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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2007
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As some of you may know I had an RM100c that was giving me hell (not a metal amp the combo) So i decided to build my own head and do things my way. This is called the VIPER100 and soon will have a matching 4x12 cabinet loaded with Vintage 30s. I will post more pics as it is closer to completion. HOPE YOU LIKE IT I DO!











Hey what up dude!!! Congradulations on the new head bro, I cant wait till the plexi glass is finished and installed, its goona look as sick as it sounds!!!! The snake skin and the LED lights really give it custom, tough look. You did a great job on the tolex and layout of electronics, I'm happy for you. O ya by the way.... BUILD ME ONE!!!!!!!!!!lol, Peace dude.
Much Props, Insightibanez
Pretty sweet work. I got a bunch of UV LEDS going in mine with a few other sweet things I have been cooking up for a while now.

You can wire the LEDs up several different ways. Using a series LED chain off the 18VDC power is the easiest way I think.
ummmm where in the amp? Is there any way that someone could take their amp apart and takes pix to point to were you hook it up to?

I would like to hook it up so when you turn the amp off standby, they go on.
I got 12v LED strips from, the are flexible, solderable, and have there own adhesive from 3M. Its really hard to solder to the amp w/o taking it apart limb for limb LOL, I took a short cut and wired it right to the fans pos/neg terminals, since it was upgraded too as you can see in the pic it too has its own LEDS in it, i knew this would be a quick solution and vuala it worked.

Thanks for the replys The matching Cab should be done soon.
Im running JJ KT88s on the inside and JJ KT66s on the outside. The ring you see on them is SILICONE rings for microphnic dampening and vibration from when it was in the combo, I just figured Id leave them in since they work so well, also on the under side of the chassis i have adhesive backed 1/4" neoprene in various spots to also keep the vibration levels to minimum. WORKS LIKE A CHARM the head is now more quiet than ever and looks so nice doing it.
nice work bro, is that just an empty head shell that you tolexed or did you cut that outta the combo, i would love to get an empty shell. i set mine down kinda hard on the side and it crumbled bigger than ****. these are heavy amps. are you gonna make a custom grille too? it looks great so far
I built the head by scratch, elbow greese and all.

3/4" Oak Ply, with hard wood pine frame. The combo is still intact LOL. I routed the resecion for the handles out so that you cant see the handles on the inside. Routed the LED resevoir, channel whatever with the table saw to 3mm, the height and width of the LED strip. The front will soon be the name of the amp (VIPER) (hence the snake skin) on a clear PLEXI GLASS, so the the LEDs will shine through the engraved name on the PLEXI LASS front.

Also to come will be the matching 4x12 cab got a custom expanded steel grill for that too, just like the XL series Randall cabs.

That looks amazing! Love the snakeskin (where did you buy it) great job!! A fan upgrade was next on my list as mine is a bit noisy. I have a Blue LED one already, but wasn't sure if this was a 12V fan, haven't had a chance to look.

Its interesting to see that the RM100C is backwards to the RM100, makes sense, but it will make a very unique RM100 head.

You had some cab questions in a previous forum. I have a bit of experience with building cab's. I'm not a pro, but let me know if you have any questions and I'll do my best to help out if I can. I can't wait to see the Viper 100 half stack!

If you haven't already, make sure you get high quality heat resistant plexi (Lexan). Even low heat will tend to make it go foggy after a short time. I built a PC case out of cheap stuff and it did this around the back where the CPU was. It was a hack job anyway, I rushed it and it didn't come out the way I wanted it to so I just junked it.
AXCL said:

That looks amazing! Love the snakeskin (where did you buy it) great job!! A fan upgrade was next on my list as mine is a bit noisy. I have a Blue LED one already, but wasn't sure if this was a 12V fan, haven't had a chance to look.

Its interesting to see that the RM100C is backwards to the RM100, makes sense, but it will make a very unique RM100 head.

You had some cab questions in a previous forum. I have a bit of experience with building cab's. I'm not a pro, but let me know if you have any questions and I'll do my best to help out if I can. I can't wait to see the Viper 100 half stack!

If you haven't already, make sure you get high quality heat resistant plexi (Lexan). Even low heat will tend to make it go foggy after a short time. I built a PC case out of cheap stuff and it did this around the back where the CPU was. It was a hack job anyway, I rushed it and it didn't come out the way I wanted it to so I just junked it.

Sweet man thanks so much.

Ya some fellas in the shop at my work hooked it up with the LEXAN and they are also providing the engraving on it for me, going with a gothic style print close to old english, itll look so sick with the LEDS gleeming through it ( I Hope)

The upside down combo does make for a unique head for sure, 1 of a kind LOL. has all you would need to build and cover anything AMP also has powder coated expanded flattened steel for your grill cover needs in any size you want for next to nothing. they also carry a variety of other hardware for rack gear and handles etc.

Thanks for all the replies you guys are freaking awesome.
AXCL said:

You had some cab questions in a previous forum. I have a bit of experience with building cab's. I'm not a pro, but let me know if you have any questions and I'll do my best to help out if I can. I can't wait to see the Viper 100 half stack!

Id love some help on this bro. is where I get all of my stuff from as well. Shipping to Canada is a bit of a pain in the A$$ though. No different from anywhere else I guess, but I'm sure a grill plate would be mucho $$ to ship.
TheHunter said:
AXCL said:

You had some cab questions in a previous forum. I have a bit of experience with building cab's. I'm not a pro, but let me know if you have any questions and I'll do my best to help out if I can. I can't wait to see the Viper 100 half stack!

Id love some help on this bro.

As I said, I'm no pro, but I did do a lot of research prior to starting to build speaker cabs and have some experience building a few, so I'm more then happy to pass on anything I know. From the look of the head, you've certainly got the skills to build it!!
AXCL said:
TheHunter said:
AXCL said:

You had some cab questions in a previous forum. I have a bit of experience with building cab's. I'm not a pro, but let me know if you have any questions and I'll do my best to help out if I can. I can't wait to see the Viper 100 half stack!

Id love some help on this bro.

As I said, I'm no pro, but I did do a lot of research prior to starting to build speaker cabs and have some experience building a few, so I'm more then happy to pass on anything I know. From the look of the head, you've certainly got the skills to build it!!

Im not sure about the skillz yet but i sure do have the tools lol, my wife got a HomeDepot credit card and I took it and had a MANS day at the hardware store if ya know what i mean LOL.

Ill hit you up when im ready to build and paa some ideas by you and see what you think.


I've been "collecting" my tools over time. The first cab I built about 4 years ago was with nothing more then a cordless skill saw / a drill / dremal. It took 2 days to get the ply cut as it was just too hard on the skill saw battery and I kept having to charge it. Now I have a garage that has so many tools my car won't fit. :twisted:
Tools, a mans best friend. Wife, the nag that tells you you have to many tools.

So im gonna make the cab out of 3/4" Birch ply, and its gonna be the same size as the RANDALL cabs, anything I should know about dimensions VS. sound ratio, like how far the speakers sit back, Im gonna use dado joints to secure the baffle to the uper, lower and side walls, the baffle will sit about 1 1/2 back from the front.

Any input.
...and you have too many guitars!

Are you making a slant / randall slanted straight / straight cab?

If you are using Dado's, I'd keep them shallow to retain the strength in the outside frame, but I'm sure that would work well.

I don't dato, I use 1x2 solid birch strapping (not pine...too soft), cut down the center corner to corner, many people believe 90 degree corners shouldn't exist in a cab (sound reflection issues, enhancing/killing certain frequencies) so 2x2 birch cut at 45 as a backer would also work.

This strapping can be attached to the outer edge of the cab for the baffle to rest on, giving you a great spot to screw into. I think it also helps to stiffen the cab a little, however it does add weight.


Guitar cabs are less impeded by size then bass cabs, the lower the frequency, the bigger the box. If you are basing it on a Randall XL then you are fine. 1 1/2 back from the front sounds good too.

It sounds like you are on the right track, the biggest tip I can give is to ensure there are no voids anywhere in your joints. PL Premium (construction adhesive) is my best friend. It will bond anything and can fill up to a 1/4 inch gap. Glue (with PL) and screw!! Vibrations on any joints will kill the cab and if you are putting V30's in it...its going to do its best to vibrate. :twisted:

If your new to PL, then tip - don't let it touch anything that your not sticking together. It doesn't bond instantly, but it will not come off!!! Especially from your skin. I wear latex gloves when I use it.