GSP1101 - need advice

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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Looking for something to run fx on my Randall MTS amps. Been using pedals, and getting irritated with cable runs, AC hum, etc. Used a G-Major, it was ok but not as good as I had hoped.

few questions for those of you that have the GSP:

1) how are the delays and choruses? This would be most of my fx use right there.

2) how about the flanges and phaser? Can it do a decent VH tone?

3) what about the 'boost' pedals you can route in front? work as well as the real deal? What about the wah?

How are the amp emulations built into the thing? Jimosity seemed to really dig these awhile back, Jim, are ya still?

I play mainly 80s-90s rock and metal. Any other recomendations? Been considering the TC Electronic Nova system, as after I buy the foot controller they are the same price! Ugh.

I like mine but I'm only using the GSP1101 at the moment. Very easy to program.

Saw Ratkent play a couple of weeks ago with his RM4 and GSP1101 and he sounded fantastic. Even my super picky bass player mentioned his tone was awesome.
Thanks Ned. Sounds like a good piece of gear. Older digitech stuff I've owned wasn't the best... but I also dig the new Chorus pedal (the CF-7 modelling pedal).

Is it true though that you have to have the control 2 footpedal to do tap tempo? I have a behringer pedal, was hoping to program it to work with the GSP.

Can't answer the tap tempo question as I don't ever use it. I use an old MC-1 at home at a MFC5 live. There is a slight delay using the midi pedal that I've heard doesn't exist with the Control 2.

You might be able to program tap tempo with the Behringer though, the GSP is pretty flexible midi wise.
Pete - I think Kent was using your modules too. His rig really sounded badass. They kicked into You Shook Me All Night Long with Kent playing the intro we just went - Holy Crap (actually used another word) that sounds f-ing amazing.

That was after we spend their first break BS'ing with him so I didn't get a chance to ask him what module it was.

Uncon - Nice dude. Accept my band plays 80's pop (The Cure, Huey Lewis, etc) Although we do take songs like 99 Balloons, You Spin Me Round, Always Something There to Believe etc and hit the Recto patch and rock the crap out of them.

Have I posted the link to our video which is the GSP? The guy shooting the video didn't include my version of the Hammer Dance.
Very cool. I did a brown and a plexi for Kent, so I bet it was one of those. I have two more of his modules right now that should be headed out to him soon.

I'm going nuts between the GSP1101 and the TC Nova system. *grumbles* I have several fx setups right now (bunch of good pedals, or GT8, or G-major) but I like the routing on the GT8 but not the tones so much... and the G major sounds great but I don't like the routing. I think the GSP might be the solution. Or the Nova system and a few stompboxes for the front end.

Oh well, there are worse things to worry about! :)

Pete - you might have seen it already but someone is selling a 1101 over at RT :D
(shameless plug) I'm selling my 1101 + Control 2 over at RT (actually selling it here, too)...

Lemme say this... if I wasn't trying to get out of the rack business, the 1101 is the last piece of gear I'd sell. Why? 1) The quality of effects is good, relatively transparent, and it doesn't suck tone when bypassed or engaged. 2) The routing flexibility (legitimate support for 4-cable method, ability to switch between internal & external preamp on the fly) is uncommon. 3) I find it very quick to dial in the right tones. 4) It does all this for under $500.

Now, the compromise... many people complain about the 1101 because it doesn't offer a lot of programming "depth", or not a lot of parameters to tweak for each effect. Chorus & flange & phaser only have 3-4 things to adjust (compare to the number of parameters on a TC unit). Delays & reverbs are relatively simple as well. Order of effects is not as flexible as in other units. Does it bother me? Actually no... I like the simplicity... that's one of the reasons I find it quick to dial in good tones. But for folks who grew up on the old 2101/2112 units, it can feel like a step backwards in terms of # of parameters and internal routing options.

You can follow along w/ my 1101 adventures here:

I have the GSP1101 since yesterday and really like the way how the TM4 blends in the whole package.FX are really good. Easy to navigate and change everything. the stomp boxes work really well in front of the preamp. haven't succeeded in getting the wah working with my EB pedal and midimate. I'd use the cleans and lead sounds from the GSP , but for playing rhythm stuff the RM4 is really neccesary to get the digital fizz gone. another complaint , there's no indication of levels so you can't see the signal comes in.

I'm waiting for the KH-3 and grail mod. might go for the control2 instead of the midimate ...

Just to add I plan on adding an E2 (M2) to my rig when they are available. And if I find an RM4 cheap enough I'll use that for my practice rig.
ned said:
Just to add I plan on adding an E2 (M2) to my rig when they are available. And if I find an RM4 cheap enough I'll use that for my practice rig.

I guess 2 good modules are enough in combination with the GSP to get all you need.

A question I have , is it possible midi wise to switch lets preset 4 on the gsp while switching to channel1 on the RM4 , also to point presest 5 to the same channel on the RM4 ? suppose not ...

The E2 will use dual channel modules so 4 channels total.

I use the MFC5 which lets me send 2 distinct program and/or control changes to different pieces. But yeah you should be able to switch different preset numbers on the GSP with different amp settings. You might need to use the midi mapping feature on the GSP depending on your controller.
Pete, just my 2 cents worth, I didn't really like the GSP1101 as an effects unit. I can't speak for the modeling because that wasn't a goal. In the loop of my MOD 50 I think it really changed my sound too much. I'll make some adjustments to the module controls but within limits. If you are trying to compensate too much for what the effects are doing the deal is off for me. To be clear the effects were nice but there was a clear change in tone. The pedals in front were a little bright and too sharp for me. Some have varying levels of tolerance for all this, yours may be higher than mine or you may like the change in tone. I did not. I rely on my tried and true, Vox Tone Lab LE, effects only through the ebtech line shifter in the loop. No tone suck and superb delays and chorus. It's something I don't ever worry about.
I'm going to try a G-minor and their 3 button switch. Simple setup for people like me. If that alters my tone 1 single frign bit, I'm done with effects. I'm so f'n tired of tone suck. I got a sensitive ear and I can hear a missing electron in my tone. It sucks.
ned said:
The E2 will use dual channel modules so 4 channels total.

I use the MFC5 which lets me send 2 distinct program and/or control changes to different pieces. But yeah you should be able to switch different preset numbers on the GSP with different amp settings. You might need to use the midi mapping feature on the GSP depending on your controller.

Could you help me out a bit more , So how would I push let's say preset 5 on my midimate while the RM4 switches to channel 2 ?


1) make sure your RM4 is receiving the same channel as the MM is sending

2) set the MM on preset 5 then set the RM4 to channel 2.

Should program like any other controller. I'm not all that familiar with the MM, but I think it's pretty flexible. Maybe someone more familiar with it will respond with more specifics.
@unconventional - I know exactly what you mean about having a sensitive ear, it's a curse! You should try a line mixer and run your effects in parallel. This way the dry signal is preserved and the effects are mixed with it. Make sure you have an effects unit with wet/dry mixing or a kill dry setting so you can set it to 100% wet. Otherwise you will get phasing issues between the dry signal in the effects (delayed by the digital conversion) and the real dry signal.

@okstrat - the GSP1101 is very transparent in terms of clarity but to my ears it robs a lot of the tube warmth. Unfortunately there is no wet/dry mix so you cannot run it in parallel. Also, I thought the delays and reverbs were on the weak side.

@raf - if you don't already have the Midi Mate manual, download the PDF from Rocktron's site and read it. It should tell you how to setup the MM with the MIDI channel of each of your devices and then how to program presets to call up different channels / patches on your RM4 and GSP. Basically you setup each preset on the MM to send a different program change number to each device. I'm not familiar with programming the Midi Mate since I use a Ground Control, but the concept is the same.
I got my pedal channel on the midimate set to 7 , got the controller 1 on 7 and the expression link to controller 1 and to work as a wah pedal. Could the problem be that I got to midi in from the RM4 (phantom power for the midimate) , the from the out/ thru to the midi in of the GSP.

all looks fine to me ?
