is less aggressive and a hell of a lot more polished sounding (in a not good way imo.) I like the originals raw aggressive nature. It is just more in your face and a bit darker. They both have a similar base sound, loads of mids even with them turned down, etc etc. It is definitely something you have to hear to understand fully.

How ever, I have to say that the clean channel rules (it is made by fender after all) and the crunch channel is pretty awesome also. I like the crunch on the peavey versions also. I have to say though, unless you really need that pristine clean sound you are better off getting one of the peavey versions for price alone.

The cabs on the other hand are phenomenal! I'd buy one of those in a heart beat if I had the cash.
I played one while I was shopping for a "metal" amp. Pretty good for the price; super gain channel was a little fizzy for me. Three channels is cool, thought I suppose with some decent tubes and OT its a great amp. Although not the same tone, I found it's "quality" pretty even with the Marshall JVM.

MIM 4U --- $2k.
Well, I just flipped my second S1S0+....It's cool as hell but not my thing...The Salvado Deluxe just provides "that" tone better than S1S0 to my ear...I can tell why many like it, but I just prefer the Slo tone...