maybe getting another module, need your advice!

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Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
Jacksonville, NC
i'm looking to POSSIBLY get another module for playing really heavy styles. to describe the sound, it'd be like COB with tight low end and thickness like heard in deathcore/metalcore styles. i'm wanting that kinda tone.

now my Recto sounds good when cranked on the master and pregain at less than 3/4. with an OD on top of that it really gets heavy, but i have a feeling it's not what i should be using for this sound. which module would be best for it? something that has 5150 characteristics i suppose? the rhythm needs to be solid and chugga chugga style, with a nice lead tone too. b/c i'll use it for both rhythm and leads.


oh, and if you could suggest more than just one module, b/c the shop at home doesn't carry every single one.
if you're looking at stock modules, perhaps the Ultra or KH2 with a slight gain boost for crunchy rhythms. Lead work may lend itself more towards the Ultra XL or KH3. I have lots of experience with the KHs- the KH2 needs a bit of a boost but cuts through old school angry. The KH3 has more gain, but also more mids- great all purpose mod

Any of these mods can lead or crunch, it just seems as though each has a strongsuit
hmm wouldn't the KHs be more vintage voiced though? wouldn't they either be taylored after his early marshall days or mesa days? either way, i don't think i want a mesa type sound, i want something more along the lines of a 5150 sound, tight bass response. american voiced. so maybe the ultra might be a good one to look at? still looking for more opinions and such, thanks a lot for postin'!!
A 1086 will get you anything and everything inbetween what your looking for. I boost mine out front with a ts-9 and my shi* kills, mid voicing allows for Mesa to Marshall and the gain allows for anything you want. Its a Power house by itself but boosted its a freaking monster.
the 1086 is a mesa copy module isn't it? i'll look up clips on youtube, though if it's tailored to a mesa sound, i'll prolly stay away. i'm lookin' up clips right now though! thanks!

check these out this may help you.

But the 1086 isnt really all that rectified to me, least not on the mid switch to the right.
My bud has a 6505+ and he envies my Ultra XL. I would look into it.
Rellik said:
My bud has a 6505+ and he envies my Ultra XL. I would look into it.

Rellik have you owned or own now and ULTRA module, if so how does it stack up to the Ultra XL tone wise, I hear that both can get the 5150 growl and depth but is the Xl more of the lead channel or visa. I just got an ULTRA today actually so i have not played it. But id like to know what you think about it.!!

TheHunter said:
Rellik said:
My bud has a 6505+ and he envies my Ultra XL. I would look into it.

Rellik have you owned or own now and ULTRA module, if so how does it stack up to the Ultra XL tone wise, I hear that both can get the 5150 growl and depth but is the Xl more of the lead channel or visa. I just got an ULTRA today actually so i have not played it. But id like to know what you think about it.!!


Hey man, I actually have not played the Ultra. I've only had the mods in my sig and a Tweed, which I didn't really care for. I hear that the Ultra XL has more mids which make it a bit better for leads and cutting through the mix. I am very happy with it. My friend with the 6505+ is here right now - he states that it "has more character" to it. It has a lot of balls, that's for sure.
i think the ultra is better than xl but both are similar and come with a good deal of noise, what hunter said about the 1086 is 100 % dead on. and i wouldn't say it has a mesa sound at all, to me it just sounds pissed randall style and cranked out and boosted up it is a freakin monster whith a nice tight growl somwhat reminisannt of 5150 but different all together, to me it sounds very original, the kh-3 may be what your looking for though, its tight, defined, gainy and dry like a 5150 :twisted: