Kings X studio pics

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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2006
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very cool thread. Found it from
Very cool... thanks for sharing! :) Don't know what had me drooling more... Ty's guitar gear, or all those obscenely high-end studio pre's and mics.

Wow, my rack looks a little similar to that (monster power at the bottom, two RM4's, Korg tuner...)

I'm surprised to see such great gear high end gear and then two Behringer EQ pedals...
Great link, thanks for hooking us up. Wagener actually used a lot of the Randall MTS in the studio, it looks like... Interesting to note he actually used the Mic Eliminator on the Randall 4X12, even with all those phenomenal mics at his disposal.
Michael uses a bunch of Randall modular gear. Also the Randall RT2/50 power amps and RM20 combo. Yes, he also uses the mic eliminator outputs on the cabs.
FYI, all Egnater designs.