I've had the mark V for a day and so far here's what I think. I've been A/B ing it with the Salvation Mark US
It's very touch sensitive. More so than any MTS module. I think that has more to do with the power amp, but I could be wrong.
-The cleans on channel 1 seem to be better than any module I've played.
The MarkV sounds HUGE!!!!!
-Notes are extremely clear and articulate no matter what channel I'm on.
-The amp is very hard to dial in. The Graphic EQ is great, but adds to the amps complexity to dial in.
-While the V30 speakers do add some great
low end, I like the stock speaker in the combo better for my style of sound. Its a little more articulate with a better top end
-The amps does not have as much gain as I'm used to. The Mark US module has WAY more gain than the MarkV in Extreme mode on channel 3.
-The Salvation Module tracks notes much faster (almost in a VHT like Way) than the MarkV. The Mesa still tracks notes fast, but the Salvo is just on another level.
- The Mesa feels a little more fender-ish and the Salvation feels a little more marshall-ish.
There's more sag when Using the salvation
The MTS system sounds nice at lower volumes, the Mark V has to be at a higher volume to sound great
-Overall if I had to compare them, Id say The Mark V has less gain better cleans and great touch sensitivity. The Salvation is better for high gain and tracks notes faster. It is also very easy to dial in.
I'm still split on what to do. I like the Mark V, but I wish it had more gain, especially on channel 2. I like how clear notes sound, but it can sound a little treble rich. On the other hand, the slavo rules for gained out playing and is much easier to dial in. I still need a few days, but It's crossed my mind that maybe I should put the Mesa on Ebay if I decide to keep the Salvo. The module really is that good

If I do, maybe I'll see if bruce has a spare M4 laying around. Having an amp to compare to my MTS system makes me appreciate the MTS world just a tad bit more.
Still, its only been a day or so and I need a little more time to decide on which one I'll keep.