Ned - No I didn't, busy day at work today. I am calling tomorrow or Friday to check on my EG3/4 order, so good idea, I'll check that out.
Chad - I don't know man, I'm going to have to confess here. I had 1 Egnater Vox module in the past and it just was not for me. I think I mentioned this before, but you know how you just don't sound right sometimes through certain amps? This wasn't me, and so when I went to that channel last night it didn't sound right to me. It sounded muddy but that could be my strings were dead (I haven't changed them since the gig last week). Could be maybe the Vox tone didn't get along with the E34L tubes in the power section? Maybe I don't have a clue what a good Vox tone is? It's one of those sounds when I hear it I dig it, but it doesn't happen for me. This is the old "it's me honey not you" line right? Ha! It sounded midrangey and therefore fits the description of what others say a Vox is like, but really, what do I know. For one of you Vox nuts, it's probably heaven! I was suprised at how VERY different it sounded from the Twin side. Maybe I'll have time tonight to check it out better. I might put my JJ 6V6's in there and see what that does.
Jrm-4 - If that's true I wonder if I could have it converted to a Twin/DLX. I loved the Deluxe.