JF VX30 Opinions?

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SpitfireMusic said:
Thanks so much Mike this is incredibly helpful and I like that you put them in the context of a mix as well as soloed.

Still a toss up for me but it's definitely helping me narrow down my options.

Cool, I'm glad they're helping. Which modules are you considering?
Hey Mike,

I sent you a private message but long story short to start with a Twintone and Z Rx.

Other mods of interest are the 5f6JFM, Chiefton, Superpro, JFM45, and then from series 1 Wrecked, XTC, Rverb.

I have 5 donor modules that I can send in. 2 right away and then ideally space the rest out.
SpitfireMusic said:
Hey Mike,

I sent you a private message but long story short to start with a Twintone and Z Rx.

Other mods of interest are the 5f6JFM, Chiefton, Superpro, JFM45, and then from series 1 Wrecked, XTC, Rverb.

I have 5 donor modules that I can send in. 2 right away and then ideally space the rest out.

My apologies, as my internet (TWC) was out all day yesterday.

As to your PM, I'm not really sure what you're asking of me. The demos were carefully made to ensure that the modules would shine in their current incarnations.

All of the modules, IMO, were excellent and I believe them demos represent them well. If there's something you're expecting but not hearing, I'd recommend contacting Rob directly, as I'm certain that he can adjust them to suit your needs.

That said, the Twintone is outstanding and IMO, a Must-Have module. It can do everything from spanky clean to Keith Richards.

It's flat out awesome.
Well I'm definitely sold on twintone I guess the question I had was if you had to pick just 3 or 4 other modules to cover jazz, country, blues, classic rock, etc (nothing crazy heavy)what would you pick/suggest?

To me the twintone and a cleanish-mid gain dr z maz 18 type of tone would give me tons of versatility to play all the different styles I do.
SpitfireMusic said:
Well I'm definitely sold on twintone I guess the question I had was if you had to pick just 3 or 4 other modules to cover jazz, country, blues, classic rock, etc (nothing crazy heavy)what would you pick/suggest?

To me the twintone and a cleanish-mid gain dr z maz 18 type of tone would give me tons of versatility to play all the different styles I do.

Based on your description, I'd choose the following Series 2 modules, in order:

1. Twin Tone
2. VX30
3. J-Plex
4. Super Pro

I own the JF Super Clean and Vybe Deluxe, both of which are amazing and compliment the Twin Tone, VX30 and Super Pro extremely well. Having the full range of cleaner modules would be ideal and the Twin Tone and VX30 are next on my list.

The J-Plex is just flat out astounding. It can clean up nicely like a JTM45 but with the "Jumper" switch engaged with the two concentric pots dimed, it's Classic Rock. The Super Pro is a great module with a nice range as well (though not in the same class as the J-Plex in terms of gain).

That said, these are just my preferences. Yours may be different. I don't have anything but praise for all of the Series 2 modules and Rob's done a phenomenal job of capturing each amp in a module.

Hope this helps :D
The only thing stopping me from the VX30 is that I own and run an AC30 alongside my MTS rig haha.

With that being the case I'm thinking that as I expand out from the Twintone maybe the J plex, Superpro, and Cheifton would be great mods to consider.