Module Storage

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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2011
Reaction score
Bozeman, MT
I have 16 modules now. I have two in my studio and one in my live rig. That leaves eight units that are usually in a box. Since all of them didn't come with boxes and the boxes are marked with different mod names, I thought it would be cool and less confusing for my addled brain to have either a spot on my studio desk or in a cabinet where I could have them displayed kind of like a liquor cabinet or stash box (except more dangerous.) I could wake up and say to myself "What flavor would I like this evening?" walk over to the cabinet and then make my selection.
I saw in a thread a few weeks back some storage cases with foam. I thought it might be nice to have some cut out foam with the modules in them, but I don't want to snag anything on the modules and hurt something. Has anyone done this? What kind of foam would work best? Anything to look out for?
I like having mine out where I can see them, so I bought this guy on amazon awhile back. It's just a simple document organizer type quite well, and the price is right. You can get solid wood fancier ones to match a nicer desk or whatever. Also handy for storing tubes, mics, pedals, etc. I couldn't resist taking a little family photo since I just picked up four more mods from Rob tonight.....


Wow! I felt movement down there again.
That is definitely better than what I had in mind. I found this one at staples:
What a great idea!
thanks a bunch
What a puny collection... :lol:

Very, very envious. Looks very organized.
So many mods !!!!

I just have a select group that I can't seem to venture away from to justify such an amount. That and I also can't venture away from thrash!
ricknasty1985 said:
Wow, I'm more intrigued at your dedication to Rob/JF... He'd be so proud seeing that, great work!!!

I feel like such a ***** now :oops:

Yeah, I guess my whoring days are behind me now :lol:

Seriously though...Rob's a good dude, and his customer service is second to none. I've had plenty of other mods over the years, and I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything.

Enough of my hijacking this thread with pretty pictures...back to the question at does everyone else store their mods?
I go with this:

8 x 6 x 2 Indestructo Mailers
6 x 8 Bubble Bags

These are then stored in a Rubbermaid container.
Drew, I kind of did the same thing but got tired of fishing through trying to find the module I wanted for a particular gig or session. Most of them came in the nice charcoal colored boxes that Randall eventually went to. Some had the flimsier white cardboard boxes. It just got old being in a hurry sometimes and putting them in whatever box I had handy and then trying to find it later. I really like the idea of having them out where I can see them.
I second whomever spoke of Rob's customer service being second to none. Of the 16 modules I have, 14 were modded by him. I have 3 more that will soon be in his hands. If he has kids, they owe me a think you note for a semester of college.
ricky said:
Drew, I kind of did the same thing but got tired of fishing through trying to find the module I wanted for a particular gig or session. Most of them came in the nice charcoal colored boxes that Randall eventually went to. Some had the flimsier white cardboard boxes. It just got old being in a hurry sometimes and putting them in whatever box I had handy and then trying to find it later. I really like the idea of having them out where I can see them.

I agree, getting them out and switching them around is a PITA. While having them out is convenient and attractive, dust is not the friend of electronics and I'm not a fan of dusting frequently. Hell, running a vacuum around my music area once a week is my limit. :D Not to mention if you have kids/dogs/cats running around the house - I like my gear as locked down as it can get.
drewiv said:
I like my gear as locked down as it can get.

Oh trust me I studio is Fort Knox, no dogs or kids in there :lol: I would never have all this stuff out if I had those kind of considerations.

Ask yourself, aren't your modules worth it? They do so much for you and ask so little in return...
Jayda, I noticed a conga under your modules. I hope that is yours. What would be the point of banning children and pets from your studio and then letting a drummer in?
JayDA said:
drewiv said:
I like my gear as locked down as it can get.

Oh trust me I studio is Fort Knox, no dogs or kids in there :lol: I would never have all this stuff out if I had those kind of considerations.

Three rambunctious Pits and a curious 7 year old niece here... There aren't enough cases, boxes and bubbles in between my gear and any of them. :lol:
Mattfig said:
ricky said:
Jayda, I noticed a conga under your modules. I hope that is yours. What would be the point of banning children and pets from your studio and then letting a drummer in?

He's right...I have a drummer and he's filthy...

I can rarely get a drummer to show up. :(