Module for my Tube Driver, Eric Johnson violin tone

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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2008
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Just picked up a Old Chandler Tube Driver that I have been wanting for years. Using it for Gilmour tones, after my Green Russian muff. It is a great pedal and everything I hoped it would be. I usually run my pedal board through the Blackface but I have been running it through the Plexi lately. Been playing some Eric Johnson stuff and the tube driver is great for that as well.
I also can get a very smooth E.J. tone better with the plexi. I have been thinking about getting a new module to compliment the T. Driver My first thought was a KH3. The SL+ is to bright and to much gain. Give me some suggestions. Think "Camels night out" from the G3 tour. Thanks
You have a great tone to search! I snagged a rack unit Chandler Tube Driver last year at our local musicians swap meet. Oh yeah, good times. I gave it up to a childhood friend that owns a recording studio. Great items to have. Im thinking you should go for a Tweed, Deluxe, or JTM. I have a modded Deluxe that gets close. More so when I use a bit of clean boost. I have had a modded Tweed that had a bit more of Marshall flavor that could have gotten there too, probably without the boost. EJ is known for his mix of Fenders and Marshalls. Thats where I would head. I use a EJ Dimarzio in my paul and its super fun. Makes the paul sound not like a paul but in a good way. Good luck man.
The KH3 has more gain than the SL+. Its just darker. I would say talk to nodded about what you want and have them mod the plexi to get it.
Read up a bit on EJ. and he is using the TD. through a marshall plexi. ( hope that is correct) but it would seem to bright for his tone. Maybe it is the fuzzface pedal that is making it so dark? I can get real close with the tone knob off from one of my srats but not quite there yet. The other Strat has vintage noiseless in it and that is to bright, even with the tone rolled off. This will be fun to search for. Now if only I could play as well as him. Just to clarify, searching for the dirty tones. Thinking on it more so, It very well be the plexi is the one, just need the dallas arbitor fuzzface or a clone. When engaging the TD, it actually brightens up the amp, which suprised me as I expected it to darken up. But when turning down the eq and adding gain, it really nails that smooth violin tone. Thanks for any thoughts on this keep em coming.
I had a couple of pics somewhere of EJs pedal settings. Have to round them up. The rack unit of the TD was much more versatile. More knobs to play with. :D Had a bunch of fun with it. Should have kept it. Another favorite tone guy of mine is Andy Timmons. He uses a TD as well. He definitly likes different boost tones. Check him out for great tone as well. They have similar abilities but Timmons takes a more Rock feel than EJ.
definatly try a 1086. It's a real unique (imo) tone that's kinda different than other tones. (played tuned down is where it's supposed to be at) I was really suprised how much i liked it at low gain, more so than high gain.
wakeguitar said:
definatly try a 1086. It's a real unique (imo) tone that's kinda different than other tones. (played tuned down is where it's supposed to be at) I was really suprised how much i liked it at low gain, more so than high gain.
Yeah, didnt think about that. I first tried my 1086 at lower volume and low gain when I got it. Everyone in the house was asleep. It did get a great dark tone. Especially with the mid switch to the right. I think its voiced better than the plexi. More versatile for sure.
You know I could have got the rack unit, but then I'de need a rack and so on. I have heard from many people it actually sounds better, but that is due to the bias knob that the rack unit has. maybe other things as well. But it doesn't fit on a board :? Andy Timmons is so good and one of my favorites. He is using mesa lonestars and pedals.
AS far as the 1086's go, it might be worth a look. Never tried one. Played for a bit this morning and tweaked knobs and tried different combinations of pedals and found my Skreddy pig mine sounded pretty good with the TD. running after it. Will have to mess with it some more later.
Mike361 said:
You know I could have got the rack unit, but then I'de need a rack and so on. I have heard from many people it actually sounds better, but that is due to the bias knob that the rack unit has. maybe other things as well. But it doesn't fit on a board :? Andy Timmons is so good and one of my favorites. He is using mesa lonestars and pedals.
AS far as the 1086's go, it might be worth a look. Never tried one. Played for a bit this morning and tweaked knobs and tried different combinations of pedals and found my Skreddy pig mine sounded pretty good with the TD. running after it. Will have to mess with it some more later.
I seen him twice last year and the Lonestar is a mainstay but he also uses the Stilletto. His last album was mostly a JMP run through a Plexi which is why he uses the Stilletto for those tones live. Maybe thats the new modded module to be matched. Hmmmm.......Modders? Anyone?
I found some great youtube vids of EJ and shows his full rig and pedals. Very sparse as some go. His basic dirty tone is just a 100 watt plexi, 4x12 with greenbacks, the TD, and the fuzzface. Also saw a great video of him using a 335 at the house of blues and the tone sounded just like my LP with the p90's through the plexi with the gain around 2/3. Great bluesy tone,Thick and round. I actually thought of the jtm, what is the difference from a plexi?
Mike361 said:
I found some great youtube vids of EJ and shows his full rig and pedals. Very sparse as some go. His basic dirty tone is just a 100 watt plexi, 4x12 with greenbacks, the TD, and the fuzzface. Also saw a great video of him using a 335 at the house of blues and the tone sounded just like my LP with the p90's through the plexi with the gain around 2/3. Great bluesy tone,Thick and round. I actually thought of the jtm, what is the difference from a plexi?
Yeah the 335 he uses, he had Dimarzio design pickups for. He wanted a Country Gentleman feel. Ive used mine in the neck position in a few guitars and its awesome. Very classic and clean but you have to be careful with too much boost or it gets a bit muddy. Very P-90ish if you ask me. Ive played a guitar like your Tribute a bit and those pickups are close. Dont forget to try and roll off you volume a bit. EJ is famous for toying with his a ton when playing. I have his ACL dvd and its amazing to watch. My wife actually plays it while Im at work and she is picking up around the house. Great stuff. My fav on that show is Are You Experienced?.

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