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Thanks everyboy. I am really happy. Actually after going back and reading the auction more closely he says he ordered it last summer and used it 4 hours. I some how turned that into 4 weeks old. I guess I'm so hyped up about it I'm not thinking clealrly.
Thanks, ya it's way cool. I was trying to stay calm about it because I was figuring 6 - 8 weeks from Bruce and Frank. This has an extra module and FedEx will deliver it right into my hands early next week. It left Arizona tonight. Texas isn't far so maybe even Monday.
I've been waiting over 3 months on the M4 ,not so bad of a wait with the mod here but you got a great deal,three modules and a foot switch! :) Plus you'll be jammin in a week!!!!AWESOME
Well, the FedEx gods have smiled upon me today and just moments before I was about to leave work ... MY MOD 50 SHOWS UP!!!!

Huray! I got it home and unpacked it and I think I just stared at it for a good 15 minutes. It is just beautiful. Cranked it up a while ago. Quick impressions.

Incredible sound, the best I have heard from this modular species yet and I don't even have my favorite (or any) significant hi-gain modules. Waiting patiently for my EG3/4.

Twin/Vox - Has any one even ever heard of this beast? I can't remember ever seeing or any one here mentioning this module. The Twin side "A" is crystal clean and wonderful sounding.

B'man - I love the Fender Bassman and this is like having the ultimate 2 channel black face amp. It's clean is punchy and just plain all around useful. Much like mentioned earlier about the SL this modue also has quite a bit of gain on tap on the "B" side. A very unique and very cool distrotion voice. Unlike anything I've ever played through. I love it.

SL - Both the Plexi and SL channels on this one are excellent too. As mentioned a buch of gain available. I like it with the high and low boosted. Punchy and articulate with that trade mark Egnater smoothness inside of the sound. Sounds over the top awesome with my Reverend Drive Train punched up in front of it.

Wow ...
3 Mile Stone said:
Twin/Vox - Has any one even ever heard of this beast? I can't remember ever seeing or any one here mentioning this module. The Twin side "A" is crystal clean and wonderful sounding.

It was one of the new favorites at NAMM. I want one too damint! Congrats on a KILLER Egnater deal...wow! Good eBay victory!
Nope, I realize that the new module discussed has been the Twin/Deluxe. This has "TV" written in hand writing just like all the Eggie modules do and was described in the auction as a "Twin/Vox". I remember seeing a single channel version of this in Peter Framptons M4 rig. Those also said "TV". My ear also tells me that the B channel is not a DLX. I owned and used an Eggie DLX module for years as my primary clean. This B channel has a distinct midrangey tone, which leads me to concur with it's claim to be a Vox. I have never heard of this though in a dual module configuration. I should ask the Egnater guys about it. An experiment or custom job maybe?
Ned - No I didn't, busy day at work today. I am calling tomorrow or Friday to check on my EG3/4 order, so good idea, I'll check that out.

Chad - I don't know man, I'm going to have to confess here. I had 1 Egnater Vox module in the past and it just was not for me. I think I mentioned this before, but you know how you just don't sound right sometimes through certain amps? This wasn't me, and so when I went to that channel last night it didn't sound right to me. It sounded muddy but that could be my strings were dead (I haven't changed them since the gig last week). Could be maybe the Vox tone didn't get along with the E34L tubes in the power section? Maybe I don't have a clue what a good Vox tone is? It's one of those sounds when I hear it I dig it, but it doesn't happen for me. This is the old "it's me honey not you" line right? Ha! It sounded midrangey and therefore fits the description of what others say a Vox is like, but really, what do I know. For one of you Vox nuts, it's probably heaven! I was suprised at how VERY different it sounded from the Twin side. Maybe I'll have time tonight to check it out better. I might put my JJ 6V6's in there and see what that does.

Jrm-4 - If that's true I wonder if I could have it converted to a Twin/DLX. I loved the Deluxe.
Okay I really got to spend some time with the amp tonight and here's an update for all who are interested. Power tubes were WAY over biased at 52 for E34L. Way too hot and they were showing the effects too. I had hissing and popping. Checked all the tubes with a pencil eraser (light tapping with something soft will reveal microphonics). The series (the one I was using) effects loop tube had also gone bad. Interestingly it was the only 12AT7 in the bunch. Put a EH 12AX7 in it's place, put a Groove Tube M (Mullard copy) in the input stage, slapped my JJ 6V6's in there in it's ready to go. Sounds way better and the TV now sounds very good. Much clearer and usable. One further note about the mysterious Twin/Vox module. It is a clean times two module. Meaning the B side is not a higher gain mode like most of the other configurations. The Twin is clean but the Vox side is very very clean also. Gain all the way up and very little dirt. It gets bigger sounding, but has lots of headroom. This one is a clean mod dream. Other sounds, B'man, Plexi and SL modes are also really sounding good. I had gotten used to the 6V6 tone becasue it's what I was using in the RM50 head.
I've seen the T/V online at some gtrgr.com something like that but it was an overseas dealer I believe and that they had a the whole load of Egnater gear and the t/v module was listed as new in stock,I emailed Indoorstorm and they have been out of modules for awhile it seems,but said they can get them pretty fast and I've never seen the t/v listed.Anyway,all I can say is it is worth the wait and Frank said my M4 is finally on the way so I guess it's time to "MODULE UP" so anybody want to get rid of any dual channel mods? :D
This Twin/Vox situation is cool. I had never heard of this before! The most interesting thing to me is that the Vox side has a lot of clean headroom. In my standard dual-channel VX module, it has almost no headroom! It starts distorting very early even on channel A. I think I might try to have Egnater mod it to get some headroom. I love the chimey-ness, but really have to crank the channel master to offset how low I have to have the gain set. As stock, its not a very clean module.


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