New Pedalboard w/Liquid Foot Jr+

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Well-known member
May 2, 2007
Reaction score
Frederick, MD
This is the latest iteration of my pedalboard with the LF Jr+ as the centerpiece. The LF Jr+ is replacing a 1980s midi controller that only did program changes.
Right now I have it controlling the Egnater M4, RM4, RT2/50, Eventide Timafactor, Pitchfactor, Space and an Axess GRX4. I'm in the process of configuring a separate page for each of the factor pedals. I also built the 4 button box for the expression jacks to bank up/down and tap into the factor pedals.



Aw man, that LF is giving my Gordius LG a run for its money. :?

Sweet setup! Very tight and clean!
Seems like the board could be more compact though? (makes life easyer playing live .. )
m0jo said:
Aw man, that LF is giving my Gordius LG a run for its money. :?

Sweet setup! Very tight and clean!
Seems like the board could be more compact though? (makes life easier playing live .. )

The Liquid Foot is amazing; it's really cool how you can program multiple steps on each switch and many page layout configurations.

The empty space on the board shows how much space was saved by replacing my old midi pedal with the LF Jr+. Which is a good thing because now I have room for more pedals!
MarcoR said:
m0jo said:
Aw man, that LF is giving my Gordius LG a run for its money. :?

Sweet setup! Very tight and clean!
Seems like the board could be more compact though? (makes life easier playing live .. )

The Liquid Foot is amazing; it's really cool how you can program multiple steps on each switch and many page layout configurations.
Man, the Gordius does everything too, it even has conditional logic .. still haven't found a use for that though haha.

The LF looks awesome though, so small and yet perfectly functional. I love the screens at the buttons.
Do they light up more when active? Or is the state displayed on the screen in text or something?

MarcoR said:
The empty space on the board shows how much space was saved by replacing my old midi pedal with the LF Jr+. Which is a good thing because now I have room for more pedals!

Haha that's great. You definitly need to fill those gaps! ;)
m0jo said:
Man, the Gordius does everything too, it even has conditional logic .. still haven't found a use for that though haha.

That's interesting, I was going to suggest conditional logic to famc as a feature!

Here's a good example, most of the eventide pedals won't reload the algorithm if the preset selected is the same as the incoming midi program change; it will just reset the initial state. However, Space wants to reload the algorithm every time even if your already on that preset! Space has a huge latency gap between preset changes so if you want to go from a clean with a spacious verb to a dirty with just some tight ambiance, you have to suffer through a less than smooth gap to get there.

Conditional logic could say: If space preset number is not equal to this midi program change then load the preset, else do nothing.

As far as the screens over the switches, you can program them any color you want and set it so it's more bright or less bright when selected. They also tell you what step you're on.
MarcoR said:
m0jo said:
Man, the Gordius does everything too, it even has conditional logic .. still haven't found a use for that though haha.

That's interesting, I was going to suggest conditional logic to famc as a feature!

Here's a good example, most of the eventide pedals won't reload the algorithm if the preset selected is the same as the incoming midi program change; it will just reset the initial state. However, Space wants to reload the algorithm every time even if your already on that preset! Space has a huge latency gap between preset changes so if you want to go from a clean with a spacious verb to a dirty with just some tight ambiance, you have to suffer through a less than smooth gap to get there.

Conditional logic could say: If space preset number is not equal to this midi program change then load the preset, else do nothing.

As far as the screens over the switches, you can program them any color you want and set it so it's more bright or less bright when selected. They also tell you what step you're on.
Ah yes, very good example.
I believe there's a setting in the Gordius specifically for that ("Don't send messages twice" or something). But yeah I can see some uses for it. Just not in my rig.

Do you find the software user friendly? I tried it out, but it probably takes a while to get accustomed to their "language" so I can't really judge it. I find the Gordius software very nice, but it took a sec too to realise what means what exactly.

They use presets (patches, two-states, momentaries etc) > banks > songs > setlists (optional).
I'm guessing "pages" relates to "banks" right? (as in, a particular set up of patches on switches)
m0jo said:
Do you find the software user friendly? I tried it out, but it probably takes a while to get accustomed to their "language" so I can't really judge it. I find the Gordius software very nice, but it took a sec too to realise what means what exactly.

They use presets (patches, two-states, momentaries etc) > banks > songs > setlists (optional).
I'm guessing "pages" relates to "banks" right? (as in, a particular set up of patches on switches)

I like the software; it's intuitive for the most part but I had a little trouble setting up the expression jacks at first.

Pages let you design layouts for the switches; I would have called them "layouts". So I have a main layout I use that has 4 preset switches on the bottom row and 4 IA switches on the top. Then the box with 4 switches to the left has bank up, bank down, and a bank down for the Timefactor and Pitchfactor.

I will also set up pages specifically for each of the Factor pedals.

Programming steps is the coolest though; for example a switch on the first press will change the channels on my amp and select IAs, then the second press will activate a delay, the third press might kick in a boost, etc. So effectively, I can set up each change I might need in a song and only have to hit one switch. I basically have all the presets configured to enable a delay on the second press at the least.

Now, steps are different from functions; functions allow you to completely change the behavior of the switch after holding the switch for a set amount of time. So on my extension box I could configure the bank up/down switches to Page up/down after holding the switch for two seconds. Then I could go from my main preset page to a page dedicated to controlling the looper in the Timefactor.

Fun stuff!
Mattfig said:
That is the nicest and neatest pedalboard I've seen in a long time....Well done! It's a very satisfying feeling to put something like that together and actually have it work to boot!

Well thank you very much Mr. Fig! :D