Module Madness...Sadness or Gladness? :-/

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But seriously it has to be one of the coolest and uncoolest things out there......coolest in the options for tone.......uncoolest that it is addicting and you want to collect them all...even more so with the Pete mods and faceplate mods....even though I have a KH-3 and Scary.......I just KNOW......I will end up with a modded SL+ down the many freaking Marshall tones do I need? :oops: :roll: :lol:
shred-o-holic said:
But seriously it has to be one of the coolest and uncoolest things out there......coolest in the options for tone.......uncoolest that it is addicting and you want to collect them all...even more so with the Pete mods and faceplate mods....even though I have a KH-3 and Scary.......I just KNOW......I will end up with a modded SL+ down the many freaking Marshall tones do I need? :oops: :roll: :lol:
You nailed that EXACTLY! Way to habit forming and CURIOSITY was killing on these amps!
But as far as "How many Marshall tones do you need?"
The Answer is.........JUST ONE MORE!! :D
I went thru the MTS twice.....I am sure a 3rd time is coming up(THEY ALL COME BACK!!)
Missing it already thats why I keep popping in here daily! :D
I have a Framus Cobra and Engl Invader at the moment. Still playing thru the Lynch box Cabinet though(FREAKING AWESOME!)
Both the Framus and the Engl are Great solid amps with Killer tones. But something is SPECIAL about the MTS that draws me back in like a Magnet. I am sure there are others that KNOW THIS FACT!
The modding of the modules, the tweaking, trading, etc.....pretty cool stuff that I will be back into soon. Think this time I am going all Pete mods.......
Ok you got me.... a couple of Friedman mods as well! :wink:
Mailman1971 said:
I went thru the MTS twice.....I am sure a 3rd time is coming up(THEY ALL COME BACK!!)
Missing it already thats why I keep popping in here daily! :D
I have a Framus Cobra and Engl Invader at the moment. Still playing thru the Lynch box Cabinet though(FREAKING AWESOME!)
Both the Framus and the Engl are Great solid amps with Killer tones. But something is SPECIAL about the MTS that draws me back in like a Magnet. I am sure there are others that KNOW THIS FACT!
The modding of the modules, the tweaking, trading, etc.....pretty cool stuff that I will be back into soon. Think this time I am going all Pete mods.......
Ok you got me.... a couple of Friedman mods as well! :wink:

Which Invader do you have the 100 or one fiffy? I played the 150 and dug it immensely....I hear the 100 is even better......I've tried most of the ENGL's except for the SE......great amps... :twisted:
shred-o-holic said:
Mailman1971 said:
I went thru the MTS twice.....I am sure a 3rd time is coming up(THEY ALL COME BACK!!)
Missing it already thats why I keep popping in here daily! :D
I have a Framus Cobra and Engl Invader at the moment. Still playing thru the Lynch box Cabinet though(FREAKING AWESOME!)
Both the Framus and the Engl are Great solid amps with Killer tones. But something is SPECIAL about the MTS that draws me back in like a Magnet. I am sure there are others that KNOW THIS FACT!
The modding of the modules, the tweaking, trading, etc.....pretty cool stuff that I will be back into soon. Think this time I am going all Pete mods.......
Ok you got me.... a couple of Friedman mods as well! :wink:

Which Invader do you have the 100 or one fiffy? I played the 150 and dug it immensely....I hear the 100 is even better......I've tried most of the ENGL's except for the SE......great amps... :twisted:
I got the 150 and its a true monster. I have it up on Ebay now. Going to sell it out to raise some funds. Maybe for another Lynch box? :lol:
I went thru a Egnater Mod 100, Egnater Mod 50, 2 Lynch box heads and still keep coming back to the MTS. :D
Right now that Framus Cobra is the most Killer head I have used to date. For brutal tones. Like a Mesa on Steroids.
Mailman1971 said:
I got the 150 and its a true monster. I have it up on Ebay now. Going to sell it out to raise some funds. Maybe for another Lynch box? :lol:
I went thru a Egnater Mod 100, Egnater Mod 50, 2 Lynch box heads and still keep coming back to the MTS. :D
Right now that Framus Cobra is the most Killer head I have used to date. For brutal tones. Like a Mesa on Steroids.

I understand where you are coming from....that's why I have a Fireball and of both worlds... 8) I'll admit it......the RM 20 has been getting much more attention as of late......but I'm sure I'll give my ENGL some quality time again soon... :twisted: :)
Yeah.....its a hard game sometimes. To have a little of "EVERYTHING" but the MTS is a great deal all around but to get them "UBER" really killer. 8)
I just like to go thru all the amps to try to weed out the weeds and see what is really KILLER! I go thru amps like water but what people need to know is that I have been playing for over 25 years and just trying out all the things that are available. Nothing "ridiculous" about that. Music is my hobby and I played in numerous bands thru the years. Just a old guy trying to have fun!!!
Keeping metal alive!! 8)
Mailman1971 said:
Yeah.....its a hard game sometimes. To have a little of "EVERYTHING" but the MTS is a great deal all around but to get them "UBER" really killer. 8)
I just like to go thru all the amps to try to weed out the weeds and see what is really KILLER! I go thru amps like water but what people need to know is that I have been playing for over 25 years and just trying out all the things that are available. Nothing "ridiculous" about that. Music is my hobby and I played in numerous bands thru the years. Just a old guy trying to have fun!!!
Keeping metal alive!! 8)
:lol: I think buying gear is a hobby!!! :D
jmgman70 said:
Mailman1971 said:
Yeah.....its a hard game sometimes. To have a little of "EVERYTHING" but the MTS is a great deal all around but to get them "UBER" really killer. 8)
I just like to go thru all the amps to try to weed out the weeds and see what is really KILLER! I go thru amps like water but what people need to know is that I have been playing for over 25 years and just trying out all the things that are available. Nothing "ridiculous" about that. Music is my hobby and I played in numerous bands thru the years. Just a old guy trying to have fun!!!
Keeping metal alive!! 8)
:lol: I think buying gear is a hobby!!! :D
Yes.......EXPENSIVE HOBBY.......but a great hobby none the less!
been doing it for years....and all I need is " MORE COWBELL!!"
Mailman1971 said:
jmgman70 said:
Mailman1971 said:
Yeah.....its a hard game sometimes. To have a little of "EVERYTHING" but the MTS is a great deal all around but to get them "UBER" really killer. 8)
I just like to go thru all the amps to try to weed out the weeds and see what is really KILLER! I go thru amps like water but what people need to know is that I have been playing for over 25 years and just trying out all the things that are available. Nothing "ridiculous" about that. Music is my hobby and I played in numerous bands thru the years. Just a old guy trying to have fun!!!
Keeping metal alive!! 8)
:lol: I think buying gear is a hobby!!! :D
Yes.......EXPENSIVE HOBBY.......but a great hobby none the less!
been doing it for years....and all I need is " MORE COWBELL!!"
You know it,and definitely cheaper than a meth habit but maybe more addicting :shock:
Oh addicting!!
Been thru so many amps thru the years. Not even funny!
well.......yes it is! hahaha! :D
But I know what I likes.......and that is all there is to it!
No sorry sorry needed here. If you dont like what you got.....sell it!
But something new....then keep doing that till you get the PERFECT AMP!
I think overall....the perfect amp is the Egnator / Randall MTS amps.
They can do it all! But i need to keep hitting myself with the hammer to know that it hurts. :oops:
Later Brothers............
Danno is out
Mailman1971 said:
Yeah.....its a hard game sometimes. To have a little of "EVERYTHING" but the MTS is a great deal all around but to get them "UBER" really killer. 8)
I just like to go thru all the amps to try to weed out the weeds and see what is really KILLER! I go thru amps like water but what people need to know is that I have been playing for over 25 years and just trying out all the things that are available. Nothing "ridiculous" about that. Music is my hobby and I played in numerous bands thru the years. Just a old guy trying to have fun!!!
Keeping metal alive!! 8)

We sound similar........been playing 27 years and since visiting forums like this......I have wizzed through about 25 different amps on that whole "holy grail" excursion.... :roll: :lol: ..wasted alot of money flipping gear to find what I like but also did learn alot about setups......also played in 15+ bands and saw people use some of whackiest and most horrible rigs in that time......some players actually made some of those horrible rigs sound better than good!

MTS though....easily some of the best tones of all the expensive gear I've tried or owned....reliability issues killed it for me the first go I'm back to see if they've fixed the bugs.....well in a mini sense with the RM 20... :lol: ....I would love an RM 50 maybe later.....the 100's are just too heavy to lug around.......although the Lynch it much better than a standard RM 100? If
The Lynch box is the same as the RM100 but different tolex/faceplate/comes with EL34's. I bought mine since I am a Huge Lynch Fan. I also have been thru the search for the "holy" tone and found out that there is no perfect amp. Lot of them are perfect for that ONE TONE, but something else usually suffers in the process....etc Clean suck, not dynamic, too fizzy...etc. But overall the MTS is about the best you can get for guy who wants to be able to throw down any style at any time. I just go thru Honey moon stages with amps then get bored and wanna try something else. I used to think the Egnater heads were better than the Randalls.....WRONG. They are just different. Both sound great but different. I am still in full circle.......probably coming back to the MTS soon, but for now just enjoying the trip back! 8)
I enjoy reading and chiming in on this board and it keeps the fire lit for when I get back in the game. I am sure alot of you guys can relate on this with me.
Rock on brothers.........
JKD said:
I think I may have overdone it finally:

Steve, I agree that you have overdone it; really bad taste in having all those modules. If you sell me your UXL then I think you would might be OK again.

:D :D
That is awesome! Hey Steve, what's that module on the lower right of the highest m4? UXL? I've never heard of it, care to fill me?

Man I can't wait till my m4 comes in, but something tells me I will one day need more than one as well...