Lynch Box Talk

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2007
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Alberta Canada
Hi all... been quiet for me around here lately... time is tough to get. Hands have healed up from Carpal Tunnl Surgery pretty ggod but I'm still only about 75% of my former guitar playing self... LOL.

Started a new band back in June and things have been going well. Best group of guys I've played with in a long time, good chemistry, talented, dedicated, and great personalities. We put together a Classic/New Rock band and called it Sonic Diplomat. We have played a few gigs around town and plan on spending the winter honing our covers sets, writing origionals and getting our "rock show" down pat.

I use the Lynch Box ( full stack ) exclusively now for everything, live, rehearsal and recording. This amp is the absolute best thing that I've played through. I still run stock modules though I have been tempted by what I hear around these parts. I guess I'm a die hard that way.

Tomorrow I'm heading out to purchase another Lynch Box ( half stack ) for back up. I'm getting the Brahma, Grail, Plexi and Blackface.
I plan on running two Brahmas all the time in the main head and the super V for cleans and old school dirt ( just add BBE Green Screamer ). One Brahma will cover my main dirt rhythm tone while the other will be my main dirt lead tone. Just a slight change in the settings and one a few db louder... the BBE Green Screamer will be on all the time as I love what this thing does with the stock Brahma.

I plan on having the Plexi modded by a local Amp Manufacturer and re-doing the faceplate into what will be a signature custom module. The Blackface will be for recording mainly. I don't need a second Grail but it's a package deal so I may get it modded some time down the road as well.

For anyone waiting on "the Randall list" man I know your pain. In the beginning things were a little rough between me and the peeps at Randall. The Lynch Box however was well worth the wait.

Raise a Little hell - with the Lynch Box
Is that the LB that was for sale on eBay recently?

Saw it had no bids...totally criminal :-(

GL with everything man, it sounds like you;re having fun!
I got it locally here in Calgary. Picked it up tonight. I'm looking forward to the twp Braham set up and hearing the Plexi and Blackface preamps.

I probably don't need a other cab but its a good thing to have to fall back on. The extra head will be fun...

Full stacks now that's a Rock Star look, I'm jealous ... I kick it with a 212. w/super v"s

Your band sounds good keep on Rocking Dude!

Lynch box in action Jaded Faith Plexi and HBE for lead
I feel your pain, Khing... except I "just" have chronic tendonitis, and so no surgery can fix. Layoff for a couple years didn't help either because it came right back. Time to call the vet and be put to sleep.

I also scoured the nation back in early 09 looking for a SL+ module. I found one at a mom & pop somewhere via the internet, and not even on ebay. It was pure luck that this stupid link showed up. So they sent it to me. I spent two days looking for one.

I just love the tone of the LB w/ =C= 6550s and the SL+. It sounds great with everything I have except my Legacy. That sounds better with the JTM. I've recorded some more stuff using the SL+ and my Mustang, but added a Treble Boost because I like the way it sounds better than a screamer.
Julia the 6550's sound interesting... I may look into that myself.

Mike... while I can still lug them I will always take a stack over anything else... :twisted:
Especially these days where you don't need to have them cranked to ear bleeding volumes to get great tones... not that I don't turn up whenever I get the chance... LOL

I tried the Plexi today at rehearsals... I like this module it fits right into my overal tonal plan.

I just discussed a signature module deal with a local amp builder. I'm heading out mid november to get together and get the ball rolling on the prototype. I may have him do some upgrades/tweeks/mods to some other stuff as well.

Man I like that Plexi it's great... more bass than the Brahma, the top does not reach as high and the mid hump is slightly lower in placement on the shelf. Gain wise it's about the same... maybe a tad more... overal tonally it's more agressive to my ears.

Yes I have but it did not work for me prior to surgery. Up until about a month ago I was still noticing some very mild CTS symptoms in my right hand... worst of the two. That seems to have gone now. I still ice quite regularly though... especially after work or a long rehearsal. It is great to be able to sleep well and not have to wake up in pain any more.

We had a great last night... HALLOWEEN NIGHT!

I used both my Randall Lynch Box heads... one EL34L and one 6L6GC... three cabs and a few BBE effects.

I recieved many compliments on my tone.

Man the Lynch Box fuckin ROCKS!
I wanted to follow up and say that the combination of the EL34L and 6l6 Brahma's was quite interesting. The EL had a larger girth and a more sparkle top that just sings for leads whereas the 6L6 had a tighter more focused upper mid bite that just cut through. Together they represent a personal best lead tone.
I definetly want to try the SL+ ( new version ) I love the JCM 800 tone.

I ran 6550's in my Soldano for 15 years. They had a great top end from upper mids to the hi highs ( make sense ). I found the lows needed extra but that amp had no control similar to the LB's Density.

I don't have a soap bar pu guitar but I recently had the opportunity to play a friends Gold Top Les Paul... the Soap Bars in that guitar were open and rude sounding with a perfectly voiced mid hump on the bridge pup and it could also get creamy with definition on the neck pup. Excellent through the Super V preamp IMHO.
I got P90s in my 81 Les Paul, it has all that you mentioned. Just screams and wail at full gain, but tons of definition and nice mids at any settings, very full and round.
BTW got an LTD Super V, red cherry. Great piece, man. Although it's not a guitar that I play very often, I love looking at the thing. It's like looking at strippers :lol:
Although it's not a guitar that I play very often, I love looking at the thing. It's like looking at strippers
LOL... it's those sexy lines... or is it the dials... or do you just like to pull her strings... can't go any farther than that could get x rated... 

An 81 Les Paul... sounds nice!