HELP!!! RM100 powers up, but no sound on 'PLAY'. GUT PICS

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Jun 2, 2007
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I just installed new RUBY EL34BHTs and biased each tube for 37mVDC. It was working and suddenly, I heard a small 'pop' sound. Then, no sound at all.

I replaced two of the HT fuses, which blew. But even after, there is no sound as yet. :cry: What is wrong??? Don't tell me it's my OT.
There are several fuses in the chassis, I'd check those. Go into the gigmods part of the forum, I have a thread with pics that show you where all the internal fuses are. Check them with a meter, not by eye.

Are your tubes lighting up when you turn the amp on? If not, it's probably the fuse inside the chassis for the tubes. I have EL34s in my amp, and was having trouble with a fuse blowing repeatedly. Jeff from Egnater told me to put a 15 amp slo-blo in there (the original is a 10 amp) and so far that's working.

A word of caution: Don't pull the chassis out if you don't know what you're doing. LETHAL voltages are in there. If you touch the wrong thing, you're toast.
Special Thanks to okstrat for the invaluable info on the fuse location thread at the Gigmod forum.

Anyway, here's a pic from that forum:


I checked out the internal fuses and turns out Fuse 4 and 5 were busted. They both are 1.6A in rating. The local electronics shop had no 1.6A fuses available so, in my desperation, I went for 2A fuses. :?

I reinstalled the old tubes in my amp... 2 =C= EL34s (inner pair) and 2 JJ E34Ls (outer pair). Biased the =C='s for 35mV, and the JJs for 41.5mV.

For a while, it played like butter. So I thought it was great.

After a few minutes, I tried cranking up the amp. Whenever I strummed a chord, the 2 leftmost tubes (V1A AND V2A) seemed to glow (like strobes) more whenever I made a strum compared to the rightmost ones (V3A and V4A). And when I maxed out the volume, the same pop sound happened, only that I saw a spark somewhere and a burnt smell.

Turns out, the brown wire connected to the OT with a spade connector has a bad burn on the PCB. Check the pics:




So I tried replacing the 2A fuse that blew (fuse 5 in Pete's photo, whose original value is 1.6A) and the same spark happened. :oops: Same burnt smell.

I checked out the 4 ohm/8ohm/16ohm taps from the power amp to the speaker and checked if my OT has an infinite resistance... nope, 0 resistance it says.

Now what did I hurt? :oops: :cry: