Need some FX help! Venting inside...

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Ultron said:
Thanks Matt, you're a most excellent dude. BTW, I took your advice on the Genelex Gold Lion tubes for V1, and......


I'm not looking for a 4CM multifx unit, I'm quite happy with my frontside pedals. I'm just looking for a good verb/delay floor pedal that will give me some basic tones....any modulation is a bonus, not necessary. There are a few that looks promising, but are instrument level. I've heard some mixed reviews from Julia on the Ebtech product, that's why I've been pushing for Line Level.

Not trying to threadjack but were the Gold Lions the obvious choice for most applications? I like them in almost any spot....They actually have a rich tonal impact in modV2 whereas most tubes don't really distinguish themselves in that position...They're expensive but worth it - glad you like 'em too...
rhequiem said:
This is what I am using, also. Still getting accustomed to running effects with the new rig (RM22 + HD500, as opposed to Axe FX II direct), but the HD500 has been a champ so far.

Slightly OT question for you, wesarvin - how do you handle clean boosts with the HD500? I am running 4CM, and tried a studio EQ with the gain up to do a clean boost, but it doesn't seem to do much, even with the gain up pretty high. Clean boosting on the Axe was super easy and efficient with a filter, but I've been struggling with it on the HD500.

wesarvin said:

Line level switchable, multiple options, great sounds, and you could even plug in other instruments or mics. I don't understand why so many people are stomp box crazy. Most new boxes are just little digital versions of the company's other gear (dl4, nova delay, etc.).

New multieffects sound great and have the flexibility of routing and portability.

Where was the boost in your chain?
Getting to the party a little late.. no secret that I think the LB100 effects loops sucks balls. I don't know what they were thinking. Wet/dry setup is also a good solution. I've got the 44 magnum pedal for that.

Pedal wise, the manufacturers need to get wise to this because this could be a huge selling point. Wish the hardwire series had a switchable level too. Like the Gmajor2 but I find i get volume cut when i set the input/output levels.
why do the Hardwire pedals need a switchable level? They have massive headroom so a line level signal doesn't bother them, and they work fine with a guitar level signal.

btw, running a TC Electronics Flashback delay in the loop of my RM100. Sounds great. The only thing that doesn't work as expected is the dynamic delay, which sucks. The level of the RM is just too hot. It's a shame because the dynamic delay works great with other amps. Love the Doug Aldrich toneprint.
Mattfig said:
Ultron said:
Thanks Matt, you're a most excellent dude. BTW, I took your advice on the Genelex Gold Lion tubes for V1, and......


I'm not looking for a 4CM multifx unit, I'm quite happy with my frontside pedals. I'm just looking for a good verb/delay floor pedal that will give me some basic tones....any modulation is a bonus, not necessary. There are a few that looks promising, but are instrument level. I've heard some mixed reviews from Julia on the Ebtech product, that's why I've been pushing for Line Level.

Not trying to threadjack but were the Gold Lions the obvious choice for most applications? I like them in almost any spot....They actually have a rich tonal impact in modV2 whereas most tubes don't really distinguish themselves in that position...They're expensive but worth it - glad you like 'em too...

The Gold Lions worked well in the RM100....definitely smoother and more musical. I originally was going to grab some more RFTs to put in there, I bought a bunch for my Mesa Mark IIB a few years ago when they were $ they are $60 from the same dealer!