Help my Brahma is broken!

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Oct 14, 2009
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I just got a Brahma module off ebay and the volume knob is messed up. Here's the run down...

Volume is pretty much non existent until I get to '10' on the volume pot then it's full blast.

If I crank the master on the RM100 I can hear the faint signal and it tapering louder as I raise the volume and it jumps a huuuuuge amount at the end of the pots range on '10'.

Is the pot bad? What's going on?

I tried new tubes and switched around spots in the RM100 juuuust in case.
You have a broken volume pot. They can shatter in shipping from time to time, not fault of your's or the seller. I can repair it for you if you like, just send a PM and we can set something up.

My Brahma had the same problem, though not quite as severe as yours. I still haven't fixed it. I found that removing the knob and tightening the screw helped temporarily.
If either of are tired of messing with them, hit me up with a p.m. and i'll take it off your hands. :D