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Mar 14, 2008
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I just got my RM100 in yesterday. When I hooked it up it sounded horrible. It sounded like a blanket was over the speakers and no matter what it did it sounded like I was on the neck humbucker when I was on the bridge. I know its not my guitar becuase I have two Paul Reed Smith 24's that sound amazing threw every thing else. Please help me cause I really do want to like this amp.
No I have the presence on about four. Could it be the tubes or something? I would check for a microphonic preamp tube but they are in the module. I don't really think it just sounds bad case if it did people like metalica, disturbed or breaking benjamin wouldn't use them.
Try cranking the presence up to about 3 oclock. That should give you good clear tones. That and the density. I run them both very high and it screams.
it certainly could be a tube.

to see if it is...just swap each tubes out on position to the left or right.

it isn't the me.
Can you put two tubes in the middle sockets and run it at 50 watts or will it mess something up?
Yes, either 2 in the middle or 2 on the outside with none in the middle. You might have to set the ohm setting to 4 on your speaker cab.