Lynch modules vs standard modules

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Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score
I get the impression that the Lynch modules are modified versions of the standard modules. I'm curious how the following pairs of modules compare.

- Top Boost vs Lynch Super V
- SL+ vs Lynch Super Scary
- recto vs Lynch Grail
- plexi vs Lynch Brahma
The Mr. Scary is a little rawer and not as bassy as the SL+. However, they can be dialed in to sound very similar. I prefer the Mr. Scary.

Also, I've never had a Recto, but the Grail module kicks ***.
From what I've heard, the Super V is cleaner with a slightly richer sound than the Top boost, and a slightly scooped midrange while retaining the Vox-y flavor.

Similar story with the Brahma, only it's less gain with a bit less low end. Definitely more of a vintage version of the Plexi.
I had a Dave Friedman Brahma last time I was with the MTS and this time I got a Modded out Plexi module that just sounds KILLER!! Little more gain then the Brahma. But same great tone! Liking it more than the Brahma at this point.
Mailman1971 said:
I had a Dave Friedman Brahma last time I was with the MTS and this time I got a Modded out Plexi module that just sounds KILLER!! Little more gain then the Brahma. But same great tone! Liking it more than the Brahma at this point.
Preach on man, I am definitely going to have Dave do a few modules for me. Brown Eye, Hairy BE, and 45 for sure.
recto -
grail -
Grail is just a little tighter and I like it better.

I have both the Mr. Scary and just got the SL+ today. Mr. Scary has much more gain on tap and is less bassy. Mr. Scary to me resembles more of a Soldano sound with the gain at noon than a Marshall sound, which makes sense considering Lynch always seems to go back to Soldano eventually.

The SL+ is spot on for the JCM 800 with the gain at noon. I like both.