N00b says Hi & check out my RM100

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chas_w said:
Not to derail this thread, but a new one is born and old one dies.

Thanks suphuckers for the kind words. That Trilogy on more than 9 or 10 oclock was way too stupid gain for me. Same pretty much with the Erect.

So yeah with that and 18 months or so with me fooling with MTS I am done with MTS. Standby for MTS dump here and on Fleasebay for some really great mods for sale. No rush to sell either since I already have my new gear so yeah top dollar pricing to be expected. I am done giving away this stuff for the sake of a flip.

MTS is really awesome. Not awesome enough for me. I for sure will regret these choices in a month. :) Not really.

You have any idea how many people who have dumped their MTS stuff and wound up back here within 6 months? Lol....What are you gonna sell? And curious- What new rig pulled you away? (for the moment :D )
rblyn said:
:D whoa...hold on..I guess Im old too then (my oldest daughter is 20). Seriously, everyone has their opinions- let's just say even though we may be close in age, we are way different in terms of taste/tone/evaluation of talent etc...All I will say is if you need a LOT of gain- You certainly can find it in MTS! You already said it on your previous post- Lots of modded modules will get Ethan what he's looking for!

rblyn sorry I missed this earlier

Anyways, I just mentioned my age because I think I like more gain/crunch etc than most guys my age. (...and it sounds like so does Ethan) You mentioned Metallica. My kid has trained me not to mention Metallica/Metal and/or Good Guitar Tone in the same sentence lmao. ..and that's the only reason I mentioned my age. I'm old(er) guy but I've been (partially) trained by the next generation ;)

That was my point. Younger guys would laugh at some of the stuff that was being said earlier about gain. I mean if you can play Metallica ... that shouldn't be the judge of any amp LoL

Dont get me wrong I loved Metallica back in the day tho ;)
rblyn said:
ethanw said:
Thanks for the replies guys! I keep the gain pretty much dimed on the lead channels on the 5153 and Uber. Maybe 7-8 sometimes, there isn't much past that point really, just more noise, lol. And yes, I play some pretty heavy s*&t, Carcass and that kinda stuff. I love old Sabbath, old Punk like Discharge, 90's Thrash, Slayer, etc. And I'm old at 48, lol.

The Ultra module when dimed isn't bad, needs maybe 20% more gain if I had to guess. The Ultra XL sounds more like me, maybe this one can be modded to XL specs, I have some electronic experience. The amp sounds a little flubby in the low end dept to my ear, I'm using a tight sounding Bogner closed back 2x12 w/V30's. I read on here about some guys modding the input stage, sounded interesting.

Last, I got this RM100 from a guy that had an endorsement I think. He has another identical one that I can get. It had the 1086 (?) module, silver like mine. I was thinking about trying to get it from him. As you can see on mine, I have the XL, SL+ (not bad, sounds vaguely Marshally), and the Tread Plate. The Tread Plate really blows in my opinion, flubby and not enough gain. Does not sound like a Recto, I have an old 2 channel right here. It is supposed to sound like a Recto, right?


Ethan-Yes, the Treadplate SUCKS!! My god, I have no idea what they were thinking when they made that one...There are some bad stock modules and that might be the worst of all...SL+ is pretty cool, especially if you can find a newer one (Black faceplates) If you have access to some stock modules to start, I would see if you bud has some of the signature modules- Mr Scary, Grail and the Judge (Lynch mods) are pretty **** good for stock. May not have enough gain for you though...1086 is the Dan Donegan (Disturbed) signature module...Its ok stock but I have a modded one that WAY better. Same base tone but a ton more clarity and balls. Super high gain modded modules will get you what you want...try the Breakneck (Uberschall mod by Sacred Groove) or the Angel E (Killer Engl tones done by Salvation mods) Those two are easily the best high gainers I've tried (and I've played most everything out there. There's a lot of posts on the forum about those two- do a search). There's some others of note too- The Criminal (Sacred Groove) Mamba (Framus Cobra -Salvation) Dreadplate (Recto mod Salvation) and suphuckers mentioned the JF Erect (Recto mod)...that was the best mod I've played from Jaded Faith- oh and I almost forgot the S150 (5150 mod by Salvation) All of those are really high gain but much, much clearer with more punch than any of the stock mods. All of the Salvation and Sacred Groove stuff can be ordered at motorcitymods.com or salvationmods.com has his own but with a longer lead time (coming from Europe). Good luck with the MTS stuff and welcome aboard! You already have two NICE amps that do the high gain stuff as well as anything...I know you're playing some stock stuff now- you might be surprised how good the MTS modded stuff can get...

Thanks for the tips. Sounds like the modded/Custom modules are the way to go. I'm gonna work with the amp a little before I invest any more dough. I think I might be able to trade my buddy out of the 1086 module, maybe giving up the tread plate (no loss there, haha). His other RM100 got damaged on shipping and they sheared the pots off of some of the modules. Pretty sure I can fix that easily, I even have the Alpha pots the modules use on hand as I used to build a lot of pedals.

My RM100 might have a bias problem too. One of the tube failure lights came on the day after I got it. No prob, I put in a new set of matched tubes-but the 2nd power tube reads much higher bias than the other 3, no matter what tube is in it. I gotta pull the chassis and see what the deal is. Are there schematics around for these?

suphuckers said:
ethanw said:
I have the XL, SL+ (not bad, sounds vaguely Marshally), and the Tread Plate.


Ethan That's not an UltraXL. It's just an Ultra. There's an Ultra, an Ultra Lead, and an UltraXL.

Yeah, I got mixed up, the UltraXL is what I'd like to try.
The UltraXL is a good stock Module, but you should really think hard about chas_w's Erect over there in the classified section. It'll blow the doors off of that UltraXL. (I promise ;) )

I would have bought it myself (...and I think about doing it every day), but I have 2 Modules already on Pre-order and a 3rd that I'm considering sending to be Modded.

Edit: ...and I'm not gonna try to convince you any more. I think I've said it enough times LoL
suphuckers said:
rblyn said:
:D whoa...hold on..I guess Im old too then (my oldest daughter is 20). Seriously, everyone has their opinions- let's just say even though we may be close in age, we are way different in terms of taste/tone/evaluation of talent etc...All I will say is if you need a LOT of gain- You certainly can find it in MTS! You already said it on your previous post- Lots of modded modules will get Ethan what he's looking for!

rblyn sorry I missed this earlier

Anyways, I just mentioned my age because I think I like more gain/crunch etc than most guys my age. (...and it sounds like so does Ethan) You mentioned Metallica. My kid has trained me not to mention Metallica/Metal and/or Good Guitar Tone in the same sentence lmao. ..and that's the only reason I mentioned my age. I'm old(er) guy but I've been (partially) trained by the next generation ;)

That was my point. Younger guys would laugh at some of the stuff that was being said earlier about gain. I mean if you can play Metallica ... that shouldn't be the judge of any amp LoL

Dont get me wrong I loved Metallica back in the day tho ;)

yeah, I get it..I hear the same thing and agree to an extent regarding Metallica. Im a fan of early Metallica but discount anything from Load on forward but I will say that without them- Im not sure you'd have Djent etc They kind of pioneered metal into a different direction and new bands have taken that to a whole different level now..Without adding a bunch of details though, I've been playing a long time- been on tour, had a record deal, endorsements blah blah blah..Never made any serious money at it so I've kept my backup plans in place and they've turned out well- So nowadays- Its simply rocking covers with some **** good musicians...Lots of variety but we stay in the in 80's and 90's...People who come to see our sets (mostly metal) respond really well to Metallica and Pantera covers...