Need help with effects?

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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2009
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Alright I just got another effect for Christmas, a boss DD-7. So i tried to put it in parallel and it just seemed like it was doing half of what it could be doing. So i tried it in front of the amp, and the delay was so clear and not as fuzzy. I dont know actually what to do with effects on my RM100. Since i never had them and i just now have a delay and tremolo. All i wanted is my effects to work fully also with a clear tone. Can anyone help me with this?
If you want to put the delay in the effects loop, put it into the serial effects loop. If you have never used effects and would like to read up on some methods for organizing a pedalboard and a whole lot more, take the time to read this article:
It has tips from some of the most legendary techs in the business and common sense solutions to basic common issues that people have with pedalboards. It is concentrated with a lot of information so take it in bites. I read this article years ago and it turned the lights on for me about how to do most setups and dispell myths about what I needed and what was complete BS. Hope it helps, bro. :D
Alright thanks for the info. I just want to run effects without having the tone being messed with cause i tried the tremolo in one.. i forgot which one it was. and it really made my amp sound bad and it wouldn't even work in the other loop. The effects loops are really confusing to me haha. Would it be better to run it in front of the amp or is that worse?
NgrungeBB91 said:
Alright thanks for the info. I just want to run effects without having the tone being messed with cause i tried the tremolo in one.. i forgot which one it was. and it really made my amp sound bad and it wouldn't even work in the other loop. The effects loops are really confusing to me haha. Would it be better to run it in front of the amp or is that worse?
I used to run effects in front of my amp for years. There is no problem with it as long as you get some things put together in the right order and everything in line is working properly. I use a GMajor 2 in the serial loop for pretty much all of my effects now. If you read the part of the article by Pete Cornish, the guy who set up Pink Floyd and a laundry list of legendary artists, he talks about pedal order and getting a good sound by buffering the signal. Scroll down on the page and check out : "The Cornish Method" For Eliminating Level Inconsistencies, Tone Sucking, and Noise From Your Pedalboard. If you are just using a trem and delay, I would make sure that the delay is the last in the chain before going into your amp input. You might need to make adjustments to the output level of the pedals to get things balanced. Also, spend some time reading the section on "Pros on Pedal Order". That will probably get you where you want to be.
Daryl said:
NgrungeBB91 said:
Alright thanks for the info. I just want to run effects without having the tone being messed with cause i tried the tremolo in one.. i forgot which one it was. and it really made my amp sound bad and it wouldn't even work in the other loop. The effects loops are really confusing to me haha. Would it be better to run it in front of the amp or is that worse?
I used to run effects in front of my amp for years. There is no problem with it as long as you get some things put together in the right order and everything in line is working properly. I use a GMajor 2 in the serial loop for pretty much all of my effects now. If you read the part of the article by Pete Cornish, the guy who set up Pink Floyd and a laundry list of legendary artists, he talks about pedal order and getting a good sound by buffering the signal. Scroll down on the page and check out : "The Cornish Method" For Eliminating Level Inconsistencies, Tone Sucking, and Noise From Your Pedalboard. If you are just using a trem and delay, I would make sure that the delay is the last in the chain before going into your amp input. You might need to make adjustments to the output level of the pedals to get things balanced. Also, spend some time reading the section on "Pros on Pedal Order". That will probably get you where you want to be.

Ahah. Okay. Ill mess around with that. Thanks man.
that DD7 may not work properly in the loop of your RM100. Because it is a line level loop, a lot of stomp boxes won't play along. I know when the RM100 arrived at my house I tried a bunch of pedals in the serial loop. Pedals that worked just fine the adjustable level of my JCM900. Didn't like the level they were receiving which caused all kinds of noise & level issues. If a delay pedal is causing distortion and dropping the output level of your amp while it is in the loop, it doesn't want to be there.
VitaminG said:
that DD7 may not work properly in the loop of your RM100. Because it is a line level loop, a lot of stomp boxes won't play along. I know when the RM100 arrived at my house I tried a bunch of pedals in the serial loop. Pedals that worked just fine the adjustable level of my JCM900. Didn't like the level they were receiving which caused all kinds of noise & level issues. If a delay pedal is causing distortion and dropping the output level of your amp while it is in the loop, it doesn't want to be there.
Yeah the Boss DD-7 has -20 input and output and the RM100 is line level for both loops. In front of the amp it is, bro... :D
Well for now, Im just gona stick with my current effects in front as long as i have them positioned properly. Maybe ill put some effects that i buy later on in the loops.
Well, if you can still take the DD-7 back there is a pedal just a little cheaper that would probably fit the bill. It is the TC Electronic Nova Repeater. $149

As you can see at the top of the pedal it's got inputs for line and instrument levels. Just a thought. :)
here's my 2c opinion

Boss pedals are digital so they will definantly screw with your tone if they are in front of the amp (DAC). But this shouldn't really be a problem as long as you don't plan on leaving delay on all the time. So if you don't like the tone while running through the pedal, either ditch the pedal for good or try using a router pedal (fx switching) to give you more control. There was a nice one I was looking at that had a fx send and a wet/dry control to blend with the original signal... can't remember it atm. There are lot's of quality products to do this.

Sorry if I didn't explain things properly but this method is quite popular.
"fx send and a wet/dry control to blend with the original signal."

I'm new to this but I thought that was what the parallel loop was for, no??
I might do that router pedal method if i get my hands on one. For now im just gona put them in through the front. It might take some tone away, but it wont be as much than putting them into the loops. Plus if i wont need them for a song ill just disconnect them.
$hitty.. no wonder my DD3 sounds like crap in my serial loop.. the digitech digiverb does not fair any better either.. line level must be the key so looks like I have to spring for a verb/delay unit :(.

you don't HAVE to, Ebtech has a line level shifter that you can use to make your signal the proper level for using pedals in the RM effects loop.

you MAY be HAPPIER with a rack unit in the loop though.

Good Luck!
As somone else pointed out, a parrallel effects loop allows you to mix in your "wet" effected signal with a"dry" amp signal that bypasses the effect circuitry. It really is the best way to run delay, reverb, and modulation effects. You're mixing the effect in with your natural guitar and amp tone rather than running your guitar or amp through the effect. When you place your effect in front of your amp or use the serial loop, your guitar's and amp's tone is somewhat altered by the effect's circuitry, even when the effect is off (unless your effect is true bypass). The trick when running effects through the parrallel loop is to have the mix or level knob on the effect unit dimed so that it is outputting only the effected signal. You then use your amps effects mix knob to dial in the amount of effect that you want mixed in your signal.
Little tip:
The DD-20 is line level, but you have to set it to that.
From the factory they are set to intrument level.
I believe the instructions for doing it are on the bottom of the pedal ;)

Also, for ultimate tone preservation you can use it in the parallel loop!

First: set the DD-20 to only send the wet signal.
And hook it up to the parallel loop and use the mix knob to your liking.

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