Grailtone... Holy Hot Rodded Marshall Batman!!!

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Big Daddy

Well-known member
Nov 20, 2011
Reaction score
Murder City, DETROIT!
So I have been recording tracks for a few months with my Snakebite and ignoring some of my other modules, even newer ones purchased in the last few months, because, when I actually have a few minutes, I should be tracking, NOT noodling :p

Right after I started tracking, I had Rob make me a Grailtone for another project that's still in pre-production. Me and a couple of the guys from my first big band want to record some of the better songs we wrote for posterity. Back then I had the coolest 100 watt JMP Super Lead, 1978 I think, that pretty much anyone in my circle had ever heard. You know how you get those "Special Marshalls"? This was the one! It had minor mods - I didn't know Bruce yet :( - and was just bad ass! Long story short, in a moment of weakness I sold it, DUMBEST MOVE I EVER MADE!!!

Since then I have owned just about anything you can imagine. Within a short while I realized that I had the tone I wanted already and tried to get it back without any luck. I probably owned a dozen more Marshalls after that and played 4 times as many looking for that sound again. In 1998 I started working with Bruce and went the M4 power amp route, changed my tone a little and have been very happy with my tone, but I was always looking for my legendary Marshall tone, just to have it.

I bought some stuff from Rob and it arrived late last week. Some buddies came over Saturday and wanted to check out a guitar I was selling, so I lit up my other rig to play around and show them the guitar. The Grailtone was sitting in the studio rig and one of the guys asked what it was, so I grabbed it and threw it in the rig we were playing.

HOLY SMOKES!!! Between the Bright and Normal gains, I was easily able to tweak a KILLER Marshall tone that had both girth and bite! Scoop the mids a bit, balance the highs with the treble and presence and I was playing Van Halen riffs for two hours!

One of my very favorite tones has always been "You really got me" from VH1. With an SH-6 in a Mahogany guitar I have it NAILED! With slight modifications to the tone settings I had the tone that all my buddies drooled over in the late 80's. I was stunned!

It's funny, I have been looking for a 59RR Platinum for this project. I even talk to Rob about putting a feeler out to see who might sell one. I played his while he was in town a while ago and loved it, but was chasing something else at the time, so I back burnered it. The 59RR is also an incredible example of everything that can be good about a Marshall, but, for me, the Grailtone is the tone I have been chasing for 20+ years, Marshall-wise!

I know no one here really wants to get "Howard Tone" :p But if you like Van Halen, this is THE module! UNBELIEVEABLE!

For what it's worth, I played it through an RM100H - E34Ls - with a JF Modified Density board - pre Fog Lifter - and a Marshall 1960B, with a Schecter C-1 that has an SH-6 in bridge.

This module is named more appropriately than other for me, I have found my Holy Grail Marshall tone!

Kudos Rob!

GREAT job!

Just an awesome review. Feel free to record it next time, dying to hear what you're hearing 8)
I'm glad my commissioned module has been a big hit :)

Just curious, what speakers are in your 1960B cab? Greenbacks?

I had some G12t75s in my cab before and it sucked the tone out of the module, then I switched to WGS Invaders (higher powered greenback tone) and holy cow that made a difference!

For anyone wanting that classic raw rock n roll tone, the right speakers are a must!
mikegyver said:
I'm glad my commissioned module has been a big hit :)

Just curious, what speakers are in your 1960B cab? Greenbacks?

I had some G12t75s in my cab before and it sucked the tone out of the module, then I switched to WGS Invaders (higher powered greenback tone) and holy cow that made a difference!

For anyone wanting that classic raw rock n roll tone, the right speakers are a must!


So here's the thing... I LOVE my G12t75s! I have been playing them for a very long time and they are what I am most used to. I have added a Vintage 30 cab to my studio and I feel like it takes me FOREVER to dial in the tone, because I am fighting the tone in my head and what's actually coming out of the cab.

G12t75s are the devil I know, but everyone seems happy with my results. I know I'm not supposed to like them, but I am weak! LOL

Keep the Faith!


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