My Jammin ROOM!!

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2008
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Ok, Here is where the MAGIC happens!
Complete with Video game, Stereo, Full band set up....
Its my "MAN CAVE".... :mrgreen:
My RM100 is out of the shell....changing fuses and what not..... 8)
Shows my Mercury Tranny and the 1087 and Custom 3 module!
(not pictured Hairy Brown Eye in 3rd spot!)
Wish I knew how to post pics......but only links.... :evil:
Let me see where you guys ROCK OUT at!! 8)
download your pictures from your computer onto photobucket. Then copy and paste the "IMG" code to dispaly the pictures when posting or starting a thread.





How the hey can you run your Treble at that level with the 1087 into the Lynch cab? :shock:

Dead tubes? Need a hearing test? :lol: That tone cuts my head off with mine :p

Is that a pair of Sai on the wall? What's with the cool looking rack?
Yeah, thats a pair of Sai's. Got them in Japan. The pull out thru the "demon" head mask. I got tons of Japanese stuff in the house. Ninja and samurai swords....etc..
Its pretty wild stuff. I am not sure what we were playing when I had the 1087 set that high. I am always tweaking the knobs for different tones. 8)
Drives everyone else nuts though! :D
Mailman1971 said:
Yeah, thats a pair of Sai's. Got them in Japan. The pull out thru the "demon" head mask. I got tons of Japanese stuff in the house. Ninja and samurai swords....etc..
Its pretty wild stuff. I am not sure what we were playing when I had the 1087 set that high. I am always tweaking the knobs for different tones. 8)
Drives everyone else nuts though! :D

Dan you running the Boss SD-1 into the 1087? I can see it pealed the paint right off the walls! :D

Cool Jackson!

Thanks for sharing.
Nice MDF :D

But in all seriousness, does MDF soundproof good? Or do you just have that up as walls?

Also, got a thing for yellow, I see? :p
The transformer looks way different on the right from stock? Why is that? Mine is huge and weighs a ton. Did you replace all the transformers and choke?
Mailman1971 said:
Yeah, thats a pair of Sai's. Got them in Japan. The pull out thru the "demon" head mask. I got tons of Japanese stuff in the house. Ninja and samurai swords....etc..
Its pretty wild stuff. I am not sure what we were playing when I had the 1087 set that high. I am always tweaking the knobs for different tones. 8)
Drives everyone else nuts though! :D

Been a huge jap'o'phile since as along as I can remember...only regret is that I never had the chance to perfect my Sai Kata before abandoning Trad Karate (almost 8 years Shotokan) :D

I think the 1087 thing is simply a case of me playing alone for fun versus working in a real band or could be why the 1086 tone bothers me a lot in fact works better in a mix, whereas Grail, KH3, KH2 etc. just suit me better for noise making alone.
Shinozoku said:
Nice MDF :D

But in all seriousness, does MDF soundproof good? Or do you just have that up as walls?

Also, got a thing for yellow, I see? :p
I actually got some 1 inch thick styrofoam behind the OSB board. Room sounds really nice. My "ultimate" plan is to get egg carton foam or carpet over the OSB. But it sounds great in there. Its in the back half of my garage.
As far as the Yellow....yeah...I am stuck in the 80's! My Drummer had his kit well before i had the Killer. But I had over 20 of the Killers. Bought them all in Japan when I lived there for over 10 years. They are SWEEEEEEET Metal machines!! Mine is loaded with EGM's. But the stock pickups are out of this world as well!
Have them in another ESP I own. :D
The transformer looks way different on the right from stock? Why is that? Mine is huge and weighs a ton. Did you replace all the transformers and choke?
He replaced the silvery left one that says "Mercury" :p That's the output tranny. I think you replaced the choke tooo, didn't you JKD?

Also, thanks for the info :D I wanna know how I should set my own space up when I get one, so the best way is to see how other people do it :)
Well this is the 3rd weekend with no blowing a fuse(had to have been bad tubes) so I think it might be safe to put the amp chasis back into the headshell. :wink:
Its such a pain taking it apart to change a internal fuse! :evil:
But I think my problem is solved and the bad tubes are in the trash! :D