hi gain modules

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Jul 4, 2008
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i'm about to buy a RM4 and I'm pretty sure that I want the Blackface for my clean and the Ultra XL for lead. I'm just not sure for the others 2 mods.

I'm looking for modules that can cover 80's hard rock to today's Nu metal (System of a down, Godsmack, etc...). So i'm guessing I'd need a SL+ for 80's (or Mr. Scary...) and I dont know about the other one. I'd want Something with a lot of gain on hand without having to boost with a stomp.

I heard a lot of great things about the Grail, but I wonder if there's enough gain for really heavy stuff.

Any input is welcome since I can't try them and I'm going on a leap of faith with the MTS stuff.
well,the Blackface is a great choice for your clean tone.the ULTRA XL will cover your lead & rhythm tones for super-high gain "modern" tone(more classic or thrash metal than nu-metal,though).for nu-metal,i'd say go with a 1086 module and seeing that it's a versatile module,with the "mids-voicing" switch & the "gain level" switch,you could,technically cover BOTH the 80's rock/metal and current-day nu-metal tones with just THIS one module...the 1086 module puts out a fairly descent tone,either marshally or recto-ish.but,if you wanted to have a "single" specifically-tailored module for "each" of these two tones/styles of music,i'd recommend getting a SL+(or MR SCARY)module and a GRAIL.each of these modules,respectively,does each tone VERY well...btw,i believe there is a mint condition MR SCARY & GRAIL module RIGHT NOW,on ebay,with great prices...otherwise,with the four slots of an RM4,having a Blackface,ULTRA XL,SL+(or MR SCARY) and a GRAIL module,in your collection,you've really got ALL the tones covered,with just those four modules,imo!!! good luck!!! btw,the GRAIL,by itself may not be quite enough "gain-wise",but with a simple o/d pedal,it's becomes a monster... on a separate note,the mts stuff is great...you just need to know which modules to "go with"... welcome to the mts "club"!!!
Thanks Goldwing for your suggestions. I wanted to get the 1086 but I read a lot of conflicting reviews about it. Some love it and some don't. As for the Grail, wouldn't the Treadplate give me about the same thing tone wise but with more gain? Also, am I right to assume the SL+ doesn't have as much gain and clarity as the Mr Scary?
well...okay,now that i've given you a "neutral" opinion on the 1086 module,i'll elaborate more,in detail,about it...the 1086's "mids-voicing" feature is where the "like the module/dont like it" comes into play.with the switch set to the "marshally"-sounding side(set to the "right",i believe),it's got a descent tone to it,covering plexi to high-gain marshall tones AND with the "gain-level" switch set to "low",you could even get a useable "clean" tone out of the module...so,here's where the "like-dislike" part comes in:with the "mids-voicing" switch set the opposite way(for a recto-ish vibe),imo,the tone,more or less,just gets a really mids-scooped and/or dark-muffly sound to it,really not capturing much of a recto-tone,but more of a "who the heck just put a thick,heavy blanket over my speakers" tone...lol! now,i know that there will be guys that disagree with this opinion,but,i honestly WANTED the 1086 module to be a "winner",an extremely versatile "one-module-does-all" module.shoot,i bought the 1086,twice,each a year apart from each other,figuring maybe the first one was a "bum" module and had something wrong with it,especially after reading some other forum member's comments "raving" about the tone & how much they loved this module...but,even after a second try,i still heard the same things about it that i didnt care for,so i sold it & moved on...guess,the ONLY way YOU"LL know whether YOU like it or not,is to just get your hands on one! ...

okay,now about the TREADPLATE module.yes,it does have more gain than the GRAIL module,and enough to NOT have to really push it any harder with an o/d pedal...but,the "gain" is at the expense of "clarity"...big time! the module's tone is VERY middy,so you have to be real careful to use the "gain" in not-so-large amounts because once you crank the gain level knob past,say,1-2 o'clock,the tone just all seems to "mush-up".basically poor "definition"...now,here are some options...because of this,the RECTO/RECTIFIED/TREADPLATE module seems to sell for pretty cheap,when they come up "used" on this forum's classified section and/or ebay.if you can buy one for real cheap,say under $100 total/shipped,you can send it off to fellow mts forum member Pete Turley(forum user name "okstrat").he's been doing great "mod" work & repairs for all the mts modules and he's the resident tone guru & electronics expert.you could send him a used TREADPLATE module and have him do a "clarity" mod to it...or he can do a "Grail" mod to it(which turns the module into the exact specs & tone of the stock GRAIL module)...

lastly...actually,the SL+ has about an equal amount of gain & clarity as the MR SCARY.the MR SCARY is a bit darker in tone & tighter on the "highs",which may be "perceived as" being a bit gainier,but even if it is,we're talking a tiny amount,imo...and as for "clarity",the SL+ may actually have a bit more of it,because it has a somewhat "dipped-mids" to it's tone,whereas the MR SCARY is a pretty "middy" module,typical of an 80's mids-heavy Marshall tone...both modules are excellent,though! imo,the SL+ is a tiny bit better for "rhythm" AND the MR SCARY excels in "leads" a bit more...but,they're very similar to each other & it would be sort of redundant to own both.

...hope this helps!!! :)
Ok, I had a hard time looking for a hi gain module for sometime so I got the 1086 and I also got the KH3 both sound really good but the 1086 haves a deep tone to it and crunchy sound compared to the KH3 is better I tought I would like the KH3 more but nope.Although the Ultra XL would be good. I play Melodic Death Metal/thrash metal with an Rm100m I run that with Mesa boogie cab and it sounds awesome.I really like the 1086 \m/ :twisted:
Thanks for the detailed info. I guess I'm gonna go with the Blackface, SL+, the Grail and the Ultra XL. If the Grail doesn't have enough gain, I'll probably boost it or use the Ultra XL for really heavy stuff.
I think the type of guitar you're using makes a big difference. Modules that sound like they lack sufficient gain with my Ibanez RG type axe sound HUGE with my Les Paul...
have to agree with cranky here. i have a custom guitar being built out of korina, so this is gonna have a pretty big impact on what modules i select.. so i'm in limbo at teh moment about purchasing my rm4/rt250 and modules. i'm still like 2-3 months out.
alcor said:
Also, am I right to assume the SL+ doesn't have as much gain and clarity as the Mr Scary?

Is the Mr. Scary the signature equivalent of the SL+? Would the scary work better for British heavy metal like Maiden or shred like Yngwie?