More Lynch Box Love

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2007
Reaction score
Alberta Canada
It's official my love for the Lynch Box runs deep... :lol:

Just ordered my fourth Lynch Box cab... in a time when many bands cover thier amps with band banners and other stage props or use moddeling the rock stage has become somewhat desolate... in the spirit of Rock I'll be gigging with two full satcks from now on... let the madness begin!

Is it more than necassary... hell yeah... is it more than I want hell no!

Same can be said for my love of PRS guitars... I'll be using a SC245, CE22 and SE Paul Allender.
khingpynn said:
in the spirit of Rock I'll be gigging with two full satcks from now on... let the madness begin!

Is it more than necassary... hell yeah... is it more than I want hell no!

Let the madness reign! Long live rock n roll! 8)
I drive a Kia Rio 5... LOL... hey I can fit a half stack in that with two guitars.

When Sonic Diplomat plays we have/use three pickups to move our gear.

Let the madness reign! Long live rock n roll!

Now thats what I'm talking about!

I may scrap the SE Paul Allender idea now... nice guitar but the Mike Akerfeldt is more appealing to me now... will have to see.

I'm also eyebaallin a 2003 Charvel model 1.
I'm going the other way, I'm just using combo's now and loving the portability. Oh, and I'm also the singer so I gots to hear myself.

But lovin your ambition, more POWER to ya.