The Randall RM1250 amp

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2011
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Wherever there's a guitar shop
Hi! Never owned a Randall, but I really liked the crazy concept of the RM1250 I was recently about to jump on one in the classifieds when two forum members kindly informed me there has been some midi issues with this one. I did a search on this forum and was terrified when I saw those horror stories.. If I remember correctly this amp was not designed by Bruce Egnater.

Two questions;

1) It can access both channels of dual eggie modules, but are both channels also accessible through a midi foot switch?

2) Has anyone else had these midi break downs and had the problem fixed?

I'm very intrigued by this crazy 12 modules amp concept but at the same little bit hesitant due to these indications of inferior design quality not to be compared with the egnater designed randall stuff eg the rm100..
blacksun said:
Two questions;

1) It can access both channels of dual eggie modules, but are both channels also accessible through a midi foot switch?

Nope, 1 channel only, and though i doubt it can be modded to accept 2-channel modules, if it is possible, it's gonna be costly rewiring 12 bays

...don't have any issues with mine, but concensus is:
First attach Midi-pedal, THEN power on

Also, you may find that having a 12-bay modular amp doesn't have much need for the modular elements
sure, wear and tear will be less than with a 3-slot RM-100 and 12 modules, but I can't see a real advantage
(dunno if the RM1250 is as heavy as the RM100, if not, that can be a benefit as well)
blacksun said:
2) Has anyone else had these midi break downs and had the problem fixed? .

I currently have/had a rather strange MIDI problem, as discussed on a previous thread. Rob/JF had tried to get a hold of Randall to resolve the problem, and had no luck getting parts or any help at all. On a whim, I sent several emails to Randall customer service, and they actually responded. I received a new PROM (chip) a few days ago, and hope to install it tomorrow. I will let you know how it turns out.

You cannot access both channels of an Egnater module with MIDI, only by cycling through channels with the front panel button. I tried everything.....
JayDA said:
You cannot access both channels of an Egnater module with MIDI, only by cycling through channels with the front panel button. I tried everything.....

Hmm, could it be that the RM1250 button sends sysex or cc values?
Thanks for the input guys!!

My initial thought was to dig up some solution to be able to midi foot switch this monster since both eggie channels are accessible through the front button (but strangely enough ChB is supposed to be activated first).

According to the manual there are previously defined cc-values for each of the 12 module slots, so perhaps the front switch uses a vendor defined script, maybe through midi and sysex as Nightdare suspects.

I guess my hopes of it working as 3 M4s in conjunction to switch between dual eggie modules goes down the drain..I'll continue to keep my hand off these things..
Does anyone have a Randall RM-1250 for sale?
Hi there

Not sure if this is helpful being that it’s in New Zealand but this is listed our national auction site, I purchase my Rm250 from here for $1000 NZD not sure how much freight would be they weigh a ton well 36kg!
I would but it if I had the spare funds as they don’t come up very often here here in New Zealand

Good luck!