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If I were Bruce, I would probably be a little uncomfortable with all the unrestrained adoration. Sure, we all look up to him for being a brilliant amp designer and creating this system we love, but you can't really have a real conversation when all that comes your way is superlatives.
Whoopysnorp said:
If I were Bruce, I would probably be a little uncomfortable with all the unrestrained adoration. Sure, we all look up to him for being a brilliant amp designer and creating this system we love, but you can't really have a real conversation when all that comes your way is superlatives.

Hmm, I left idolisation behind in my childhood

But really, most discussions feed on the "I think you're wrong because..." principal
creating a dynamic conversation where various sides and opinions are presented

If you ask me, you got to be some kind of highly sophisticated Amp-Guru sincere and certain to claim "Well Bruce, I think you're wrong because..."

Bruce is kind of the "last word" type of poster, because,... well, do we have more knowledgeable people in here?
Nightdare said:
Hmm, I left idolisation behind in my childhood

But really, most discussions feed on the "I think you're wrong because..." principal
creating a dynamic conversation where various sides and opinions are presented

If you ask me, you got to be some kind of highly sophisticated Amp-Guru sincere and certain to claim "Well Bruce, I think you're wrong because..."

Bruce is kind of the "last word" type of poster, because,... well, do we have more knowledgeable people in here?

Sure, I certainly wouldn't deny that. I'm sure there's nobody on Earth who is more intimately familiar with the subtleties of these amps than Bruce is. To me, that fact would seem to invite more discussion in threads where Bruce posts--not less, like he has observed. I think he's saying he'd like to see his posts spur additional conversation rather than shut it all down due to posters' mistaken beliefs that nothing more can be said on the topic.
Hi Bruce. I read all your posts and as others have said, your answers are kind of the last word because you created MTS. I noticed when opening up one of my 50 watters that the boards all say Egnater. Are the boards in the Randall Mts amps the same boards that were used in the original single channel Egnater amps?
Also, what do you think of the idea of coming out with a 50 watt RM4?
Bruce has more knowledge than me for sure, so unless asking opinions such as would you guys dig or have a need for _________. My input would be of minimal importance.

By the way Bruce I do appreciate when you do post, it makes me feel good about the amp I have. While you are not Randall, you provide a certain appreciation for the line and it's possibilities.
bruce egnater said:
I don't know how that Bruce Almighty name got there. I didn't do that!?!?!?

I'm not sure if it was a spoof based on the movie of the same title or a serious title consideration, but I think it fits. I didn't take it as you had/have a god complex, but as you are the creator of this awesome platform we here on the form enjoy so much.