Love the amp - hate the loops

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2009
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Have the Lynchbox 50 Combo. As I've stated I love this amp on it's own. Butt I am quite frustrated getting effects out of it.

Tried the G Major thru both loops. Now I remember why I hated multi-effects processors back in the day. It kills the tone of the amp.

If you use the parallel loop you lose the onboard reverb, which I happen to like.

I use effects once in a while during my shows. I'll put the Bad Monkey in front of the amp, but I also have a Visual Sounds H2O and a Line 6 DL4 which I'd like to put in a loop. If you put them in front of the amp they sound horrible.

I've tried a loop pedal and the old volume pot trick, turning it down in the loops to get the line level down for the effects but there is either a difference in volume when the loop is engaged/disengaged or the effect is very hard to hear, even with the effects knob dimed on the amp. The series loop is even worse.

As the title says, love this amp, but it may not be useable for me. That would absolutely suck.
The trick is to run the old volume pot in the loop in front of the effects NOT inside a loop switch. Just use the bypasses on the pedals. You'll be fine. It'll just drop the overall volume back 15 db, and you'll make it up turning up the master volume. Use the series loop and worry no more. Your signal should remain the same level whether the effects are engaged or not.

DO NOT take your effects or the volume pot out of the circuit completely by switching your loop pedal to bypass.
But I also use the Master boost of the amp by leaving my Master Volume at around 2 o'clock. When I engage the MV it gives me the perfect amount of boost.
I've got the RM100 Lynch Box head. It has no master boost. My "master boost" is a Danelectro Cool Cat Transparent Overdrive.
Playing around with the series loop is actually giving much better results. I'm just going loop out - to bypass looper - Visual Sounds H20 - Line 6 DL4 - and back to amp. Bypassing is giving the same tone as when the loop is turned on but no effects are on.

It's working well, without the volume pot trick.

I guess sometimes geting back to basics is all you need to do.
The rm50 boost is a terrifying experience-BLAM
it's like Marty McFly plugging in, like an atomic bomb when the master volume is set low
All you have to do is keep the amp Master Volume at around 2 o'clock and reduce the module masters to an acceptable level for you. Then the Master boost works perfectly.

I 'd rather hear the power tubes involved a bit more in the overall sound anyway.