My little MTS setup

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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2006
Reaction score
Camas Washington
I thought I would share with you my MTS sickness.

Not shown are the 3 mods that are in Rob's possession. I am getting a XTC,
OD Special and a 1959RR Platinum Edition!
They were the ones that Randall sold through there online store a long time ago. My local dealer was able to get me a couple through his Randall rep. I don't think they made very many of them. They zip closed and have nice handle to carry them with and a zippered pocket to carry your picks :lol:
Nice setup bud and good to see another old school vet from early life of this forum :)

I used to have a gflex as well - really dug it.
:shock: Wow, nice collection man! I thought having 3 MTS heads
was a bit much. hahahaha I just traded off the 4th head for a G-Flex
4x12. Havent had a chance to rip it up with it yet. I hope it can keep
up with the Carvin cab. :wink:
BigBrewtus said:
:shock: Wow, nice collection man! I thought having 3 MTS heads
was a bit much. hahahaha I just traded off the 4th head for a G-Flex
4x12. Havent had a chance to rip it up with it yet. I hope it can keep
up with the Carvin cab. :wink:
Let us know how that G-Flex 4X12 sounds. I bet it is Brewtal :)
You also have one of those rare lynch 2 x 12's it seems. Ever take a peak inside to see what speakers it came loaded with? How does it sound?
I can't help asking a few questions. Which is your fav and why. I ask course I have only owned the 50 combo but with prices what they are, I am thinking about either a 100 head or a rm22. A good friend says el84's are a favorite and the size appeals to basment playing. Also do you prefer the 2x12 or 4x12? Or better yet could you live with the smaller cab.
Mike361 said:
I can't help asking a few questions. Which is your fav and why. I ask course I have only owned the 50 combo but with prices what they are, I am thinking about either a 100 head or a rm22. A good friend says el84's are a favorite and the size appeals to basment playing. Also do you prefer the 2x12 or 4x12? Or better yet could you live with the smaller cab.
It is really hard to name a favorite. They all sound different but good. Let start with the RM20 It sounds fantastic through all the cabinets 1X12,2X12 and 4X12. I like the EL84s. Some of my stock modules don't sound good in my RM100s but they sound excellent in the RM20. It can get very loud. I wish it was an RM22 because being stuck with 1 module bay makes it a little limited. The +s of the RM100s are 3 module slots,ability to try different power tube types.The drawbacks too F'n heavy if you gig out. I don't. The RM50 sounds about the same as the RM100 but you only get 2 module slots.
The RM50 also has built in reverb. A lot lighter than the RM100. My 2X12s are not typical 2X12 cabs. They are a lot deeper in measurement and in sound and volume. The Genz Benz will give most 4X12s a run for the money. The Lynch Box 2X12 will too when I get my SuperV speakers in it.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the info. If the 100 sounds like a 50, then I will go for the 22. I suspected as much but I am sure the shear power of a 100 would come through somewhat. Now I have to find a cab. :p
A friend just got a 20. We plugged it into my Bogner cab, and compared to my 50, it sounded very similar at low volumes. However, once you take it to a loud talk level, every module starts to sound the same. The 50 wins hands down for headroom.
Kapo_Polenton said:
You also have one of those rare lynch 2 x 12's it seems. Ever take a peak inside to see what speakers it came loaded with? How does it sound?
Yes the first thing I did was pull the back off and was disappointed to say the least when I saw two 20 watt greenbacks instead of two Super Vs. WTF is up with Randall loading the cab with a power 40 watts when the Lynchbox heads are 50 and 100. So I called USmusics uncustomer support and asked them that question. Their answer besides a bunch of BS was it was George's signature cab and he wanted it that way. So I said when I blow up the speakers with his signature head are you going to replace them under warranty and it went downhill from there :roll: I think the cab sounds great but I am probably going to replace the speakers.