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Mmmm.. tubes and speakers :D
I LOVE my EVM-12L's. They demand to be pushed a little (at least), or they get pretty upset and refuse to "perform well." (IMO)

I also love my Greenbacks. I prefer the 25watt, but that means even with a 4x12, a 100watt can be VERY dangerous to use. Well, not so much dangerous as expensive ;) For recording, and exercising care though... Mmmm...

I also love my Scumbacks. I have a pair of 12M75-LHDC's, 100watt each. Yeah, they want to be pushed a little. But, the larger dust caps (LHDC) are supposed to cut down the extra hair/fizz from higher gain. I prefer darker tones to begin with, and then let them "bloom" with controlled brightness, pop, ooomph, etc. I think I could even dime a JCM900 and have it not sound as fizzy with these things. But, they are a little mid-rangey. For more scooped, I would prolly go 12M55 or H55.

Tubes.. yeah, fun! Throw some Chinese tubes in (Pentas or such.. some 9th gen at the least) and I find they add 12AX7 hair/fizz with the gain. Not overly, like Svet's sound to me. But, my ears might be odd or something ;) My fav for pre tubes has to be JJ ECC803S. Throw a JJ ECC83S or Tung Sol 12AX7 in V2.. wow. Combined with EL34L's, total Brit crunch, good clarity, and screams.

I don't know if the RM100 can do it or not, but I am getting ready to try an "Integrated Quad" in my Legacy; matched quad, but made up of 2 EL34L's, and 2 6L6's! Eurotubes is like a mile or two from my house, so I stopped by and picked up a quad, hopefully find time to try them later this week.

For EL34's, I like the Ruby's, =C=, and JJ EL34L's. But, I also prefer tubes with a dozen hours or so on them, at the very least. Yeah, old lady=old lady ears :D