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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2008
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Get rid of any extra fuzz with your modules/amp?

All of my overdriven modules on my RM100 sound fuzzy and I'm getting sick of it. Would a tube change help at all?

Don't tell me to turn down the gain too. I've got the gain at about 11 o'clock on my XTC module and it's still fuzzy. :evil:
I run a BBE Maximizer rack mount that "straightens" the signal out and cleans it up nicely. I wouldnt run my rig without one. Run it right into the effects loop.
The Pick ups are EMG 81/81's, and the cable isn't dodgy. The preamp volume is up at around.. 10 - 11 o'clock.
I have this problem with the RM100 power section in general..the best cure is more volume...but I settled on messing with power tubes....some sound really meh in it...the TAD 6L6GCSTR pair sound monstrous in my 50W....but in the RM100....fizzy.. :-/

Tubes I like so far JJ E34L is oK, GT EL34M is much better...JJ KT77 seesm to work well but have to reduce treble on those..esp with EMGs..

Sovtek 5881s that sound great on Egnater and RM 50W...merely OK in the RM100..I don't think I've found a 6L6 type tube that I really dig yet in the LB

JJ 6v6...ugh...same with TungSol 5881s...fizz
JKD said:
I have this problem with the RM100 power section in general..the best cure is more volume...but I settled on messing with power tubes....some sound really meh in it...the TAD 6L6GCSTR pair sound monstrous in my 50W....but in the RM100....fizzy.. :-/

Tubes I like so far JJ E34L is oK, GT EL34M is much better...JJ KT77 seesm to work well but have to reduce treble on those..esp with EMGs..

Sovtek 5881s that sound great on Egnater and RM 50W...merely OK in the RM100..I don't think I've found a 6L6 type tube that I really dig yet in the LB

JJ 6v6...ugh...same with TungSol 5881s...fizz

That sucks. I like 6l6's more than el34's :cry:

Do you think a tube change well emit results and less fizz?
It always baffles me how speaker are very seldom mentioned as part of your tone. Speakers have way more effect than tubes, pickups, cables etc. etc. Everything matters but speakers would be near the top of my list What speakers are you using?

i just changed out two of my speakers from g12t100's to v30's in my 412(the other2 are k100's) and my tone went from dark and overly bassy to warm, articulate,and a little fuzzy which is kinda what i was after and i tamed the excess fuzz with pre amp tubes on the chassis. tinkering on the amp will only get you so close, the speakers definetly make up the rest and though they can be expensive they can easily solve that last peice of the tone puzzle
bruce egnater said:
It always baffles me how speaker are very seldom mentioned as part of your tone. Speakers have way more effect than tubes, pickups, cables etc. etc. Everything matters but speakers would be near the top of my list What speakers are you using?


You can't get a better comment then that!

Have you ever tried a different CAB or speakers? I've never used anything by Bugera, but this is why a lot of people don't like the V30's as they are known to be a bit fizzy, but the rest of the tone is to die for, so my next custom cab project will have 2 V30's and 2 G12T's. I'm hoping it will give the best of both worlds.
AXCL said:
bruce egnater said:
It always baffles me how speaker are very seldom mentioned as part of your tone. Speakers have way more effect than tubes, pickups, cables etc. etc. Everything matters but speakers would be near the top of my list What speakers are you using?


You can't get a better comment then that!

Have you ever tried a different CAB or speakers? I've never used anything by Bugera, but this is why a lot of people don't like the V30's as they are known to be a bit fizzy, but the rest of the tone is to die for, so my next custom cab project will have 2 V30's and 2 G12T's. I'm hoping it will give the best of both worlds.
Isn't that the speaker combination found in the new Hammett cabs?
Speakers are huge deal ... i found that out the hard way a couple of yrs ago .. after cycling through guitars , amps , efx, bla bla bla ... then one day , i traded in my randall 4X12 loaded w/ "crappy jaguar" speakers for a brand new RANDALL XL w/ V30's and HOLY MOTHER OF DOG!!!! then i added the RM4 and VHT 2502 .... jeesh.....i've been in the neighbours bad books ever since .....

now i just got a Marshall 4X12 (w celes 75's )the other week and a JC120 head to run as my clean tone (when i get my gvx switcher ) in the meantime i decided to A/B the 2 cabs....
IMO the V30's slay the 75's tone wise ....

i like the 30s as i can push and make em' "work" sooner at a lower db then those higher wattage speakers ... anyway's

anywa's both great cab's ..... but the V30's speak to me better
Yea, the V30's will definitely give you more bang for your wattage. They have a higher sensitivity level then the G12T75's. The 75's will give you sharper cleans though. Go choice if that is why you picked it for your clean head!
Yeah, I'm not too sure about V30's. I've heard they're very ear piercing at times, which is something I despise.
AXCL said:
Yea, the V30's will definitely give you more bang for your wattage. They have a higher sensitivity level then the G12T75's. The 75's will give you sharper cleans though. Go choice if that is why you picked it for your clean head!

yeah that's exactly why it's like that ... the headroom is great for clean
Moe. said:
Yeah, I'm not too sure about V30's. I've heard they're very ear piercing at times, which is something I despise.

huh? i think you may have heard wrong , there is nothing ear peircing about V30's that i have ever noticed ... and I've owned Jaguar speakers if you want to talk about ear piercing crap! but to each there own... but i went with the V30's because if it's good enough to be in James Hetfields cabs'll be good for me..
i think there is a reason why v30's are so popular ( for rock and metal that is )
If you are really looking for volume, Eminence speakers generally have a higher sensitivity then Cels. Dimebag used the Emi "Texas Heat". It is a bit lower sensitivity, but handles up to 150W. The Emi "Governor" is said to be closely voiced to the V30, but that has been highly debated. What can't be debated is that it will be louder then a V30.
AXCL said:
If you are really looking for volume, Eminence speakers generally have a higher sensitivity then Cels. Dimebag used the Emi "Texas Heat". It is a bit lower sensitivity, but handles up to 150W. The Emi "Governor" is said to be closely voiced to the V30, but that has been highly debated. What can't be debated is that it will be louder then a V30.

Yeah, those Texas Heat's give me an exellent clean through my V2. My other cab is a B-52 rated at 400 watts, and the clean channel SUCKs through it! Speakers are HUGE when it comes to the tone! My only complaint about the Texas Heat speaker, might be a touch too much bass...but that's controllable.