How do you handle a module?

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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2007
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the modules need to be handled with care when going in and out a friend had 2 failures at gigs maybe he was being ham fisted

I got this reply when asking about Egnater reliability issues on another forum. Anyone else had any module damage issues? I had mine out this weekend and swapped some tubes in them. It was a little tight, but nothing too difficult. I was just careful reinserting the module and the amp works fine now.

But this quote makes me wonder a few things:

Is there a certain way to best handle modules?
A way to insert them?
A state the amp should be in when adding/removing a module?
A way to store them when not in use?
Best way to swap tubes?

Thanks in advance.
Is there a certain way to best handle modules?
I woiuldn't touch the board unless necessary... tube amps are robust, but there are some ICs and such that could be damaged by static electricity. Never hurts to be careful.

A way to insert them?
I hold mine by the front panel and start them on the track, then push until they seat, then use the thumbscrews to secure them. If you're having trouble making one line up/fit, there's a good chance that the screws on the 'cage' over the tubes are too tight. Loosen them a bit and it should work just fine.

A state the amp should be in when adding/removing a module?
At minimum put the amp on standby, but I turn my amp off. I wouldn't pull tubes with the amp on standby, so why would I pull TWO AT ONCE on a preamp module?

A way to store them when not in use?
The Randall box is great, but mine has been ordered for about 2 months now and I haven't seen it. Bought another one used on ebay. I'll be a happy camper when it finally gets here.

Best way to swap tubes?
I would brace the tube board (that is secured to the module by two screws) with one hand and work the tube loose with the other. Some of the modules I've worked on were CRAZY tight, but some 12ax7's seem to have slightly different pin sizes too. I would not recommend just grabbing a tube and yanking - support that PCB where the tube socket is located with one hand for sure.
I did it again. I called Egnater for the answers :) He said they were not fragile.

Is there a certain way to best handle modules?
They are not fragile, just be sensible.
A way to insert them?
Just put them on the rails and ease it in. Finger tight on the captive screws.
A state the amp should be in when adding/removing a module?
Amp should preferably be off when swapping modules.
A way to store them when not in use?
Didn't ask this, in the box I guess.
Best way to swap tubes?

Forgot to ask this one too :)
The advice Pete gave was perfect. The modules should be able to take a good amount of handling, but just be careful is all. I will say that I'm surprised at Doug. He's like a trick bartender w/ these things. Flings 'em, spins things around, launches them across the room at 20 paces and gets the module perfectly in the slot. :shock: